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Initial FELs



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Three nominal initial FEL beamline types and performance features.

Three initial FEL beamlines are planned. One of the FELs will be capable of producing “two-color” X-ray pulses, using a short-pulse laser seed and undulator tapering; another will provide better energy resolution with longer pulses and high temporal coherence using high-gain harmonic generation (HGHG). The third FEL will be a self-seeded SASE device capable of operating at the full repetition rate of the linac, thereby providing very high average power X-ray beams.



Nominal performance parameter ranges for three notional initial FEL configurations.


FEL beamline type

Seeded, narrow bandwidth

Two-color seeded



Short coherent pulses

Two-color X-ray pump-probe with adjustable delay and ~femtosecond pulses

High average flux and brightness

Pulse length (fs, FWHM)

~10 to 100

≤1 to 5

~30 to 300

Photon energy range (fundamental, keV)

0.1 to 0.6

0.27 to 1.0

0.27 to 1.2

Maximum repetition rate (kHz)

100 initially, potentially
up to 1,000

100 initially, potentially
up to 1,000



~1011 (150 fs, 0.6 keV)
~1012 (150 fs, 0.1 keV)

~109 (~1 fs, 1 keV)
~1010 (~1 fs, 0.27 keV)

~1011 (150 fs, 1.2 keV)
~1013 (150 fs, 0.27 keV)

Peak power (GW)

~0.5 (0.6 keV)
~1 (0.1 keV)

~0.02 (1 keV, ~fs)
~0.2 (0.27 keV, ~fs)

~0.5 (1.2 keV)
~1 (0.27 keV)

Average power (W)

~10 (150 fs, 0.6 keV)
~50 (150 fs, 0.1 keV )

~0.002 (1 keV, ~fs)
~0.02 (0.27 keV, ~fs)

~100 (150 fs, 1.2 keV)
~500 (150 fs, 0.27 keV)

Energy bandwidth (meV, FWHM)

≥50 (150 fs)

≤1,500 (≥fs)

≥50 (150 fs)


Variable, linear/circular

Variable, linear/circular

Variable, linear/circular

*A fourth FEL, operating in a limited tuning range of ~2.0 – 2.5 keV (covering the S and P K-edges), has been considered, and could provide very-high-average power (initially SASE, ultimately seeded) for bio-imaging at sub-nm resolution.


Schematic layouts of the three nominal initial FEL concepts