
Awards and Appointments
- Berkeley Lab Astrophysicist and Nobel Laureate George Smoot Elected to National Academy of Sciences
- Energy Secretary’s Excellence Award to Molecular Foundry Project Management Team
- Gruber Cosmology Prize Awarded to Discoverers of Dark Energy
- Berkeley Lab Wins Three Prestigious 2007 R&D 100 Awards for Technology Advances
- Gabor Somorjai Wins Priestley Award
- Berkeley Lab Deputy Director Elected to National Academy Sciences
- Paul Alivisatos Wins E.O. Lawrence Award
- A Surprise Award to George Smoot: the Daniel Chalonge Medal
- Berkeley Lab Physicist George Smoot Wins 2006 Nobel Prize
- Feltrinelli International Prize Awarded to Berkeley Lab's Saul Perlmutter
- Berkeley Lab Wins Four Prestigious 2006 R&D 100 Awards for Technology Advances
- Berkeley Lab's Saul Perlmutter wins Shaw Prize in Astronomy
- Berkeley's Art Rosenfeld Wins Fermi Award
- Three Berkeley Lab Scientists Elected To National Academy of Sciences
- Two Berkeley Lab Scientists Win DOE Distinguished Scientist Fellowships
- Berkeley Lab Scientist
Wins E. O. Lawrence Award
- Berkeley Lab
Soil Scientist Margaret Torn Receives Presidential Early Career Award
- Berkeley
Lab Wins "R&D 100" Awards for Unique Electrochromic
Windows and Synthetic Nanomotor
- Berkeley Lab's Nine Nobel
Prize Winners
- MacArthur
Fellowship Awarded To Carolyn Bertozzi for Cell Remodeling Efforts
- Morris
Pripstein Wins Human Rights Award
- Brighter, Safer,
Thriftier Light Wins Popular Science Award
- Daniel Chemla,
Ken Raymond Elected to National Academy of Sciences
- Darleane Hoffman Awarded
Priestley Medal, American Chemical Society's Highest Honor
- Darleane
Hoffman, Harold Johnston to Receive National Medal of Science
- Researchers
Here Win Three Popular Science "Best of What's New" Awards
- Berkeley
Lab Scientists Win Two Discover Awards
- Water
Purification System, Materials Library Selected For Discover Awards
- Water Purification
System: It Would Be a Sin Not to Deploy It, Says Energy Secretary
- Susan
Anderson Third Lab Scientist to Win PEW Environmental Award
- Discoverer
of Carbon-14 Here, Martin Kamen, Wins Enrico Fermi Award
- Mina
Bissell Wins E.O. Lawrence Award
- George
Smoot Wins E.O. Lawrence Award
- Robert
Bergman Wins E.O. Lawrence Award
- Marvin
Cohen appointed University Professor by Regents
- Art
Rosenfeld of E&E appointed Department of Energy Senior Advisor
- Art
Rosenfeld of E&E Joins Clinton Administration
- Art
Rosenfeld Wins Conservation Award; Heinz Heinemann Wins Fossil Energy
- National
Academy of Sciences: Sung-Hou Kim and Judith Klinman Elected
- Martha
Krebs Nominated to Head Office of Energy Research
- Ron
Kolb Appointed Communications Head
- Dave
Nygren, Art Poskanzer and Frank Stephens Named Distinguished Scientists
by Berkeley Lab
- Organic
Chemist Peter Schultz Wins Wolf Prize in Chemistry
- Plaudits
and Patents Bestowed on Lab Scientific Staff in 1992