exploding star dubbed SN 1997ff, caught once on purpose and twice by
accident by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, is the oldest and most distant
Type Ia supernova ever seen, according to a recent analysis by the
Department of Energy's National Energy Research Scientific Computing
Center (NERSC) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Berkeley Lab astrophysicist Peter Nugent, a member of the team led by
Adam Riess at the Space Telescope Science Institute that studied the
distant supernova, used an IBM SP supercomputer to perform the analysis at
NERSC, the world's largest unclassified supercomputing center. Nugent says
that the serendipitous discovery of the more than 11-billion year old
supernova is important for several reasons.
This oldest and most distant supernova brings
us information from an era when stars and galaxies were closer
together and expansion was still slowing due to gravity. Now
the universe is accelerating, but that didn’t begin until the
universe was more than half its present age.
"This supernova is consistent with the cosmological model of an
accelerating universe, a universe mostly filled with dark energy,"
Nugent says. "It argues against the notion that observations of
distant Type Ia supernovae may be systematically distorted by intervening
gray dust or the chemical evolution of the universe."
Moreover, says Nugent, "the supernova is so ancient that it allows
us to glimpse an era when matter in the universe was still relatively
dense and expansion was still slowing under the influence of gravity. More
recently the dark energy has begun to predominate and expansion has
started to speed up."
The Supernova Cosmology Project and the High-Z Supernova Search Team,
the two international groups of astronomers and physicists who discovered
the accelerating expansion of the universe, use Type Ia supernovae as
"standard candles" to measure cosmological parameters. Type Ia
spectra and light curves (their rising and falling brightness over time)
are all nearly alike, and they are bright enough to be seen at very great
With a redshift (or z) of about 1.7, says Nugent, "supernova
1997ff is some 11.3 billion years old, much older -- and much fainter --
than the previous record of z equals 1.2, which corresponds to an age of
about 9.8 billion years old." He adds that a supernova at redshift
1.7 "is too far away to have been visible from the surface of the
Earth. Only a space-based telescope could have found it."
SN 1997ff was first found, on purpose, by Ron Gilliland of the Space
Telescope Science Institute and Mark Phillips of the Carnegie Institute of
Washington, during the last week of December, 1997. Gilliland and Phillips
turned the Hubble Space Telescope on the same patch of sky recorded in the
renowned Hubble Deep Field of typical galaxies, looking for bright spots
which, after spurious or doubtful signals had been rigorously eliminated,
might prove to be supernovae. They found two good candidates.
Gilliland and Phillips asked Nugent to help them determine what these
discoveries implied for the rate at which high-redshift supernovae might
occur in the universe as a whole. Their report, published in 1999,
suggested that one of their two candidates, SN 1997ff, was probably a Type
Ia with a redshift greater than z = 1.32. Because it had been observed in
only one range of frequencies, however, the uncertainties were too great
to use the supernova for cosmological estimates.
At high redshifts, much of an astronomical object's characteristic
spectrum is shifted into the infrared. Without additional infrared
observations, no useful cosmological information could be derived from SN
1997ff, nor could its type be positively identified. It seemed unlikely
that anyone had made such observations.
Enter serendipity. Gilliland learned that only 25 days after his and
Phillips's observation, Rodger Thompson of the University of Arizona had
begun studying a small portion of the Hubble Deep Field with NICMOS, an
instrument aboard the space telescope that makes images in the near
infrared. Although Thompson had not been looking for supernovae, many of
his images accidentally included SN 1997ff and its host galaxy.
"Twenty-five days later may seem like a long time, but highly
redshifted objects are moving away from us so fast that time dilation is
large," Nugent remarks. "At a redshift of 1.7, three and a half
weeks in our frame of reference is only about nine days of elapsed time
for the supernova itself."
Six months later another set of infrared images of the same region,
made by Mark Dickinson of the Space Telescope Science Institute, caught
the now greatly faded supernova and its host galaxy once again. Nugent
learned of Dickinson's work in the summer of 1999 and met with him at the
American Astronomical Society meeting the following year.
Once more, luck had provided a missing piece of the puzzle: by
digitally subtracting the new image of the host galaxy from images made
when the supernova was bright, Nugent proposed, much of the remaining
uncertainty about the supernova and its host could be eliminated.
Intrigued by the accumulating data, Adam Riess queried Nugent in July
of 2000 about doing cosmology on an unnamed supernova at a redshift
"around 1.65." There was only one such supernova; soon Riess and
Nugent were collaborating. "Adam had the monumental task of reducing
the observed NICMOS infrared data," said Nugent, "while I
concentrated on comparing the reduced data to known supernovae and various
sets of cosmological parameters."
Among the numerous calculations Nugent performed at NERSC in
communication with Riess, one of the most telling was a set of plots
seeking the best fit to parameters that included supernova type, redshift,
distance, and the evolution of the light curve. They determined that SN
1997ff was almost certainly a Type Ia supernova at a redshift of 1.7,
first seen eight days after it exploded.
"Now we could do the cosmology," Nugent says.
The conclusion that the expansion of the universe is accelerating is
based on the observation that Type Ia supernovae at redshifts greater than
0.5 are dimmer -- and thus farther away -- than their redshifts would
suggest if the universe were coasting, or if expansion were slowing under
the influence of gravity.
"But SN 1997ff is so far away, and thus so old, that it brings us
information from an era when stars and galaxies were closer together and
expansion was still slowing due to gravity," Nugent says. "Now
the universe is accelerating, but that didn’t begin until the universe
was more than half its present age."
Thus SN 1997ff supports the model of a universe consisting of about one
third matter and ordinary energy and about two thirds "dark
energy," which acts to overcome gravity. SN 1997ff argues against
alternative explanations of the observed relationship between brightness
and redshift of Type Ias.
Most important, says Nugent, SN 1997ff proves that while the most
distant supernova currently cannot be seen from ground telescopes, they
can be observed from space -- and they can provide vital information about
the most basic cosmological questions, including, perhaps, the nature of
the dark energy itself.
"The results from SN 1997ff are one of the best arguments for the
SNAP satellite," Nugent says. SNAP -- for SuperNova/ Acceleration
Probe -- has been proposed to address just these kinds of questions. SNAP
would fly a 2-meter telescope and employ a CCD camera far larger and more
sensitive than any previous astronomical imager, especially in the near
Adam G. Riess, Peter E. Nugent, and 12 of their colleagues, including
representatives of both the High-Z Supernova Search Team and the Supernova
Cosmology Project, are the authors of "A glimpse of the epoch of
deceleration from the highest redshift supernova observed," which
will soon appear in the Astrophysical Journal.
The Berkeley Lab is a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory
located in Berkeley, California. It conducts unclassified scientific
research and is managed by the University of California.

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