THE DEDC (DUSEL Experiment Development and Coordination)
committee, the Sanford Laboratory and the LBNL DUSEL project
office are hosting a workshop for DUSEL science from Sept. 30th - 3rd in Lead, South Dakota at the Golden Hills Resort. This
meeting is universally open to all those scientists who would be
interested in proposing underground experiments as well as those
who have recently received S4 awards. The Sanford/LBNL facility
seeks to further mature its relationships with the known
experimental candidates and forge additional relationships as
these or other experiments and applications become known to the
At the meeting we will review the timelines, deliverables, and
communications required to integrate the experimental efforts
with the facility plans in preparing the DUSEL documentation,
the MREFC, for the NSB review, currently scheduled for the
spring of 2011.
For the groups that have already provided some of the
deliverables, we would like them to leave the meeting with a
firm understanding of the schedule for completing these, a
review of the materials already provided and a matrix of key
experimental project staff that will be developing these items.
For other, newer experimental projects this meeting will provide
an opportunity to initiate communications with the Sanford/LBNL
facility, and we would like them to leave the meeting with a
timeline for developing the project deliverables and the matrix
of their staff that are working on these elements.
We will introduce the DUSEL project staff to all the
experimental groups coming to the workshop and will ensure that
the appropriate points of contact are introduced to all of the
experimental collaborations.
We will update the experimental groups on the status of the
facility and the DUSEL infrastructure to be proposed for the
We will provide an opportunity for each experimental group to
interact with the E&O component of the facility.
We will also provide the experimental groups an opportunity
familiarize themselves with the underground space that is
available for experiments by utilizing the Vulcan database and
visiting accessible underground locations.