BERKELEY, CA — In the latest ranking
of the world’s 500 most powerful supercomputers, a 2,528-processor
IBM RS/6000 SP system at the U. S. Department of Energy’s
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is listed as the
top unclassified supercomputer on Earth.
In overall rankings, it finished second to Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory’s classified IBM ASCI White system,
with 8,192 processors.
The IBM SP, which is the newest high-performance computer
in the DOE’s National Energy Research Scientific Computing
Center (NERSC) at Berkeley Lab, has a theoretical peak
speed of 3.8 teraflops (3.8 trillion calculations per
second). The IBM supercomputer is used by more than 2,000
researchers at national laboratories and universities
across the country to study problems such as improving
internal combustion to increase efficiency and reduce
pollution, improving human health, researching future
sources of energy, understanding global climate change,
developing new materials, studying the nature of the universe,
and adding to our basic scientific knowledge in physics
and chemistry.
"We’re proud to have the world’s top supercomputer
for unclassified research, but more importantly, we’re
fulfilling our mission to provide Department of Energy
scientists with the tools to advance scientific research
in many disciplines," said Bill Kramer, who runs
NERSC’s computing facility. "Each time we have deployed
a new, more powerful computer, our users have taken advantage
of it to produce new scientific breakthroughs. That is
why we concentrate on how effective these systems are
for scientific and technical work."
NERSC is also home to a 696-processor Cray T3E supercomputer,
which was installed in 1997 and is ranked 55 on the newest
listing. A 160-processor IBM cluster at NERSC is 386 on
the list. The machines are housed in Berkeley Lab’s new
Oakland Scientific Facility.
The ranking of the world’s top supercomputers is done
twice a year and has become a much-anticipated event in
the world of high-performance computing. The 17th edition
of the TOP500 list of the world’s fastest supercomputers
was released June 21at a conference in Heidelberg, Germany.
The list is compiled by Hans Meuer of the University of
Mannheim, Erich Strohmaier and Horst Simon of Berkeley
Lab, and Jack Dongarra of the University of Tennessee.
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