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for Work and Hazards Identification to Define the Necessary and Sufficient Standards Set and Direct Appraisal Efforts |
This report initially identifies the work activities and hazards that are present in the E. O. Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (Berkeley Lab or LBNL) Operations Division, Facilities Department, as part of the Integrated Hazard Assessment (IHA) process. Activities and hazards were identified in preparation for:
In mid July 1996, a multi-disciplinary team of Facilities and EH&S representatives from the Berkeley Lab and Department of Energy (DOE) Oakland Operations were identified (note team listing below). The responsibility of this team was to review available work activity and hazard information, identify hazards related to Facilities activities, complete hazard identification worksheets, and perform field verification of hazards. Facilities shop supervisors were also given the opportunity to provide hazard information on the identification worksheets. Discrepancies found between the team members' and shop supervisors' worksheets were resolved by the team leader. Identification worksheet information was then entered into the IHA information management system and reviewed for quality. Identification worksheets are enclosed and are grouped by functional areas identified for the IHA process.
The body of this report summarizes the IHA team participants, project time-line, Facilities organization and management, ES&H performance expectations and objectives, Facilities physical conditions within which the work will be performed, Facilities materials and conditions that could cause adverse consequences, uncertainties about the work, EH&S resource availability and constraints, and stakeholder concerns.
Group leaders report directly to the Department Head and are accountable for the successful execution of their Laboratory support functions, adherence to the Facilities Department mission, as well as adherence to all administrative and regulatory requirements. The group leaders meet weekly with the Department Head for discussion of current support priorities, budget, and safety issues. The department's Support Services manager is also the Department ES&H coordinator, charged with oversight of all matters pertaining to environmental quality and the health and safety of employees, contractors, and the public. ES&H committees function to help this effort. Committees exist at the staff, lead, and management levels, and meet at least monthly.
Research Program Management Responsibility for Safety
Line Management is responsible for the protection of the public, the workers, and the environment.
At the Berkeley Laboratory the following documents establish the policy and provide the implementation guidance that makes line management effectively accountable for protection of workers, the public and the environment:
Clear Roles and Responsibilities
Clear and unambiguous lines of authority and responsibility for ensuring safety are established and maintained at all organizational levels within the Department and its contractors.
Clear Roles and Responsibilities (continued)
Each Division making up the Berkeley Laboratory has clearly defined lines of responsibility down to the working level. Each division designates a research investigator to represent its views and concerns on the Laboratory Safety Review Committee and a full time employee to act as the ES&H Coordinator. This Coordinator acts as the interface between ES&H concerns and compliance in the workplace and the EH&S technical professionals. The organizational information is updated every 60 days and is retained in the Functional/Facility Notebooks as appropriate (see OAP).
Competence Commensurate with Responsibilities
Personnel possess the experience, knowledge, skills, and abilities that are necessary to discharge their responsibilities.
Job assignments, including hires, are reviewed by line management and by the compensation group within Human Resources to ensure that the requirements and responsibilities of a job are matched by the experience, knowledge and skills of individuals selected for assignment. A performance expectation for managers and supervisors in the Division of Environment, Health and Safety is how well the talents, knowledge and skills of staff are matched to work assignments and responsibilities
The Laboratory's training program ensures that each staff member, including participating guests, is adequately trained to participate safely in Laboratory activities. Staff, with supervisor participation, fill out the Jobs Hazards Questionnaire (JHQ) describing the hazards associated with their job assignment and work area. Evaluation of the responses by the Training Coordinator and the cognizant supervisor determines the training regimen needed to carry out work in a manner that protects the employee, co-workers, the public, and the environment.
Balanced Priorities
Resources are effectively allocated to address safety, programmatic, and operational considerations. Protecting the public, the workers, and the environment is a priority whenever activities are planned and performed.
All environment, safety and health activities in the Laboratory are described in technical terms with budgetary information included. Each year this information is updated, reviewed and prioritized on the basis of risk to workers, public, and the environment by a Laboratory wide committee selected to represent programmatic line management and ES & H professionals. This document is utilized by Laboratory Senior Management in strategically planning the immediate focus and long term goals of the environment, safety, and health program at the Laboratory.
Hazard Controls Tailored to Work Being Performed
Administrative and engineering controls to prevent and mitigate hazards are tailored to the work and associated hazards being performed.
Chapter 6 of the Environment, Health and Safety Manual clearly defines the steps for each line manager to develop the appropriate engineering and administrative controls to mitigate hazards in the workplace. The Laboratory's Self Assessment Program, including Functional Appraisals by ES & H professionals, and the UC/DOE Contract 98 Performance Measures provide assurance that implementation of hazards control is adequate to protection the worker, the public and the environment.
Identification of Safety Standards and Requirements
Before work is performed, the associated hazards are evaluated and an agreed-upon set of safety standards and requirements are established which, if properly implemented, provide adequate assurance that the public, the workers, and the environment are protected from adverse consequences.
The Laboratory is dedicated to following the Necessary and Sufficient Closure Process (DOE 450.3) on an iterative basis at all levels of activities in the Laboratory to ensure the Safety Standards are adequate to provide protection to workers, the public, and the environment. This process is completed by to commencement of work in those situations where current work is significantly modified, new work is proposed or substantial facility modifications are being made (Chapter 6, Environment Health and Safety Manual).
Operations Authorization
The conditions and requirements to be satisfied for operations to be initiated and conducted are clearly established and agreed-upon.
Conditions and requirements for facilities determined to be of higher risk based on the Preliminary Hazards Analysis are contained in a Safety Analysis Document. Activity Hazard Documents are the basis for meeting this requirement for specific operations and activities falling into the higher risk category at the Berkeley Laboratory. Internal Agreements describing the performance expectations by each party are used for operations between two functional areas where the quality of performance might adversely impact the Laboratory's ability to meet its responsibility to protect workers, the public, and the environment.
The Facilities Department is charged with providing professional and technical support to the Laboratory's research and development program. This is accomplished by:
Building 42 and 903
Facilities Excess / Disposal (Salvage) occupies space at Buildings 42 and 903. Work related to Salvage (Bldg. 42 location) requires personnel to travel to various Lab Sites to collect scrap metal from salvage bins for segregation at Building 42. The warehouse located offsite at Building 903 is used for storing excess property.
Building 69 and 903
Mail Services, Shipping, and Transportation occupy space in Building 69. Receiving is located offsite at Building 903. Work related to these services also requires Facilities personnel to visit locations throughout the Lab site for delivering mail and transporting material.
Building 76
The Facilities Department Crafts Shops are physically located in Building 76 which includes the Carpentry Shop (Including Roof Repair), Paint Shop, Electrical Shop, Plumbing Shop, Regulator Shop, Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) / Refrigeration Shop, Maintenance Shop, and Motor Pool (Automotive Repair Space).
In addition to the physical location of Building 76, Facilities crafts personnel perform work throughout the Laboratory Site to support the Lab's infrastructure, which would also include the Donner and Calvin Buildings located on the UC Berkeley Campus. Crafts work performed in these Buildings is performed in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Berkeley Lab and the UC Berkeley Campus. Facilities crafts personnel may also work in other campus Buildings depending on special agreements between the UC Berkeley Campus and the Berkeley Lab.
Other Facilities services that support the Lab's infrastructure, but may not have an actual shop or a primary physical work location would include Custodial Services, Grounds Services, Lighting Services, Buses, Construction Inspection, and Rigging.
Buildings 69, 78, and 79
The Facilities Stores consists of the Crafts and General Stores (B78), Industrial Gases (B69), and the Metal Rack (B79). The Crafts Stores stock material primarily to support the various craft shops located in Building 76, while the General Stores supplies material for the Lab as a whole. The Metal Rack located at Building 79 stocks a variety of raw metal primarily for the Engineering Division. The Metal Rack has a variety of metal cutting machinery to support their customer's needs. Industrial Gases is located at Building 69. The variety of hazardous and compressed gases purchased by Lab customers are delivered to Building 69 by outside vendors and stored until they are delivered by Facilities personnel to LBNL customers. Flammable and combustible liquids are also stored in the "Drum Rack" area until they are delivered to LBNL customers.
Building 90 Trailer Complex
Facilities Project and Construction Management, Design, In-House Energy Management, and Estimating occupy the trailers located at Building 90.
Brief examples of typical materials and conditions that could cause adverse consequences if not controlled are listed below for each of the different Departments within Facilities.
Operations and Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance
Technical Services
Carpenter Shop
Construction Management (Subcontractors)
Support Services
Excess / Disposal
Material Services
Due to the nature of the work that Facilities performs to support the infrastructure of the Lab, employees may be required to perform crafts or maintenance related work in any of the Lab's Divisional spaces which would include research labs, accelerators, grounds, and UC Berkeley owned spaces under certain circumstances.
Other factors related to uncertainties about Facilities work would include end of the fiscal year small and subcontract construction projects which seem to create planning and management difficulties due to stringent work completion deadlines. It should also be noted that the Craft Shops hire temporary contract employees through local union halls to help with the year end construction projects.
The delivery of industrial gases will be modified in the near term. Industrial gases will no longer be delivered to Building 69; instead, they will be delivered directly to customers. Gases will be stored in approved storage locations located throughout the Lab Site.
Outsourcing of the Motor Pool's vehicle services last year has created available space in Building 76. Part of this space has already been taken over by the Facilities Purchasing Group and Preventive Maintenance is in the process of taking over additional space for shop equipment.
1) Are resources and support expected and/or needed from EH&S in the coming year?
YES- As we have done in past years, we rely on continuing EH&S support to ensure safe, healthful working conditions for our employees. Our needs are particularly directed toward measurements and evaluation of potentially hazardous situations.
2) Now that you have evaluated EH&S support during the past year and determined the expectations for the coming year, describe your level of satisfaction in EH&S meeting the needs of your division in the current year.
SATISFACTORY IN MOST AREAS. EH&S field work has been very good; accident statistics reporting has improved markedly. EH&S training administration has been inadequate in helping the Department meet mandated training goals.
3) What is your level of confidence that EH&S can meet divisional needs in the coming year?
4) What would it take to increase this rating?
To go to EXCELLENT from GOOD requires a major investment for relatively small payback. We are pleased with the current interest in our department and hope that nothing happens to change that interest.
Stakeholder concerns would include:
Attachment A - Facilities organization chart
Attachment B - Facilities functional spaces identified for the IHA process
Attachment C - Building floor plans for Buildings 69 and 76
Enclosed are the IHA worksheets for the Facilities functional spaces identified for the IHA process.