The FLC gives up to 30 awards each year to federal lab employees for their success bringing in the fruits of their research to private industry. Pines, Siminovitch, and Zhang will received engraved plaques at the FLC National Technology Transfer Meeting in Kansas City on April 12.
In addition, two LBL teams received Certificates of Merit for their work: Robert Sullivan and Michael Wilde of the Energy and Environment Division, and the team of William Chu (Life Sciences), Jose Alonso (AFRD), Tim Renner (AFRD), Bernhard Ludewigt (Life Sciences), John Staples (AFRD), Mark Nyman (Engineering), Rajinder Singh (Engineering), and Robert Stradtner (Engineering).
Pines was recognized for his work on a system that helps scientists study the structure and function of critically important catalysts in the petrochemical, pharmaceutical and microelectronics industries. His Double Rotation Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (DOR) probe technology allows researchers to obtain nuclear magnetic resonance spectra in solids that are of much higher resolution than previously possible.
In 1989, the DOR probe won an R&D 100 award and was featured on the cover of a special "Advances in Instrumentation" issue of Science. Chemagenetics, Doty Scientific, Inc., and Bruker instruments have since licensed and currently market the DOR probe technology. The Shell Oil Company has also adopted the technology into their catalysis research program.
Siminovitch and Zhang were recognized for the development of energy-saving convective venting systems for compact fluorescent downlight fixtures. The technology uses precisely-placed openings to increase airflow in recessed light fixtures. By helping cool the fixtures, the openings can increase light output in such lamps as much as 20 percent.
One of the barriers to switching from inefficient incandescent fixtures to highly-efficient compact fluorescents has been loss in light intensity due to thermal losses.
Delray Lighting, Lithonia Lighting, and Kurt Versen--three key manufacturers of compact fluorescent lights--have incorporated the venting technology into their products.
The team of Sullivan and Wilde received a Certificate of Merit for developing prototype interactive multimedia applications ranging from building design and performance analysis tools to information databases on building energy efficiency.
The team of Chu et al. received a Certificate of Merit for technology innovation and demonstration of the feasibility of key concepts in heavy charged-particle radiotherapy.