Help Berkeley Lab Training


Berkeley Lab Training provides access to the the required training courses assigned to staff and affiliates. Your training requirements are listed on your Berkely Lab Training Profile which you can access by logging into Berkeley Lab Training.

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Learning and Organizational Development
The Learning & Organizational Development (L&OD) Office enables stewardship and team science by offering transformative learning experiences for all employees. L&OD's resource portal,, features a wide range of resources (e.g., courses, toolkits, book recommendations) designed to help you excel in your career and beyond. Consider signing up for our The LEARNING CURVE newsletter to receive insights, updates, and opportunities from L&OD. If you have any programmatic questions, please reach out to the L&OD team at

Safety Training
EHS Training courses are available from your Training Profile or from the Course Listings. In addition to the core trainings, EHS has safety-related videos organized topically which can be accessed from the Safety Videos website.

Financial and Research Administration Systems Training
Training for FMS, eSRA, and general financial training is available. To view all financial systems training, click on the Training Courses link on the right of this page and look for the FMS, ESR, or CFO course title designations. If you have any questions about training offered by the OCFO, please contact Melanie Cryer

Excel & PowerPoint Courses
IT partners with Learn iT to provide intermediate to advanced classes in Excel and PowerPoint to help develop and strengthen our employees technical skills.  For more information, visit the IT Website.