The Hotel Durant
This hotel is located one block from campus in Berkeley.
Price: $109 per night plus tax for single occupancy; $129 for double occupancy.
Reservations must be made using the name of the event (ISHHC).
The Hotel Durant does not accept on-line reservations at the conference rate. If you would like to stay at this hotel, please call the hotel at 510-845-8981 or email
Doubletree Hotel Information
Doubletree Hotel & Executive Meeting Center Berkeley Marina
200 Marina Boulevard
Berkeley, California
USA 94710
Tel: +1-510-548 7920
Fax: +1-510-548 7944
We can no longer accept reservations for this hotel.
Dormitory rooms
Dormitory rooms are now available in Stern Hall, located close to Stanley Hall. The daily room rate for a single or double occupancy room is $57.00 and $342.00 for the weekly rate (7 consecutive nights). For more information, please visit the web site. On-line reservation is available here. Reservations must be made before May 31, 2007 using the conference name (ISHHC).
Prof. Gabor A. Somorjai
Conference Chair
Department of Chemistry
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-1460
Phone: + 510 642-4053
Fax: + 510 643-9668
Conference email: