for Work and Hazards Identification to Define the Necessary and Sufficient Standards Set and Direct Appraisal Efforts |
Team Member | Technical Specialty |
Roger Kloepping | LBNL Team Leader, Radiation Protection |
Janis Dairiki | NSD Research Representative |
Wanda Smith Burnett | NSD Safety Coordinator |
James Chwang | DOE Representative/Fire Protection |
Jack Salazar | LBNL Industrial Hygiene |
Tony Yuen | LBNL Fire Protection |
Keith Gershon | LBNL Safety |
Connie Grondona | LBNL Health Services |
Mark Lasartemay | LBNL Waste Management |
Ken Barat | LBNL Laser & X-ray Safety |
Henry Tran | LBNL Environmental Protection |
Steve Lesel | DOE Environmental Protection |
Other ES&H Contributors | Technical Specialty |
Rob Connelly | LBNL Industrial Hygiene |
Steve Leeds | LLNL Fire Protection |
Robert Teets | DOE Radiation Protection |
Edwin Njouko | DOE Radiation Protection |
Research/NSD Contacts | Building |
Janis Dairiki | NSD |
Dennis Collins | 88 |
Ruth Mary Larimer | 88 |
Diana Lee | 70 |
Ken Gregorich | 70/88 |
Date | Activity |
7/2/96 -716/96 | Collect and Review Information |
7/16/96 | Establish Organization and Begin Desktop Review |
7/16/96 - 8/7/96 | Perform Desktop and Field Check Activities |
8/30/96 | Draft Summary Report |
Organization and Administrative Responsibilities and Authority. The Division Director, who has overall responsibility for all aspects of the Division program, is assisted by the Division Deputy Director, Division Administrator, and scientific program and project heads. Scientific program and project heads report to the Division Director and are responsible for overseeing Division research programs and projects. Senior scientists, program and project heads and group leaders are responsible for providing effective leadership in the planning and conducting of research work.
The Division Director is responsible not only for the nature and quality of the nuclear science research program, but also for assuring that research activities are planned and conducted in accordance with DOE, UC, and LBL policies, procedures, and regulatory requirements in areas such as environmental protection, occupational safety, fiscal and personnel administration, and quality assurance. The Division Deputy Director assists the Director in all areas and substitutes for the Director in his absence. The Division Administrator is charged with overall fiscal and personnel administration for the Division. The Division Deputy Director and Division Administrator are variously assigned primary oversight at the Division level for such matters as ES&H quality assurance, space management, and technology transfer. A Professional Staff Committee provides guidance in personnel selection. The Safety Committee strengthens the Division's commitment to ES&H by periodically assessing the Division's activities and facilities and by offering assistance to line management.
Line managers are responsible for providing effective scientific leadership, supervision, and educational guidance, for sound fiscal management of projects and research programs, for performing administrative tasks for the Division, and for conducting all work safely and with consideration for protection of the environment. Individual employees are responsible for the quality of their work and for conducting that work in compliance with LBNL personnel, quality assurance, and EH&S policies and procedures.
The Division ES&H program consists of two separate but coordinated parts - the Division ES&H Committee and the 88-inch Cyclotron Safety Committee, respectively. Each has representatives on the other committee. The Division ES&H Committee Chair is responsible for coordinating the self-assessment program; and committee members lead self-assessment teams. The Chair of the Nuclear Science Division's Environment, Safety & Health Committee reports directly to the Division Director, Lee Schroeder or the Division Deputy Director , Janis Dairiki . The current chair is R.J. McDonald. Membership of the committee includes representatives of the groups. The Division ES&H Coordinator is a member of both committees and administers many of the compliance and safety documentation activities.
For purposes of this hazard analysis, the activities of the Division were grouped into the following functional areas:
Operations on the University of California Berkeley (UCB) campus consist of only one activity located in Building 19A. The work was not evaluated for this PHA.
Line Management is responsible for the protection of the public, the workers, and the environment.
At the Berkeley Laboratory the following documents establish the policy and provide the implementation guidance that makes line management effectively accountable for protection of workers, the public and the environment:
Clear Roles and Responsibilities
Clear and unambiguous lines of authority and responsibility for ensuring safety are established and maintained at all organizational levels within the Department (DOE) and its contractors.
Each Division making up the Berkeley Laboratory has clearly defined lines of responsibility down to the working level. Each division designates a research investigator to represent its views and concerns on the Laboratory Safety Review Committee and a full time employee to act as the ES&H Coordinator. This Coordinator acts as the interface between ES&H concerns and compliance in the workplace and the EH&S technical professionals.
Competence Commensurate with Responsibilities
Personnel possess the experience, knowledge, skills, and abilities that are necessary to discharge their responsibilities.
Job assignments, including hires, are reviewed by line management and by the compensation group within Human Resources to ensure that the requirements and responsibilities of a job are matched by the experience, knowledge and skills of individuals selected for assignment.
The Laboratory's training program ensures that each staff member, including participating guests, is adequately trained to participate safely in Laboratory activities. Staff, with supervisor participation, fill out the Jobs Hazards Questionnaire (JHQ) describing the hazards associated with their job assignment and work area. Evaluation of the responses by the Training Coordinator and the cognizant supervisor determines the training regimen needed to carry out work in a manner that protects the employee, co-workers, the public and the environment.
Balanced Priorities
Resources are effectively allocated to address safety, programmatic, and operational considerations. Protecting the public, the workers, and the environment is a priority whenever activities are planned and performed.
All environment, safety and health activities in the Laboratory are described in technical terms with budgetary information included. Each year this information is updated, reviewed and prioritized on the basis of risk to workers, public, and the environment by a Laboratory wide committee selected to represent programmatic line management and ES & H professionals. This document is utilized by Laboratory Senior Management in strategically planning the immediate focus and long term goals of the environment, safety and health program at the Laboratory.
Hazard Controls Tailored to Work Being Performed
Administrative and engineering controls to prevent and mitigate hazards are tailored to the work and associated hazards being performed.
Chapter 6 of the Environment, Health and Safety Manual clearly defines the steps for each line manager to develop the appropriate engineering and administrative controls to mitigate hazards in the workplace. The Laboratory's Self Assessment Program, including Functional Appraisals by ES & H professionals, and the UC/DOE Contract 98 Performance Measures provide assurance that implementation of hazards control is adequate to protection the worker, the public and the environment.
Identification of Safety Standards and Requirements
Before work is performed, the associated hazards are evaluated and an agreed-upon set of safety standards and requirements are established which, if properly implemented, provide adequate assurance that the public, the workers, and the environment are protected from adverse consequences.
The Laboratory is dedicated to following the Necessary and Sufficient Closure Process (DOE 450.3) on an iterative basis at all levels of activities in the Laboratory to ensure the Safety Standards are adequate to provide protection to workers, the public and the environment. This process is completed by commencement of work in those situations where current work is significantly modified, new work is proposed or substantial facility modifications are being made (Chapter 6, Environment Health and Safety Manual).
Operations Authorization
The conditions and requirements to be satisfied for operations to be initiated and conducted are clearly established and agreed-upon.
Conditions and requirements for facilities determined to be of higher risk based on the Preliminary Hazards Analysis are contained in a Safety Analysis Document. Activity Hazard Documents are the basis for meeting this requirement for specific operations and activities falling into the higher risk category at the Berkeley Laboratory. Internal Agreements describing the performance expectations by each party are used for operations between two functional areas where the quality of performance might adversely impact the Laboratory's ability to meet its responsibility to protect workers, the public and the environment.
The Nuclear Science Division's principal activity is basic research in theoretical and experimental nuclear science aimed at understanding the structure and interactions of nuclei and the forces of nature as manifested in the nuclear medium. Applications and impact of these studies on other areas of science, e.g., astrophysics and high energy physics, are also part of this activity. Other responsibilities include operation of the 88-Inch Cyclotron as a national facility, education and training of future generations of scientists, and transfer of knowledge and technological innovations and fostering of productive relationships among the Division, universities, and industry. The Division research programs support the LBL mission, the national nuclear physics goals, and the mission of the Department of Energy.
Building 19 located on the University of California, Berkeley campus. NSD occupies laboratory and office space in this facility. LBNL and UC, Berkeley have a MOU that places EH&S services under the jurisdiction of the University and therefore NSD operations at Building 19 were not considered in this PHA.
Building 50 Complex
Nuclear Science Division occupies a portion of this complex (50, 50A, 50B and 50E). Currently the administrative offices of the Division are located in 50E. Nuclear Astrophysics/Weak Interactions group, Isotope Projects group, SNO, and Relativistic Nuclear Collisions group offices are located in building 50, 50A and 50B complex. In addition there is one laboratory located in building 50.
Building 51
Building 51 is the former Bevatron accelerator facility. NSD conducts a laser operation in room 101, B51F in the EPB Hall in support of the Relativistic Nuclear Collisions Group.
Building 70
Building 70 is a three story laboratory building. NSD occupies laboratories, including wet chemistry, counting facilities and office space for support of nuclear chemistry and the Heavy Elements group on the second floor. There are two laser operations currently occupying laboratory and office suites on the first and second floors in support of the Relativistic Nuclear Collisions group. Office space for STAR, and Theoretical Nuclear Physics staff is also located in Building 70.
Building 71
Building 71 is a two story AFRD Facility and contains the old decommissioned Super Hilac accelerator, office space, Laser laboratories, shop areas and general purpose laboratories. NSD utilizes only one general purpose laboratory, Room 140 in support of the Heavy Elements group.
Building 72
Building 72 is a multistoried facility housing the National Electron Microscopy Center. NSD operates a low background counting facility in two rooms on the first floor.
Building 88
Building 88 houses an 88 inch cyclotron (particle accelerator), with associated laboratory and office space in support of low energy nuclear physics. It is a user facility with experimenters from other DOE laboratories, universities, and industry utilizing particle beams for a variety of experimental protocols. The main cyclotron and 8 experimental areas are shielded for radiation protection and access interlocked to prevent unauthorized personnel access. There is a laser laboratory located in Cave 5. Shops and engineering space are used in support of experiments and operations at the Cyclotron.
The Nuclear Science Division (NSD) includes approximately 25 laboratories and the 88-inch Cyclotron Shielded Experimental Complex in which hazardous chemicals are used. Several of the laboratories and accelerator beam facilities make use of ionizing radiation sources, lasers, cryogenics, magnetic fields and noisy equipment. Vacuum systems and compressed gasses are used throughout the accelerator complex and in limited ways in the other laser and laboratory's in NSD.
Electrical and Mechanical Hazards
The 88 -inch Cyclotron and direct support areas utilize high voltage, high current, RF and magnetic systems which constitute potential hazards. A limited array of electrical and mechanical hazards in addition to the Cyclotron facility are present in the NSD. These include high voltage electrical systems, repetitive trauma associated with office work, vacuum systems, some pressurized gas systems, belt driven equipment, centrifuges, ovens, engineered enclosures and cryogenics.
A variety of toxic, flammable, corrosive, reactive or otherwise dangerous chemicals are used in the NSD. In almost all cases, the quantities used at any time are quite small, consistent with typical machine shop, maintenance and laboratory operations. Examples of hazardous chemicals in use in NSD are provided below.
Physical agents in addition to electrical and mechanical hazards present in NSD include accelerators, lasers, noise, magnetic fields and RF radiation. Each of these is discussed below.
NSD has several types of activities which have radiation hazards. Research and development includes actinide chemistry and target preparation in Building 70. The Building 88 cyclotron is a user facility with activities which include heavy elements chemistry, proton decay, laser beam, cell biology, materials effects, cosmic ray interaction studies, and gamma sphere nuclear physics.
Actinide Chemistry
Radioactive materials are used in fume hood and glove box work using both standard and advance chemical methods. These operations take place in both building 70 and 88. Because of the higher levels of radioactive materials used in conjunction with this research the concern is moderate. The Radiation Work Authorization for these operations are Class III.
The 88- inch cyclotron is located in Building 88 and can accelerate ion beams from hydrogen to uranium. It can accelerate protons to 55 MeV and alpha particles to 130 MeV. The maximum heavy-ion beam energy is 32.5 MeV/nucleon. Maximum current is less than 100 uA for all beams. The overall level of concern for accelerator operations is low. For maintenance operations, because of the potential for contamination and for elevated radiation levels, the concern is moderate. Operations at the 88-inch Cyclotron are covered by the following safety documents: Safety Analysis Document (SAD) which incorporates the safety envelope for machine operation, AHD's for the larger and more comprehensive experiments, and either RWA's or RWP's for radiological work.
Approved radioactive material and sealed sources are also handled at the 88 inch Cyclotron.
Effluent from research activities and the accelerator is monitored according to NESHAPS requirements.
There are no unique uncertainties which will impact hazard identification and selection of applicable and appropriate standards and requirements. At the 88 Inch Cyclotron, the GammaSphere program located in Cave 4C is scheduled to move to ANL East in FY 1997. This move is not anticipated to change appropriate standards and requirements.
No significant changes in NSD resources devoted to ES&H activities are planned.
Representatives of the NSD (Janis Dairiki, Darlene Hoffman and Claude Lyneis) offered the following evaluation of the EH&S Division past and future resources and support:
The following support needs/issues were raised by NSD:
Suggestions for improvements:
Continued integration of NSD's EH&S activities with the EH&S Field Support Departments activities.
There are no stakeholder concerns unique to NSD. NSD has managed, controlled, and permitted (as required) air, water, hazardous, and solid waste streams.