One day was all it took a team of researchers at the Joint Genome
Institute (JGI) in Walnut Creek, California to unravel the entire genome
of the "superbug" Enterococcus faecium -- a harmful,
antibiotic-resistant bacterium that is one of the leading causes of
hospital-acquired infections.
"I believe this kind of fast response capability could prove to be
very useful to researchers in medical, national security and agricultural
contexts," said JGI Director Elbert Branscomb.
In a single day, researchers were able to complete the first phase of
genome sequencing (the shotgun sequencing phase), permitting essentially
all of the organism's genes to be identified. Future work will complete
the assembly of the genome and provide a more complete analysis of its
genetic structure.
The information gleaned from sequencing the 2.8 million base pairs of
DNA will pave the way for medical researchers to find the organism's
vulnerabilities, develop vaccines against it, and improve tests and
treatments, said George Weinstock, the co-director of the Human Genome
Sequencing Center at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.
The project is a collaboration between the JGI and Baylor College. The
work is funded by the Department of Energy and the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Said Energy Department Secretary Bill Richardson, "This is an
excellent demonstration of the technological prowess of the Department of
Energy's Joint Genome Institute. This new capability to rapidly decode the
DNA of microbes can be used to provide the scientific community with a
huge amount of fundamental data about life and the microbial world."
The rate of infection by bacteria such as E. faecium and other enterococci
surged during the past 20 years. Most alarming has been their escalating
resistance to antibiotics, including vancomycin, usually considered the
treatment of last resort.
The bacterium can spread throughout the body and cause serious
infections in the blood, heart, urinary tract, central nervous system, and
in wounds. Only a few new antibiotics have been identified in test tube
studies that show promise in combating it.
"As a result, the study of fundamental properties of this organism
is likely to play an important role in discovering new means to treat,
prevent or modulate enterococcal infections," Weinstock said.
The Joint Genome Institute was established in January 1997, merging the
genome programs at Berkeley Lab, Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos
national laboratories.
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