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Symposium Agenda

Time Topic Speaker/Panelists/Talks
9 a.m.
Registration check-in—Meet and greet with panelists and attendees  
10:30 a.m.
  Steve Chu, Director, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

  Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

  General Charles F. Wald

Panel I – Lifecycle Analysis: Developing an International Standard Moderator: Dan Skopec, California Environmental Protection Agency

Dan Sperling, University of California Davis: “Key Policy Issues and Proposed Approaches;” Alex Farrell, University of California Berkeley: “Measuring and Tracking Greenhouse Gas;” Jessica Chalmers, Fuels Programme Manager, Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership: “National and International Contexts”

Lunch—Catered lunch outdoors  
1:30 p.m.

  Dr. Dorette Corbey, Member, European Parliament

Panel II – Low Carbon Fuels Policies: International Approaches Moderator: Drew Kodjak, International Council on Clean Transportation

Alex Farrell, University of California Berkeley: “Business as Usual;” David Crane, Office of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger: “California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard;” Ian Hodgson, Directorate General of the Environment, European Commission: “A European Perspective;” Jason Grumet, National Commission on Energy Policy: "Congressional Perspective," “The Bush Administration Proposal”
2:45 p.m. Panel III – Towards a Low Carbon Future: Emerging Technologies Moderator: Dan Sperling, University of California Davis

Bill Provine, Director of Research, Dupont Biofuels Division: “Biobutanol”; Rick Zalesky, Vice President, Biofuels and Hydrogen Division, Chevron: “Biocrude”; Peter Friebe, General Manager, DaimlerChrysler’s Fuel Cell Project: “Fuel Cells”; Alan R. Weverstad, Executive Director, Environment & Energy Staff, Public Policy Center, General Motors Corporation: “Plug-in Hybrids”

Panel I – Lifecycle Analysis: Developing an International Standard

Panelists will discuss implementation of the Low Carbon Fuel Standard in California and beyond. Professor Farrell will unveil proposed methodologies for measuring and tracking lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions and present a series of scenarios illustrating how different technologies may compete while meeting the standard. Professor Sperling will describe key policy issues and discuss proposed regulatory approaches. A panelist from Europe will comment on the proposed technologies and policies and discuss how they may relate to national and international contexts.

Moderator: Dan Skopec, California Environmental Protection Agency


  • Dan Sperling, University of California Davis: “Key Policy Issues and Proposed Approaches”
  • Alex Farrell, University of California Berkeley: “Measuring and Tracking Greenhouse Gas” 
  • Jessica Chalmers, Fuels Programme Manager, Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership: “National and International Contexts”


Panel II – Low Carbon Fuels Policies: International Approaches

This panel will survey policies being implemented or under consideration to encourage the widespread adoption of low carbon fuels.

Moderator: Drew Kodjak, International Council on Clean Transportation


  • Alex Farrell, University of California Berkeley: “ Business as Usual”
  • David Crane, Office of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger: “ California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard”
  • Ian Hodgson, Directorate General of the Environment, European Commission: “ A European Perspective”
  • Jason Grumet, National Commission on Energy Policy: "Congressional Perspective," “The Bush Administration Proposal”
  • Other Panelists: “The Bush Administration Proposal”


Panel III – Towards a Low Carbon Future: Emerging Technologies

This panel will survey emerging low carbon vehicle and fuel technologies and panelists will discuss the nature and effectiveness of several programs in development.

Moderator: Dan Sperling, University of California Davis


  • Bill Provine, Director of Research, Dupont Biofuels Division: “ Biobutanol”
  • Rick Zalesky, Vice President, Biofuels and Hydrogen Division, Chevron: “ Biocrude”
  • Peter Friebe, General Manager, DaimlerChrysler’s Fuel Cell Project: “Fuel Cells”
  • Alan R. Weverstad, Executive Director, Environment & Energy Staff, Public Policy Center, General Motors Corporation: “Plug-in Hybrids”


Panelist Details

This page will be updated as the panelists are confirmed and details become available.

Jessica Chalmers
Jessica Chalmers manages the fuels program at the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership; and for the Department of Transport, the development of carbon and sustainability reporting guidance for companies supplying biofuels.

Steve Chu

Steve Chu
Steve Chu is the Director of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He is also Professor of Physics and Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of California at Berkeley, and was the Theodore and Francis Geballe Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at Stanford University.

 Dr. Dorette Corbey

Dr. Dorette Corbey
Dr. Dorette Corbey (1957, the Netherlands) is a member of the European Parliament since 1999. She is a member of the social-democrat party and her work focuses mainly on environmental, energy and climate change issues. Dorette Corbey played an important role in the establishment of the EU Emission Trading Scheme, she is currently spokesperson of the social-democrat party on Ambient Air Quality and is the appointed rapporteur on the revision of the Fuel Quality Directive.

David Crane

David Crane
David Crane is special advisor to the Governor for jobs and economic growth. Before joining the Administration, David was a partner for 25 years with Babcock & Brown, a financial services firm.

Alex Farrell
Alex Farrell is an Assistant Professor in the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California at Berkeley and director of the Transportation Sustainability Research Center. He has a degree in Systems Engineering from the U.S. Naval Academy a Ph.D. in Energy Management and Policy from the University of Pennsylvania. He has worked in the military, the private sector, at Harvard and at Carnegie Mellon University. Alex has published over two dozen peer-reviewed papers in journals such as Science, Environmental Science & Technology, and Energy Policy. His work focuses on the environmental and security implications of the energy sector.

Peter Friebe
Peter Friebe is the General Manager of DaimlerChrysler’s Fuel Cell Project offices located at the California Fuel Cell Partnership in Sacramento and at the LA Tech Center in Long Beach.  He is responsible for overseeing the operation of DaimlerChrysler’s California-based fuel cell vehicle fleet. Dr. Friebe began his career at the fuel cell engine maker Xcellsis as Technology Analyst and Project Manager. He joined DaimlerChrysler in 2003 where he was involved in vehicle assembly and maintenance of DaimlerChrysler’s first pre-production fuel cell vehicles. Dr. Friebe holds a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Electrochemistry from the Free University, Berlin.

Ian Hodgson

Jason Grumet
Jason Grumet is Executive Director of the National Commission on Energy Policy. Prior to joining the Commission, Jason served as Executive Director of Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM).

Ian Hodgson

Ian Hodgson
Ian Hodgson works in the European Commission's Directorate General for the Environment. He is responsible within that Directorate General's transport team for the EU legislation relating to the quality of petrol and diesel and for the Commission's proposed legislation to introduce a Low Carbon Fuel Standard for the EU. Prior to this Ian has worked previously in other parts of the Commission on issues such as transport energy use, railway liberalisation and charging for external costs. His career prior to the Commission has involved consultancy work in relation to transport policy, employment as a civil servant in the UK Ministry of Transport and in the transport sector. Ian has a degree in electrical engineering and an MA in EU Law.

Drew Kodjak
Drew Kodjak is Executive Director of the International Council on Clean Transportation, a group of government environmental regulators and international experts dedicated to improving the environmental performance and efficiency of vehicles and fuels around the world. Prior to joining the ICCT in 2005, Drew served as Program Director for the DC-based National Commission on Energy Policy (NCEP), a bipartisan 16-member Commission of energy experts that released a highly influential report, Ending the Energy Stalemate, in December 2004.  While serving as Attorney-Advisor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Drew was awarded the EPA Gold Medal for his work on the heavy-duty diesel rule. Drew is a member of Bar Associations in Minnesota, New Jersey, and the District of Columbia Court of Appeals.

Bill Provine

Bill Provine
Dr. William D. Provine is technology manager for DuPont Biofuels and a research manager for DuPont Central Research and Development where his current work focuses on the development of advanced biofuels. He joined DuPont in 1992, as a research engineer at the DuPont Experimental Station in Wilmington Delaware. From 1996 to 2002, Dr. Provine served in a variety of research and operations leadership roles in Delaware and New Jersey. From 1999 to 2001 while in Delaware, Dr. Provine served as a technical marketing lead for several DuPont products in Latin America and Europe. In early 2001, Dr. Provine was appointed as a research manager and venture manager focused on nanotechnology-based developments for DuPont. He was named as a biofuels research manager in DuPont Central Research and Development in March 2005 and added responsibilities as Program Director for DuPont's Integrated Corn Biorefinery program in May 2005. He was appointed to his current position as technology manager for DuPont Biofuels in August 2006. Dr. Provine graduated from University of California, Berkeley with a B.S. degree in chemical engineering and received his Ph.D. degree in chemical engineering from University of Delaware where his dissertation focused on the development of alternative coal-based liquid fuels.

Dan Skopec

Dan Skopec
Dan Skopec was appointed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger as Undersecretary for the California Environmental Protection Agency in March 2006. As Undersecretary, Skopec is chief adviser to the Secretary on all environmental issues. He acts and represents the Secretary in her absence, and oversees the functions and operations of the Office of the Secretary. Skopec has extensive experience dealing with environmental and energy policy issues. As former deputy cabinet secretary for Governor Schwarzenegger, he served as the Governor’s primary advisor on environmental and energy issues. In addition, Skopec was responsible for overseeing policy initiatives at the state’s environmental agencies, including the California Environmental Protection Agency, Resources Agency, Department of Food & Agriculture, and the California Public Utilities Commission. Mr. Skopec has a M.A. in International Economics from George Washington University and a B.A. in Political Science and European History from the University of California, San Diego.

Daniel Sperling

Dan Sperling
Daniel Sperling is Professor of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science and Policy, and founding Director of the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Davis (ITS-Davis). He was appointed by Governor Schwarzenegger to the California Air Resources Board in February 2007. Dr. Sperling is recognized as a leading international expert on transportation technology assessment, energy and environmental aspects of transportation, and transportation policy. He was recently honored as a lifetime National Associate of the National Academies, is author or editor of 200 technical articles and 10 books, advises senior executives of many automotive and energy companies and environmental groups, and has testified many times to the US Congress and California Legislature on alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technology.  He is co-director of California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard study.

General Charles F. Wald
Gen. Charles F. (Chuck) Wald is a member of the Energy Security Leadership Council. He is former Deputy Commander of the U.S. European Command, responsible for all United States forces operating across 91 countries in Europe, Africa, Russia, parts of Asia and the Middle East, and most of the Atlantic Ocean.

Alan R. Weverstad

Alan R. Weverstad
Alan R. Weverstad, Executive Director, Environment & Energy Staff, Public Policy Center, General Motors Corporation. Mr. Weverstad began his career in 1971 in the engineering area with Pontiac Motor Division where he worked as a design release & development engineer in the chassis and engine development sections. In 1985 he became a part of the Chevrolet-Pontiac-GM of Canada team where he was involved in the emission certification of 77 engine families. He then joined the Marine Engine Division and in 1991 moved to the Environmental Activities Staff and GM Research working on vehicle emissions issues. He is now the Executive Director of the Environment & Energy Staff of the Public Policy Center. Mr. Weverstad is the immediate past chairman of the California Fuel Cell Partnership and chairman of the Engine Manufacturers Association.  He is also on the board of directors for the Electric Drive Transportation Association and on the board of advisors for UC Riverside and California H2 Highway. Mr. Weverstad is a graduate of General Motors Institute and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from Oakland University.

Richard E. Zalesky

Richard E. (Rick) Zalesky
Richard E. (Rick) Zalesky is Vice President of the Biofuels and Hydrogen business for Chevron Technology Ventures Company, LLC. In this role, he has responsibility for the commercialization of infrastructure development, production and supply, as well as all current technology initiatives. A native of Los Angeles, Calif., he is a graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology, with a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering. Rick joined the company in 1978 as a design engineer at the Richmond refinery. In his career, he has held a variety of management positions of increasing responsibility in the downstream in refining, marketing, and technology.  Prior to his current role Rick was general manager of the Richmond refinery. Rick is Chevron’s representative on the Fuel Operations Group of the FreedomCAR and Fuel Program of the Department of Energy and a member of the UC Davis External Research Advisory Board.
