Field Operations Organilzational Objectives

  • Shared vision and more effective communication between Central and Field Business Units
  • Sustained management focus on resource analyst needs, roles and responsibilities
  • Define critical services, accountabilities, and decision-making processes; and clarify roles, responsibilities and accountability
  • Define and apply common set of Division financial standards along with strengthened and consistent quality assurance controls and processes
  • Identify, define and share best financial practices and process controls and make consistent across the Divisions with documented procedures for core functions
  • Cross-division benchmarking and best-practice sharing; drive towards commonalities and creation of a community of practice
  • Establish mechanism to surface business issues with collaborative problem resolution; coordinated improvement of financial processes and systems implementation with effective Division participation
  • Update personnel practices: define common set of core performance standards and expectations based on professional standards and critical knowledge and skills; clarify job family and standardize position descriptions; establish more standardized process for recruiting and hiring new staff; obtain Division input and review of PRD’s
  • Build and sustain a competent, highly skilled and knowledgeable workforce by developing and implementing technical skills training
  • Implement new employee orientation program for Division resource analysts
  • Help recognize and solidify financial management as a discipline; promote rotational opportunities between central office and Divisions