Work Smart Standards Set and Issues
4 Work Smart Standards Set and Issues

Necessary Standards
Public Law 91-596, Section 5 (a) (1), Occupational Safety & Health Act. General Duty Clause Repetitive Motion; Ergonomics
07 USC 2131-2157, Animal Welfare Act (Transportation, Sale, and Handling of Certain Animals) Biological, Animal Handling, Animal Experimentation
07 CFR 355, Endangered Species Regulations Concerning Terrestrial Plants Endangered Species
09 CFR, Chapter I, Animal and Plant Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture Biological, Animal Handling, Animal Experimentation
10 CFR 1022, Compliance with Floodplain/Wetlands Environmental Review Requirements Floodplains and Wetlands
10 CFR 745 Common Rules for Protection of Human Subjects Biological, Human Subjects
Radiation Protection of Human Subjects
10 CFR 835Accelerators-On-Site Exposure
Control of Radioactive Sealed Sources
Irradiators Using Radioactive Material
Laboratory Airborne Radioactivity Monitoring
Radiation Dose Limits and Dose Assessment
Radiation Protection Program
Radiation Safety Training
Radiological Emergency Response
Radiological Instrumentation
Radiological Posting and Labeling
Radiological Records
Workplace Radiation Monitoring
X-Ray Machines and Electron Microscopes (Non-Medical)
15 USC 2601-2692, Toxic Substances Control Act PCB Containing Equipment
16 USC 1531 et seq., Federal Endangered Species Act Endangered Species
21 CFR 1308, Controlled SubstancesControlled Substances
21 CFR 50, 60, 361, and Subchapters H and J, Protection of Human Subjects Radiation Protection of Human Subjects
29 USC 668 et seq., Occupational Safety and Health Act Asbestos-Worker and Environmental Protection
29 CFR 1910, General Industry Safety Orders Aboveground Storage Tanks (includes non-PCB transformers)
Asbestos-Worker and Environmental Protection
Biological, Bloodborne Pathogens
Chemical Carcinogens (laboratory-scale use)
Compressed Gases
Confined Space
Construction Safety
Cryogenic Materials and Use
Electrical Safety
Emergency Preparedness
Explosive Fast Acting Valves
Fire Protection-Life Safety
Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Flammable gases
Hazardous and Non-Radioactive Portion of Mixed Waste
Hazardous Material Handling
Health Hazard Gas
Highly Toxic Materials
Laser Systems
Lead Exposure
Lighting (Illumination) of Work Areas
Linear Motion-Tensile Tester
Local Exhaust Ventilation (includes HEPA filtration systems)
Material Handling
Mechanical Hazards-Tools, Equipment and Pressurized Containers
Medical Waste
Noise Levels
Pesticide Application and Use
29 CFR 1910, General Industry Safety Orders (cont.) Pressure Equipment-Compressed Gas Cylinders
Pressure Equipment-Glass or Other Brittle Components
Pressure Equipment-Pressure Vessels
Pyrophoric Gas, Solid or Liquid
Reactive or Explosive Chemicals
Reproductive Toxin
Rotating Equipment-Centrifuges
Toxic Materials
Traffic Hazards
Vacuum Equipment-Back-Filled From Pressure Source
Working at Heights, Slips, Trips and Falls, Housekeeping
Workplace Ventilation
29 CFR 1920.253, Oxygen-Fuel CuttingFlammable Gases
29 CFR 1926, OSHA Construction Industry Standards Asbestos-Worker and Environmental Protection
Compressed Gases
Confined Space
Construction Safety
Fire Protection-Life Safety
Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Flammable Gases
Hazardous Material Handling
Laser Systems
Lead Exposure
Lighting (Illumination) of Work Areas
Local Exhaust Ventilation (includes HEPA filtration systems)
Mechanical Hazards-Tools, Equipment and Pressurized Containers
Noise Levels
Pressure Equipment-Compressed Gas Cylinders
Pressure Equipment-Glass or Other Brittle Components
Traffic Hazards
Working at Heights, Slips, Trips and Falls, Housekeeping
Workplace Ventilation
29 CFR 1940.1450, Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories Hazardous Material Handling
33 USC 1251 et seq., Clean Water ActAboveground Storage Tanks (includes non-PCB transformers)
Sanitary Sewer Discharges
Site Restoration
Surface/Storm Water
33 USC 1321 (b) (5), Clean Water ActAccidental Release Reporting
33 USC 1344 (Sections 301, 401, 404 and 506), Clean Water Act Floodplains and Wetlands
33 CFR 320-323, 330 and 352, Corps of Engineers Regulations for Protection of Waters of the U.S. and Nationwide Permit Program Floodplains and Wetlands
40 CFR 50-88, Chapter 1, Subchapter 2, Air Programs Air Emissions
40 CFR 61, Subpart H, National Emission Standards for Emissions of Radionuclides Other Than Radon From DOE Facilities Air Emissions
40 CFR 61, Subpart M, National Emission Standard for Asbestos and Subpart F, Appendix A Asbestos-Worker and Environmental Protection
40 CFR 68, Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions (CAA) Emergency Preparedness
40 CFR 82, Protection of Stratospheric Ozone, Subparts A-G Ozone Depleting Substances
40 CFR 110, Discharge of OilAboveground Storage Tanks (includes non-PCB transformers)
40 CFR 110.10, 117.21 Clean Water Regulations Accidental Release Reporting
40 CFR 112, Oil Pollution PreventionAboveground Storage Tanks (includes non-PCB transformers)
40 CFR 122, NPDES SystemSurface/Storm Water
40 CFR 136, Analysis ProceduresSanitary Sewer Discharges
Surface/Storm Water
40 CFR 141, 142, 143 EPA Primary and Secondary Drinking Water Standards Drinking Water
40 CFR 170, 171, Subchapter E, Pesticide Programs Pesticide Application and Use
40 CFR 243-256, Federal Agency Recycling Programs Nonhazardous Waste-Including Pollution Prevention, Waste Minimization
40 CFR 260-279, Hazardous WasteSite Restoration
Air Emissions
Hazardous and Non-Radioactive Portion of Mixed Waste
40 CFR 280, Underground Storage TanksUndergound Storage Tanks
40 CFR 302.1 et seq., CERCLAAccidental Release Reporting
40 CFR 355, Emergency Planning and Notification (SARA Title III) Emergency Preparedness
40 CFR 403, General Pretreatment Regulations Sanitary Sewer Discharges
40 CFR 433, Metal Finishing Point Source Category Sanitary Sewer Discharges
40 CFR 761, Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) Hazardous and Non-Radioactive Portion of Mixed Waste
PCB Containing Equipment
Accidental release reporting
42 USC 7401 et seq., Clean Air Act Air Emissions
Asbestos-Worker and Environmental Protection
42 USC 7671 et seq., CAA Amendments of 1990 Ozone Depleting Substances
42 USC Section 6901 et. seq., Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Hazardous and Non-Radioactive Portion of Mixed Waste
Nonhazardous Waste-Including Pollution Prevention, Waste Minimization
Site Restoration
Undergound Storage Tanks
42 USC Section 6992 et seq. (Medical Waste Tracking Act of 1988, Subtitle J), Solids Waste Disposal Act (RCRA) Medical Waste
42 USC Section 9603, CERCLAAccidental Release Reporting
45 CFR 46, Common Rules for Protection of Human Subjects Biological, Human Subjects
Radiation Protection of Human Subjects
48 CFR 970.7104-28, Construction and Architect-Engineer (A-E) contracts Facilities Design
49 USC 5110 (d), Hazardous Materials Transportation Accidental Release Reporting
49 CFR 40, Procedures for Workplace Drug Testing Programs Traffic Hazards
49 CFR 106-110, TransportationHazardous Material Transportation-Offsite
49 CFR 170-180, Hazardous Materials Regulation Hazardous Material Transportation-Offsite
Radioactive and Non-Hazardous Portion of Mixed Waste
Compressed Gases
Explosive Fast Acting Valves
49 CFR 382, Controlled Substances and Alcohol Use and Testing Traffic Hazards
49 CFR 397, Subpart D, Radioactive Materials Routing Hazardous Material Transportation-Offsite
Transportation of Radioactive Materials
49 CFR, Research and Special Program Administration, Subchapter C (Hazardous Materials Regulations) Transportation of Radioactive Materials
50 CFR 17, ESA RulesEndangered Species
Federal Facility Compliance Act (FFCA) and all orders pursuant Hazardous and Non-Radioactive Portion of Mixed Waste
Air Emissions
13 CCR 1166(b), Hazardous Waste (except AEA materials) Accidental Release Reporting
17 CCR Article 5, Waste Disposal, Section 30287, Disposal by Release into Sanitary Sewerage Systems Sanitary Sewer Discharges
17 CCR Division 18, Air Resources Board (stationary and mobile sources) Air Emissions
22 CCR Division 4, Chapter 15, Article 5, Domestic Water Quality, Section 64443, Man-Made Radioactivity Environmental Radiation Protection
22 CCR Section 66260.1 et seq.-and all permits pursuant Hazardous and Non-Radioactive Portion of Mixed Waste
Accidental Release Reporting
23 CCR Division 3, Chapter 16, Underground Storage Tank Regulations Underground Storage Tanks
23 CCR Division 3, Chapter 16, Article 5 (UST release abatement) and Article 11 (UST corrective actions) Site Restoration
23 CCR 2250, 2251, 2260; to the extent involving discharges of pollutants (non-AEA materials) to navigable waters (which do not include groundwaters) Accidental Release Reporting
23 CCR 2650, 2652, Underground Storage Tanks Accidental Release Reporting
40 CCR 280.34 (a) (2), 280.50, 280.53, 280.61, Underground Storage Tanks Accidental Release Reporting
CAC Title 24, Part 9, California Fire Code, Article 79 and Article 80 (with respect to the control of water pollution) Aboveground Storage Tanks (includes non-PCB transformers)
California Fish & Game Code, Sections 1601-1607 Floodplains and Wetlands
California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.67, Aboveground Storage of Petroleum (to the extent involving discharges to navigable waters) Aboveground Storage Tanks (includes non-PCB transformers)
California Health and Safety Code, Section 25100 et seq.-and all permits pursuant Hazardous and Non-Radioactive Portion of Mixed Waste
Accidental Release Reporting
California Health and Safety Code 25295 (a) (1), Underground Storage Tanks Accidental Release Reporting
California Health and Safety Code 25242, 25189(c), (d), 25189.2(c), 25189(f), 25359.4, 5411.5, Hazardous Waste (except AEA materials) Accidental Release Reporting
California Health and Safety Code 25270.7, to the extent involving discharges of pollutants (non-AEA materials) to navigable waters (which do not include groundwaters) Accidental Release Reporting
California Health and Safety Code 25270.8, Clean Water Regulations Accidental Release Reporting
California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.7, Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances Underground Storage Tanks
California Health and Safety Code, Sections 25020.5 - 25090.6 (California Medical Waste Management Act) Medical Waste
California Health and Safety Code 39000 et seq. (Air Resources), Clean Air Act Air Emissions
California Health and Safety Code Div. 20, Ch. 6.95, Art. 2, implementing OES regulations at Title 19CCR, to the extent involving prevention of accidental releases to air. Emergency Preparedness
California Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, CA Water Code Section 13000 et seq.-and all permits pursuant (except AEA discharges) Sanitary Sewer Discharges
Site Restoration (to the extent involving discharges of pollutants to navigable waters)
Surface/storm Water
California Public Resources Code, Sections 2100-2178.1, California Environmental Policy Act (CEQA), 14 CCR Section 15000 et seq. (State CEQA Guidelines) Environmental Protection Planning
California Public Resources Code, Section 4000 et seq., California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989, 14 CCR, Section 17200 et seq. Nonhazardous Waste-Including Pollution Prevention, Waste Minimization
California Water Code 13271, 13272, 13050 (p) (2) (c), to the extent involving discharges of pollutants (non-AEA materials) to navigable waters (which do not include groundwaters) Accidental Release Reporting
California Vehicle Code and implementing CCR sections to the extent not preempted by DOT requirements Accidental Release Reporting
Hazardous Material Transportation - Offsite
Traffic Hazards
BAAQMD Reg 1-431, 1-432, Air ReleasesAccidental Release Reporting
BAAQMD Regulations 1 through 12, BAAQMD Manual of Procedures - and all permits pursuant Asbestos-Worker and Environmental Protection
Air Emissions
Ozone Depleting Substances
City of Berkeley Municipal Code, Chapter 11.52, Hazardous Materials Management as Applied to Generator Areas Hazardous and Non-Radioactive Portion of Mixed Waste
City of Berkeley Municipal Code, Chapter 11.52, Hazardous Materials Management-and all permits pursuant Underground Storage Tanks
City of Berkeley Municipal Code 11.52.140(B), Adopting Health & Safety Code Div. 20, Ch. 6.95, Art. 2, to the extent involving prevention of accidental releases to air. Emergency Preparedness
City of Berkeley Municipal Code 17.20, Reduction of Storm Water Pollution (except AEA discharges) Surface/Storm Water
City of Berkeley Ordinance 5474, Provision Prohibiting Transportation on Specified Streets at Which Purge Chamber Openings Are Located Hazardous Material Transportation-Off Site
City of Berkeley Stormwater Ordinances, to the extent involving non-AEA materials Accidental release Reporting
Oakland Municipal Ordinance 11590, Storm Water Management and Discharge Control (except AEA discharges) Surface/Storm Water
Oakland C.M.S., Art. 12, Ch. 2, adopting Health & Safety Code Div. 20, Ch. 6.95, Art. 2, to the extent involving prevention of accidental releases to air Emergency Preparedness
Disposal Site Waste Acceptance Criteria Hazardous and Non-Radioactive Portion of Mixed Waste
Radioactive and Non-Hazardous Portion of Mixed Waste
East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) Ordinance No. 311 - and all permits pursuant (except AEA discharges). NOTE: Berkeley Lab annually accepts radiation discharge standards, but the district may not have been delegated AEA authority. Site Restoration
Sanitary Sewer Discharges
IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (37th edition) Transportation of Radioactive Materials
Alameda County, Measure D, Section 64, Waste Reduction and Recycling Nonhazardous Waste-Including Pollution Prevention, Waste Minimization

Sufficient Standards
10 CFR 20 Subpart J, Precautionary Procedures Radiological Posting and Labeling
10 CFR 20 Subparts L and M, Records and Reports (for tritium, only) Radiological Records
10 CFR 20, Subpart K, Section 20.2003, Disposal by Release into Sanitary Sewerage Sanitary Sewer Discharges
10 CFR 20.1101, Radiation Protection Programs Radiation Protection Program
California Health and Safety Code Div. 20, Ch. 6.95, Art. 2, Implementing OES Regulations at Title 19 CCR, even if not involving prevention of accidental releases to air. Emergency Preparedness
City of Berkeley M.C. 11.52.140(B), Adopting Health & Safety Code Div. 20, Ch. 6.95, Art. 2, even if not involving prevention of accidental releases to air. Emergency Preparedness
Oakland C.M.S., Art. 12, Ch. 2, Adopting Health & Safety Code Div. 20, Ch. 6.95, Art. 2, even if not involving prevention of accidental releases to air. Emergency Preparedness
ACGIH Threshold Limit Values for Heat/Cold Stress Heat/Cold Stress
ACGIH Threshold Limit Values for Physical Agents: Static Magnetic Fields Static Magnetic Field > 5 gauss
ACGIH Threshold Limit Values for Physical Agents: Ultraviolet Radiation Ultraviolet (UV) Source
ACGIH Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) for Chemical Substances Hazardous Material Handling
ANSI N43.2 Sections,,,, 6.5, 7.1 X-Ray Machines and Electron Microscopes (non-medical)
ANSI N43.3, Definitions, Sections 4.1, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.4,,, 5.1.5, 7, 9.1, 9.2, 9.4, Annex 3 Irradiators Using Radioactive Material
ANSI Z136.1 - 1993, American National Standard for the Safe Use of Lasers (except Section 3.4.1) Laser Systems
ANSI Z136.2, American National Standard for the Safe Use of Optical Fiber Communication Systems Utilizing Laser Diode and LED Sources Laser Systems
CAC Title 8, Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter 1, Unfired Pressure Vessel Safety Orders Pressure Equipment-Pressure Vessels
CAC Title 24 Building Standards, For Facilities Design, Only Facilities Design
CAC Title 24 Part 2 California Building Code, For Fire Protection-Life Safety Fire Protection-Life Safety
CAC Title 24 Part 9 California Fire Code, For Fire Protection-Life Safety Fire Protection-Life Safety
CAC Title 24, Part 9, California Fire Code, Article 49, Welding & Cutting Compressed Gases
CAC Title 24, Part 9, California Fire Code, Article 51, Semiconductor fabrication Compressed Gases
CAC Title 24, Part 9, California Fire Code Article 62, Industrial Baking and Drying Ovens Ovens (includes laboratory furnaces )
CAC Title 24, Part 9, California Fire Code, Article 74, Compressed Gases Compressed Gases
CAC Title 24, Part 9, California Fire Code Article 75, Cryogens Cryogenic Materials and Use
CAC Title 24, Part 9, California Fire Code Article 79, Flammable & Combustible Liquids Flammable and Combustible Liquids
CAC Title 24, Part 9, California Fire Code Article 80, Hazardous Materials Chemical Carcinogens (laboratory-scale use)
Compressed Gases
Cryogenic Materials and Use
Flammable gases
Hazardous Material Handling
Health Hazard Gas
Highly Toxic Materials
Pressure Equipment-Compressed Gas Cylinders
Pyrophoric Gas, Solid or Liquid
Reactive or Explosive Chemicals
Reproductive Toxin
Toxic Materials
Pressure Equipment-Compressed Gas Cylinders
CAC Title 24, Part 9, California Fire Code, Article 82, Liquified Petroleum Gas Compressed Gases
CCR Title 8 California Construction Safety Orders (solely for construction safety where more strict than 29 CFR 1926) Construction Safety
CCR Title 17 Section 30275Control of Radioactive Sealed Sources
CCR Title 17 Sections 30330-30337Radiography-Equipment and Parts
CCR Title 17 Subchapters 4.5 and 4.6, Training Requirements for Technologists Administering Radiation to Human Subjects Radiation Protection of Human Subjects
CCR Title 22, Division 2, Part 12000 (c), Chemicals Known to the State to Cause Reproductive Toxicity (consensus listing solely referenced to define reproductive toxins) Reproductive Toxin
CCR, Title 22, Part 7 (Retail Food Facilities), Chapter 4 (Retail Food Practices-California Uniform Retail Food Facilities Law [CURFFL]) Food Sanitation
City of Berkeley Municipal Code 16. 12.30-32-34), Monitoring Well Ordinance-And All Permits Pursuant (except AEA materials) Site Restoration
SWRCB Model Well Ordinance, Water Code Section 801c (except AEA materials) Site Restoration
CDC/NIH-Biosafety in Microbiological & Biomedical Labs (Berkeley Lab will develop internal standards to address the issues covered by the external standards. After those standards have been developed, the external standards will be used only as implementation guidance.) Biological, Infectious Agents
CGA pamphlet S-1.2-1963, Pressure Relief Vacuum Equipment-Back-Filled From Pressure Source
CGA pamphlet S-11-1963 and 1965 addenda Vacuum Equipment-Back-Filled From Pressure Source
DOE 231.1, paragraph 5.d.2 (to the extent that it requires compliance) Site Environmental Report
DOE 420.1, Facility SafetyFacilities Design
DOE 430.1, Life Cycle Asset Management (LCAM) Facilities Design
DOE 440.2, AviationMechanical Hazards-Aviation
DOE 5400.1, Chapter IV, paragraphs 1.a, 3, 4, 5 (not including 5.a.2.d),6, and 10.c Environmental Radiation Protection
DOE 5400.5, Chapter II, Paragraph 5 and Chapter IV Site Restoration
DOE 5400.5, Chapter II, Paragraphs 1 (not including 1.a.3.c and 1.c), 2, 6 (not including 6.a), 7, and 8.a Environmental Radiation Protection
DOE 5400.5, Chapter II, Paragraph 5 and Chapter IV Release of Potentially Radioactive Contaminated Material and Property
DOE 5400.5, Chapter II, 5.C, Chapter IV, 5.A Release of Potentially Volume-Activated Material
Application of DOE 5400.5 Requirements for Release and Control of Property Containing Residual Radioactive Material (memo, dated 11/17/95) Release of Potentially Radioactive Contaminated Material and Property
Release of Potentially Volume-Activated Material
DOE 5820.2A, Chapter II, Transuranic Waste excluding 3.j (QA); Chapter III, Low-Level Waste excluding 3.i (QA) ; Chapter IV, Accelerator Produced Radioactive Material excluding 3.b (QA), Chapter V, Decommissioning Facilities Excluding 3.e (QA) Radioactive and Non-Hazardous Portion of Mixed Waste
DOE Manual 231.1-1,Chapter 1, Paragraph 1.a and 1.b Site Environmental Report
IEEE Standard C95.1-1991, Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields, 1992 Radio Frequency (RF) Source
NFPA 1, Fire Prevention Code (for fire protection, life safety) Fire Protection-Life Safety
NFPA 101, Life Safety Code (for facility design, and fire protection, life safety) Facilities Design
Fire Protection-Life Safety
NFPA 1600, Disaster ManagementEmergency Preparedness
NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquid Code Flammable and Combustible Liquids
NFPA 70, National Electrical CodeElectrical Safety
NFPA 70E, Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces Electrical Safety
NFPA 86, Standard for Ovens and Furnaces Ovens (includes laboratory furnaces)
NIH-Guidelines for Research Involving DNA Molecules (Berkeley Lab will develop internal standards to address the issues covered by the external standards. After those standards have been developed, the external standards will be used only as implementation guidance.) Biological, Infectious Agents
LBNL Design Management Procedures Manual, RD 3.22, Lateral Force Design (Seismic Safety) Facilities Design
LBNL PUB-3000 and other internal EH&S procedures Transportation of Radioactive Materials-Onsite
LBNL PUB-3000, Chapter 21 (X-ray safety sections) X-Ray Machines and Electron Microscopes (Non-Medical)
LBNL PUB-3000, Chapter 5, Part VIII, Section 13 Hazardous Material Transportation-Onsite
LBNL Standard on the Issue of Peroxidizable Chemicals (to be developed) Peroxidizable Chemicals
LBNL Standard for Hazard Communication on the Issue of Radio Frequency (RF) Source (to be developed) Radio Frequency (RF) Source
LBNL Standard to Minimize and Control Ergonomic Risks (to be developed) Repetitive Motion; Ergonomics
LBNL Standard for Unrestricted Release for Volume-Activated Material (to be developed) Release of Potentially Volume-Activated Material
LBNL Standard for Hazard Communication on Static Magnetic Fields to be developed Static Magnetic Field > 5 gauss
LBNL Standard for Hazard Communication on Ultraviolet Radiation (to be developed) Ultraviolet (UV) Source

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