Serious water problems are projected for California and other western
states by the year 2049 because of an increase in atmospheric levels of
carbon dioxide, say scientists with the U.S. Department of Energy’s
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab). Warmer overall
temperatures may spell more rain and less snow in the winter. This in turn
will mean more flooding in the spring and a reduced water supply for
summers that will grow increasingly dry.
Two papers presented at the 81st meeting of the American Meteorological
Society in Albuquerque, New Mexico, discussed the importance of accurately
assessing and projecting regional climate changes that can result from
global warming. One focused on the problems facing the western United
States at the regional level, the other looked at the potential impact of
rising temperatures on a representative set of California river systems.
Both of the scientists presenting the two papers work out of the
hydroclimate and impacts research group with Berkeley Lab’s Earth
Sciences Division. The research group is funded in part by NASA.
"Regional climate significantly affects water resources, frequency
of natural disasters such as flood and drought, and the health of
ecosystems," said Jinwon Kim, lead author of the paper on regional
impacts. "For example, increasing populations and industrial
activities in the western U.S. expand urban areas into steep slopes and
flood planes. As a result, increasing populations are being exposed to
natural hazards."
Norman Miller, leader of the hydroclimate and impacts research group
and a member of the California Energy Commission’s California Climate
Change Panel, was the principal author of the paper on California river
systems. Though the projections of both studies showed the same results,
Miller warns that climate projections are not guarantees.
"Caution should be exercised in reporting any climate projection
as the degree of uncertainty remains significant," he says.
Nonetheless, Miller and Kim agree that accurate assessments and
projections of the potential impacts of climate changes on regional and
state levels are crucial for managing water resources, reducing the damage
caused by natural hazards, and planning for sustainable development.
"These concerns will become even more prominent in California and
elsewhere throughout the western United States as population and
industrial growth continues to strain the current water resources
supply," Miller says.
To obtain climate predictions for the western U.S., Kim and his
coauthors downscaled the global climate change scenarios predicted by the
United Kingdom’s Hadley Centre Global Climate Model (HadCM2). They did
this by coupling HadCM2 to a pair of regional climate models called the
Mesoscale Atmospheric Simulation (MAS) and Soil-Plant-Snow (SPS) which
Kim, working with others, developed.
Projections were based on the doubled carbon dioxide (2xCO2) condition
that is widely used as a standard by climate forecasters. The researchers
assumed that CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere will continue to rise by
a rate of one percent a year and focused their projections on the climate
changes that should take place between the years 2040 and 2049.
"Preliminary analyses of the results suggest that total
precipitation in the western U.S. may increase significantly, especially
in the high elevation areas where heavy precipitation occurs," Kim
The most significant precipitation increases were projected for the
Sierra Nevada and the northern California Coastal Range. However, Kim
said, "Most of this precipitation increase will be due to increased
rainfall. Significant increases of snowfall may occur only in very high
elevation areas."
On a regional scale, the western U.S., like California, is
characterized by mountainous terrain, interior deserts and coastal areas
which see extreme contrasts in seasonal precipitation -- very little
rainfall in the spring and summer months. Therefore, the western region,
like California, depends heavily on high elevation snow packs to feed its
rivers and other fresh water resources.
The paper presented by Miller also downscaled the HadCM2 global model
by coupling it to regional climate models. In addition to the MAS model,
Miller and his coauthors also worked with the National Center for
Atmospheric Research’s RegCM, and the Danish Meteorology Office’s
HIRHAM. They, too, projected significant increases in precipitation and
temperatures for the Sierra Nevada.
"These increases may require California water resources managers
to release reservoir storage water to reduce the risks of flooding during
the wet season," Miller says. "This would decrease the supply
available for the dry season."
The paper Kim presented was titled: "Downscaled Climate Change
Scenario for the Western U.S. Using MAS-SPS Model Nested within the HadCM2
Scenario." His coauthors included Miller, Tae-Kook Kim of Berkeley
Lab’s Earth Sciences Division, and Raymond Aritt, William Gutowski, Jr.,
Zaitao Pan, and Eugene S. Takle, all with Iowa State University at Ames.
Miller’s paper was titled: "Assessing California Streamflow Under
Present Day and a Climate Change Condition." His coauthors included
Jinwon Kim and Gutowski, Pan, and Takle, plus Eric Strem at the
California-Nevada River Forecast Center of the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, and Jens Christensen of the Danish
Meteorological Institute in Copenhagen.
Berkeley Lab is a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory located
in Berkeley, California. It conducts unclassified scientific research and
is managed by the University of California.
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