Antineutron discovered – antimatter or mirror matter was extended to include the electrically neutral elementary particles
Photosynthesis path of carbon identified – won the 1961 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for Melvin Calvin
Lawrencium discovered - radioactive rare earth metal named after Berkeley Lab founder Ernest O. Lawrence
88-Inch Cyclotron opens – still in use today for the study of ionizing radiation effects on space-based electronics
Chemical laser invented – became one of the most versatile and widely used tools of science
Luis Alvarez.
Discovery of "resonance states" in elementary particles – won for Luis Alvarez the 1968 Nobel Prize in Physics
Positron Emission Tomography breakthrough – world’s highest resolution PET scanner developed for diagnostics research
j/psi particle discovered – a meson that contained the first evidence of the charm quark
Seaborgium discovered – radioactive synthetic element named after Berkeley Lab Nobelist Glenn Seaborg
Bevalac created – SuperHILAC and Bevatron accelerators are joined to accelerate heavy ions to relativistic energies
Time Projection Chamber invented – TPCs remain the workhorse of high energy physics particle detectors
Superconducting magnet breaks TESLA record – Lab becomes world leader in superconducting electromagnetic technology
Positron-Electron Project built at Stanford - joint project with SLAC produces first matter-antimatter collider
Earthquake studies begin at Parkfield – Lab becomes a leader in subsurface imaging technology
Ten Meter Telescope conceived – proposed segmented reflecting mirror now used in the world’s largest optical telescopes
SQUIDs invented – superconducting quantum interference devices for measuring ultra-tiny magnetic fields
Smart Windows invented – embedded electrodes enable window glass to respond to changes in sunlight
Dinosaur Die Out – iridium anomaly at the K-T boundary links dinosaur extinction to asteroid collision with Earth
National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM) opens – home to the world’s most powerful electron microscopes, will produce first images of carbon atoms in a lattice
DOE-2 program created – energy-saving computational program for modeling heating, lighting and air-conditioning costs
Collective flow observed – first direct evidence that nuclear matter can be compressed to high temperature and density launches the search for a Quark Gluon Plasma
Yuan T. Lee.
Crossed molecular beam research – wins for Yuan T. Lee the 1988 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
NMR Magic Angle and Double-rotation invented – first of a series of new techniques that will extend nuclear magnetic resonance technology from solids to liquids and gases
Good and bad cholesterol identified – two forms of lipoproteins found in cholesterol, high-density and low-density, the former good, the latter bad for heart disease
Solid-state ballasts for fluorescent lamps – high-frequency electronic ballasts lead to the commercial development of
compact fluorescent lamps
MBE-4 inertital fusion energy experiments - linac accelerates and focuses parallel heavy ion beams to 1 MeV, provides an alternative to magnetic fusion energy
Arctic soot discovered – Lab aetholometers reveal large concentrations of radiation-absorbing black particles at the North Pole, demonstrates pollution is global issue
Random Vortex Method invented – mathematical model describes turbulent flow, the most common form of motion in the universe
Next generation of aerogels created – Lab develops materials that are 96-percent air, results in first commercial U.S. aerogel firm
Immortal human epithelial cell lines established – creation of cells that live indefinitely in culture opens new doors to cancer research
Radon risk uncovered – radon gas seeping into homes through basements found to pose substantial radiation hazard in some parts of the country
Center for Science and Engineering Education starts – CSEE begins on-going outreach programs to teachers and students in K-12, community college, undergraduate and graduate science education programs
Extra Cellular Matrix theory proposed – ground-breaking theory links breast cancer development to breakdown in the micro-environment surrounding breast cells
Human Genome Project begins – Lab named one of two DOE centers for mapping and sequencing human genome, a project that will be successfully completed in 2003
Solid polymer batteries invented - novel class of polymer cathodes makes possible a new family of lightweight rechargeable batteries
COBE satellite records seeds of early universe – Lab detectors aboard NASA satellite reveal fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background that gave rise to today’s galaxies
Advanced Light Source opens – generates world’s brightest beams of soft x-rays and ultraviolet light for scientific research
Heart disease gene identified – new evidence links atherosclerosis to a single dominant gene
ultrahard carbon-nitride – new compound designed on basis of theoretical model is tougher than diamond
First view of DNA double-helix – image of unaltered DNA gives scientists their first look at the double-helix
Kesterson Reservoir threat uncovered – Lab discovery of selenium contamination of wildlife refuge by agriculture runoff exposes widespread ecological danger
First femtosecond x-ray beam – pulse lengths of ALS beam sliced to barely a few hundred millionths of a billionth of a second
Sulfur lamp invented – Lab scientists help produce molecular emitter four times more energy efficient and 700 times brighter than conventional incandescent bulbs
NERSC moves to Berkeley Lab – Lab becomes host of National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, flagship scientific computing facility for the Office of Science in the U.S. Department of Energy
Cell senescence linked to cancer – bioassay enables scientists to identify senescent cells within living organisms and find link to cancer
Gammasphere unveiled – world’s most sensitive detector of gamma radiation inspires production of Hollywood blockbuster film, The Hulk
B factory conceived – collaboration with SLAC to build first asymmetric particle collider, called B factory, which will go on to reveal first evidence of CP violation
Sickle cell and Down syndrome transgenic mice – mouse models carrying human genes mimic sickle cell disease and link DYRK gene to mental retardation in Down syndrome
TCP/IP flow control algorithms – algorithms developed at Lab substantially reduce network traffic congestion and are widely credited with saving the Internet from an otherwise inevitable congestion collapse
Top quark discovered – Lab scientists part of two historic experiments at Tevatron, CDF and D-Zero, that find the last and most elusive of the six predicted quarks
UV water purifier prevents cholera outbreaks – ultraviolet light quickly and cheaply disinfects water in remote locations
3-D computer model of Yucca Mountain – hydrogeologic model shows Nevada mountain to be a sound choice for nuclear waste repository
Dark energy discovered – Supernova Cosmology Project reveals antigravity force called “dark energy” that is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate
First 3-D atomic-scale model of tubulin – image reveals structure of flexible protein that enables biological cells to undergo mitosis and other critical functions
Front-end system for Spallation Neutron Source completed –
Lab completes work on accelerator that generates negative hydrogen ions for SNS and sends to Oak Ridge, TN.
First results from SNO show neutrino mass – first year of data from SNO reveals a tiny mass for ghostlike subatomic particles
Hybrid solar cells developed – nanotechnology combined with plastic electronics yields photovoltaic devices that can be mass-produced in a multitude of different shapes
Southern Ocean and Frio tests – Lab begins carbon sequestration studies off the Antarctic coast and in deep brine aquifers near Houston, Texas
Lilliputian lasers invented – UV light-emitting nanowire lasers measure 100 nanometers in diameter, or one-thousandth that of a human hair
Berkeley Lamp invented – fluorescent table lamp reduces energy costs by 50-percent over conventional desk lamps
Synthetic biology breakthroughs – first SB department at major institute creates synthetic genes for antimalaria and anti-AIDS superdrugs
World’s smallest synthetic motor created - rotational motor fashioned out of carbon nanotubes and gold measures less than 300 nanometers in length
Molecular Foundry opens – DOE national user facility dedicated to design, synthesis and characterization of nanoscale materials