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Strategic Plan Contents:
I. Introduction
II. Program Goals and Management Strategy
III. Science Elements
IV. Cross-Cutting Elements
V. The NABIR Field Research Center (FRC)
VI. Linkages to Genomics Programs in Biological and Environmental Research (BER)
VII. Interface with the DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences
VIII. Interface with the DOE Office of Environmental Management
IX. Coordination With Other Federal Agencies
X. Points of Contact for NABIR Program |

VIII. Interface with the DOE Office of Environmental Management
The NABIR program supports the goals of the Office of Environmental Managements (EM) Subsurface Contaminants Focus Area (SCFA). The SCFA is a national technology program whose mission is to provide environmental stewards with remediation expertise and cost-effective solutions for DOE subsurface contaminant problems. NABIR program managers and scientists work closely with colleagues in EM to refine and focus the scientific research to meet EM needs, and to identify potential customers for transitioning NABIR basic research to applied research and technology development. EM is actively involved in providing input to the NABIR program through participation in panels, reviews, site visits, and FRC selection. NABIR and EM are planning a joint solicitation to encourage partnerships between NABIR scientists and problem holders in the SCFA community. Successful projects, which would be jointly funded by NABIR and EM, would transition more mature basic research into application and testing in the field at DOE sites. NABIR and EM will continue to work together to foster communication of science and technology to key stakeholders.
NABIR is also coordinating with EM on bioremediation research funded by the Environmental Management Science Program (EMSP). This research focuses on biodegradation of organic contaminants at DOE sites, such as chlorinated solvents; thus, it is complementary to NABIR. NABIR also coordinates with EM on research initiatives addressing vadose zone and groundwater contamination.