
Computing Sciences
- Berkeley Lab Researchers Propose a New Breed of Supercomputers
for Improving Global Climate Predictions
- Berkeley Lab's Vern Paxson Honored for Research Characterizing the Internet
- DOE Allocates NERSC Supercomputing Resources to Research Combustion, Climate Change, Energy, Accelerators
- ESnet, Internet2 Complete Coast-to-Coast Next-Generation Network In Support of DOE Scientific Community
- National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center Announces Acceptance of one of World's Largest Supercomputers
- Prof. Kathy Yelick Named New Director for DOE’s National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to Lead Five Projects, Partner in Eight Others under DOE’s Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing Program
- LBNL’s Biological Data Management and Technology Center Joins California Institute for Quantitative Biomedical Research
QB3 and LBNL Establish Joint Biological Data Management Core
- Groundbreaking Combustion Research by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Featured on Cover of Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences
- Department of Energy Dramatically Increases Bandwidth to Support Scientific Research Throughout the San Francisco Bay Region
- A New Model of Quantum Dots: Rethinking the Electronics
- Berkeley
Lab Technology Dramatically Speeds Up Searches of Large Databases
- Anatomy
of a Web(bed) Legend
"Virtual Frog" Still Making Splash After 10 Years
- Berkeley
Lab Mathematician Coauthors Two New Books on Experimental Mathematics
- Two
Mathematicians from Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory Honored for Contributions to Computational Science and
- Department
of Energy's ESnet leaps ahead by two generations, upgrades backbone
to 10 billion bits per second
- DOE's
NERSC Center deploys 10 teraflops per second IBM supercomputer
to Offer 10 Teraflop/s System by Early 2003
Helps Climate Scientists Complete First-Ever 1,000-Year Run of Nations's
Leading Climate-Change Modeling Application
- Biosig: A Program
To Find New Meaning In Microscope Images
- IBM and DOE Supercomputing
Center to Transform Far-Flung Supercomputers into a Utility-like Service
Called DOE Science Grid
- World's Largest Unclassified
Supercomputer Goes Online: Scientists Already Report Significant Results
- Lab To Develop New Computational
Tools For Advancing Research
- Are the Digits of Pi Random? New
Research May Resolve Issue
- NERSC Has World's Most Powerful
Unclassified Supercomputer
- Berkeley Lab Dedicates Computing
Sciences Facility In Oakland
- Resolving
Problem of Turbulence A Mission For Alexandre Chorin
- Computing
Protocols Enabling New Era of Online Astronomy and Microscopy
- Next-Generation
Internet Protocols Debut at ESnet
- An Algorithm
for the Ages: PSLQ A Better Way to Find Integer Relations
- Boomerang
Flight Shows Strong Evidence for Flat Universe & Suggests Cosmological
- New
Biological Database Seeks Out Products of Alternative Gene Splicing
- NERSC's New
IBM RS/6000 SP Moves from Testing to Production
Selects IBM RS/6000 SP for Next-Generation Supercomputer
RS/6000 SP Procurement's Impact on Research
- NERSC Celebrates
25 Years of Computing
- DOE To
Broaden Peer Review Process for Use of NERSC
- Model
Polymers Reveal New Clues to Protein Folding
- New
Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics at NERSC
- Robot
To Demonstrate Evolvable Neural Network Hardware
- NERSC Role in the Supernova
- NERSC Scientist
Andrew Canning Shares Supercomputing's Top Prize
- Researchers
Achieve One Teraflop Performance With Supercomputer Simulation Of
- Mathematician
Honored For Outstanding Contributions To High-Performance Computing
- Finer
Copper Wires for Faster Integrated Circuits
- China Clipper
Project to Enhance Access to Information
- Did the
Big Bang Come With Strings Attached?
Collaborate In Scientific Computing
- To the
South Pole on MBone: First Live Multicast Connection
- Priority
Service for Internet Traffic Demonstrated
- Faster,
Better Way to Compute Medical Models from Noisy Images
- Seismic
Imaging Unearths New Details About Earth's Core
- Computer Security
Software Helps Catch Big League Intruder
- New
Net Monitoring Technology Detects Computer Hackers
- Internet
Traffic Flow Study Underway
- On the Trail
of the Planet's Missing Xenon
- Virtual
Reality: Scientific Data Takes On a New Look
- "Superchips"
Partnership Teams Intel and Three National Labs
- New Process
Coats Computer Hard Drives With Diamond Armor
First To Achieve Seamless Shutdown, Restart of Supercomputer
- Collaboration
to Create Off-the-Shelf Parallel Supercomputing Network
- Next
Generation Supercomputers: Cluster of Multi-processor Systems Project
- Supercomputing:
New Mode of Scientific Inquiry Joins Theory & Experimentation
- Agreement
Puts Berkeley Lab at Supercomputing Forefront
- Cray
T3E, Dedicated to Exploring Enigmas of Nature, Comes to Lab
DOE High Performance Computing Center Comes to Berkeley Lab
- New Supercomputing
Center Will Have Major Impact on Lab Science, and Vice Versa
- Equation
Used in Aircraft Design Found to Be Flawed
- The
Pioneers Who Built the Information Superhighway (A Magazine Article)
- Beyond Telecommuting: A New Paradigm for
the Effect of Telecommunications on Travel
- Virtual Scientific Laboratories
Debuting on the Internet
Pilot Collaboratory Project Launched
- ESnet,
the Fastest, Most Reliable Lane on the Information Superhighway
- Building
the World's Most Reliable Network: ESnet's Sandy Merola Honored
- Imaging
Networks Open Up New Era in Scientific Visual Experimentation
- Image Library
Under Development for the Web Here.
- MASpar
Computer Installed at Lab
- Internet
Videoconferencing: Van Jacobson and the M-Bone
- Videoconferencing
Debuts on the Internet
- World Wide
Web's Early Debut at Berkeley Lab
- Overturning
the Old Order: Software Tools Founders Honored
- Understanding
E-mail: How it Works at Berkeley Lab
- Divergent
Data Converge in Data Warehouse with Web Interface
- Metadata
Workshop Seeks to Make Mountains of Data More Accessible