Financial Completion

Once all closeout activities have been completed, including payment of the final invoice from the subcontractor, the PO will be closed in the FMS. Closing the PO in FMS de-obligates any remaining balances on the PO and removes all liens on this PO.

In some cases, a Division may ask the Procurement Specialist to de-obligate any excess funds in FMS for the PO (remove its liens) before all closeout activities are complete and before the PO will be closed in FMS. This often applies to POs containing Work for Others (WFO projects that must be closed by a date specified by the WFO sponsor). In these cases, the Division may ask the Procurement Specialist to reduce the PO to the final amount to be spent.

See "How do I deobligate the PO (remove the lien)?" in People are Asking.