Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory today announced that it has
selected a site in downtown Oakland to house the Laboratory's new computing center. Called
the Berkeley Lab Computing Center, the facility will be housed in a former Wells Fargo
bank building at 415 20th St. at Franklin. The lease calls for 27,000 square feet of
usable space, with an option to add another 35,000 square feet.
"As computers have become an integral part of how we conduct scientific research,
as well as how we manage our Laboratory, it's essential that we have a state-of-the-art
computing facility to match our state-of-the-art computers," said Klaus Berkner,
Deputy Director for Operations at Berkeley Lab. "Although we didn'tt know what
wed find when we began our search, this new computing center in Oakland fits our
needs exactly."
Berkeley Lab began looking for a suitable site for the computing center earlier this
year. The Lab, which is located in the hills above the UC Berkeley campus, is short of
building space for new facilities and has moved some operations to downtown Berkeley. The
search for the new computing site encompassed dozens of sites stretching from Hercules to
Hayward. A request for proposals in April drew eight qualified responses, from which the
Oakland site emerged as the favorite. The building, which will be seismically reinforced,
was damaged by the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake and has long been vacant.
The new center, which is scheduled to open by summer of 2000, will house the Department
of Energy's National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), a national
supercomputing facility, as well as various computers used by the Lab's scientific
programs. Combined, NERSC's one IBM and seven Cray supercomputers have a capacity of
performing about one trillion calculations per second. They are used to support some
2,500 researchers at national labs, universities and industry to tackle some of the most
difficult scientific problems. NERSC also houses a mass scientific data storage center
with a capacity of 300 terabytes (300 trillion bits of information), more than six times
the amount of information in the Library of Congress.
Additionally, computers operated by Berkeley Lab's Information and Computing Sciences
Division to support administrative services, such as human resources, electronic mail and
Internet applications, payroll and budgeting will be located in the center. Berkeley Lab
has been a leader in adopting new software and technology to support administrative
functions across the institution. As a result, the systems are now supported on a handful
of powerful, fully supported computers, rather than spread out piecemeal on hundreds of
desktop systems. The move has resulted in greater reliability and lower costs, and allows
the central servers to be located off the Laboratory site.
The new Berkeley Lab Computing Center will be connected to Berkeley Lab and other
national laboratories via the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Sciences Network, or
ESnet, a backbone network of the Internet. To provide the needed bandwidth and
connectivity, a high-speed network connection will be routed to the new center.
Improvements in the electrical supply capability will also be made.
Berkeley Lab conducts unclassified research and is managed by the University of
California for the U.S. Department of Energy. |