eam members may post meeting minutes, draft reports, and other working documents by
emailing the document(s) to Cynthia Tilden.
Functional Analysis Team (IFA)
An inventory and analysis of the work performed by the Laboratory and the associated hazards will be performed by the IFA. The IFA is charged with following the N&S process, and team members will have the highest level of expertise to assure a quality analysis. Criteria for team selection and the team members will be set by the Convened Group. The IFA Team will include members of the Identification Team to ensure sufficient overlap between defining the work and hazards and identifying the set of standards. Comments on the work hazards inventory may be submitted by anyone; any issues will be addressed in the weekly IFA Team meetings.
The IFA will also work with the Laboratory Division Safety Coordinators, division directors, and Principal Investigators to verify and understand work processes and associated hazards.
Minutes of Meetings
Working Documents
This team's responsibilities for identifying and confirming the set of standards are defined in Process Elements 3 and 4 of Attachment A. Its membership is determined by the Convened Group. The Identification Team will consist of Berkeley Lab representatives, DOE representatives, and other parties and subject matter experts as needed.
The Identification Team will be divided into the Core Team, and four Activity Teams. The Activity Teams consist of: the Accelerator & Fixed Radiation Sources Activity Team; the Environmental Protection Team; the Facilities and Infrastructure Team; and the Laboratory Safety Team.
We are pleased that you have agreed to contribute your time and talent to the LBNL Necessary and Sufficient Process leading to Work Smart Standards for ES&H. The task is challenging -- develop a set of ES&H standards which are appropriate to the work performed by Berkeley Laboratory, provide an effective level of ES&H protection, and adopt proven and cost effective industry standards wherever practicable. Charge from the Convened Group to the ID Teams
The Department's Description for the Necessary and Sufficient Closure Process charts the overall approach to Work Smart Standards and assigns certain responsibilities to the Identification Team. Primarily the Identification Team is tasked to:
Acquire the information needed to define the work and hazards.
Identify applicable laws and regulations (necessary standards).
Determine what additional standards are needed to meet the needs of the work and goals (sufficient standards).
When requested by the convened group, liaison with stakeholders to inform them of the process and evaluate their concerns.
When requested by the convened group, defend the standards set to independent review teams and approval authorities. The sources of standards, in addition to applicable laws and regulations, include consensus international and national standards (ISO, ANSI, IEEE, etc), DOE Orders and Guidance documents, and LBNL standards. In selecting standards, primary consideration should be given to how well the standard relates to the work. In the event of equivalent standards for the work, preference should be given to the standard which is more generally recognized and accepted. In the event that no standards exists, the Convened Group should be consulted regarding the development of a standard.
The standards set should represent the consensus of the members of the Identification Team. Consensus is arrived at through a negotiation process which identifies the set of standards which each team member considers adequate and acceptable. Conflict resolution should be based on the assumption that the Identification Team is composed of "reasonable people." Consequently, if one team member will not commit to support a decision, the team should recognize the team member as a reasonable person and emphatically listen and understand the team member's concerns. Once the team understands the concerns, satisfactory resolution of the concerns may follow. On the other hand, if the concerns are not fully resolved, the team member should recognize the team as reasonable people and consider supporting their recommendation as generally acceptable (but perhaps not ideal).
The principal contact between Identification Team Members and the Convened Group will be the Process Team Leader, although any Identification Team member may appeal any issue to the Convened Group for consideration. The Process Team Leader will inform the Convened Group of any resources needed by the Identification Teams (such as subject matter experts and reference standards).
The Core Team identifies the standards and requirements that are applicable site wide, minimizes duplication among the sets identified by the four Activity Teams, and provides a venue for technical issues resolution among the Activity Teams. The Core Team consists of the Leaders of the Activity Teams, and includes:
Jack Bartley Core Team Leader
Alan Jackson Accelerator Activity Team Leader
Ron Pauer Environmental Protection Team Leader
Bert Schleifer Facilities and Infrastructure Team Leader
Phil Williams Laboratory Safety Team Leader
Chester Chang Facilities and Infrastructure Team DOE Representative
James Chwang DOE/OAK ES&H Support Coordinator
Joanne Lorence Accelerator Activity Team DOE Representative
Carl Schwab Environmental Protection Team DOE Representative
Jeff Chung Deputy Director, EH&S Division, LBNL
Tanya Goldman Waste Management Division, DOE Representative
Bruce King Industrial Hygiene Team Leader, EH&S Division, LBNL
Mike Schoonover Health Physicist, EH&S Division, LBNL
Nancy Shepard Environmental Counsel, EH&S Divsion, LBNL
Dave Tudor Process Hazards Review and NEPA/CEQA Support, EH&S Division, LBNL
Dean Decker Laboratory Safety Team, DOE Representative
Jack Sims DSC/LLNL Advisor for N&S Process
Jim Johnson DSC/LLNL Advisor for N&S Process
& Fixed Radiation Sources Activity Team
The Accelerator & Fixed Radiation Sources Activity Team identifies standards in the areas of radiation protection, including fixed sources, fixed source dosimetry, shielding; radio frequency safety; high-voltage electrical safety; and waste management/minimization unique to accelerators. The Accelerator Activity Team includes:
Alan Jackson Team Leader, Accelerator Group Leader, Advanced Light Source Center, LBNL
Rob Connelly Industrial Hygienist, EH&S Division, LBNL
Keith Gershon Electrical Engineer, EH&S Division, LBNL
Roger Kloepping Health Physicist, EH&S Division, LBNL
Mark Lasartemay Waste Management and Generator Support, EH&S Division, LBNL
Joanne Lorence DOE Berkeley Site Office
Edwin Njoku ESH Division, DOE/OAK
Dennis Moltz NSD Researcher, LBNL
The Environmental Protection Team identifies standards in the areas of water protection, including sanitary sewer, surface, and ground water; air protection; monitoring and surveillance; site-wide waste management; and NEPA/CEQA. The Environmental Protection Team includes:
Ron Pauer Team Leader, Group Leader, EH&S Division, LBNL
Carol Kielusiak NEPA/CEQA Coordinator, Office of Planning, LBNL
Carl Schwab ESH Division, DOE
Tim Wan Waste Management, EH&S Division, LBNL
Tanya Goldman Waste Management Division, DOE/OAK
Stan Terusaki Waste Management, LLNL/Schlei
and Infrastructure Team
The Facilities and Infrastructure Team identifies standards in the areas of safety design; construction safety; maintenance; occupational safety, including cranes and hoists and ergonomics; fire and building codes; vehicular and pedestrian traffic; and waste management/minimization associated with construction and design. The Facilities and Infrastructure Team includes:
Bert Schleifer Team Leader, Deputy Facilities Manager, Facilities Division, LBNL
Chester Chang DOE Berkeley Site Office
Paul Davis Industrial Hygienist, EH&S Division, LBNL
Paul Johnson Safety Engineer, EH&S Division, LBNL
Pat Thorson Environmental Engineer, Air Quality, EH&S Division, LBNL
James Chwang ESH Division, DOE/OAK
Steve McConnell Safety Engineer, LLNL
Karl Olson Operations Research, OPS-LBNL
John Bowerman Facilities/Operations Researcher, LBNL
The Laboratory Safety Team identifies standards in the areas of occupational safety; chemical hygiene; biohazard/medical safety; radiation protection, including sealed sources and unconfined radioactivity and dosimetry; waste management/minimization associated with laboratories; and local environmental issues, including permits and emission sources. The Laboratory Safety Team includes:
Phil Williams Team Leader, Co-PI NTLF, Structural Biology Divsion, LBNL
Paul Blodgett Industrial Hygienist, EH&S Division, LBNL
Chris Donahue Health Physicist, EH&S Division, LBNL
Jack Salazar Field Support Department Group Leader, EH&S Division, LBNL
Dean Decker ESH Division, DOE/OAK
Richard Haddock ESH Division, DOE/OAK
Rick Schwarz LSD Researcher, LBNL
Rick Kelley Radiation Protection, LLNL
Michele Sundsmo Radiation Protection, LLNL
Nancy Rothermich Waste Certification Specialist, LBNL
These groups are responsible for reviewing the draft set of N&S standards prior to confirmation. The membership is determined by the Convened Group. The Internal Review Teams will consist of the LBNL Safety Review Committee, and the DOE / OAK ES&H Policy Committee.
Charge from the Convened Group to the Internal Review Team
Last modified Monday, 29-Mar-1999 17:50:30 PST