BERKELEY, CA � John Clarke and Alexander Pines
have been named to the first annual Scientific American 50 list, honoring
individuals and organizations whose accomplishments demonstrate a "clear,
progressive view of the technological future."
John Clarke
Clarke and Pines are members of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's
Materials Sciences Division; Clarke is professor of physics and Pines
professor of chemistry at the University of California at Berkeley. The
two were jointly chosen by the editors of Scientific American magazine
as research leaders in the category of general technology for their "innovations
in magnetic resonance imaging with weak magnetic fields."
"Recognition for our collaborative work by the editors of Scientific
American is certainly an honor, particularly since the magazine has
a unique role in communicating science and technology," says Clarke.
"Above all, it's an honor we share with our students and colleagues."
Alexander Pines
Pines adds, "The work for which we have been cited has depended
heavily on the contributions of our graduate students and postdoctoral
scholars. We're fortunate to work with such outstanding young scientists
at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of California."
Scientific American's editor in chief, John Rennie, says the purpose
of the new list is to recognize not only researchers but business and
policy leaders, as well as companies and organizations, "who are
advancing technology and guaranteeing a brighter future for all of us."
Other categories in the Scientific American 50 list, which will be published
in the magazine's December issue, include agriculture, chemicals and materials,
communications, computing, defense, energy, environment, manufacturing,
medical diagnostics, medical treatments, and transportation. In each category
the editors recognize a research leader, a business leader, a company,
and a policy leader.
Clarke and Pines were named for their recent innovations in magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy
in ultralow magnetic fields. Their technology combines superconducting
quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) that allow room temperature access,
coupled with modern developments in NMR pulse sequences and switched magnetic
fields. This opens the possibility for mobile diagnostic scanning devices
in materials and biomedicine, without the need for huge superconducting
John Clarke is noted for work in superconductivity, particularly the
development and application of ultrasensitive SQUID detectors. He has
used SQUIDs in many applications, including detection of NMR signals at
ultralow frequencies; geophysics; nondestructive evaluation of materials;
biosensors; detection of dark matter; and observing "qubits"
for a potential quantum computer. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society
of London and an Honorary Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge. His honors
include the University of California's Distinguished Teaching Award, 1987
California Scientist of the Year, and numerous technology awards including
the Fritz London Memorial Award for low temperature physics and the National
Academy of Sciences Comstock Prize in physics.
Alexander Pines, Glenn T. Seaborg Professor of Chemistry, has pioneered
such NMR developments as novel coherence methodologies, in particular
for solid samples, and innovations in combining NMR spectroscopy and imaging,
using ultrasensitive pumping with lasers and detection techniques using
superconducting devices. Applications range from material science to biomedicine.
Pines is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, a foreign member
of the Royal Society of London, and past president of the International
Society of Magnetic Resonance. His numerous teaching and technical awards
include the 1991 Wolf Prize in chemistry, the American Chemical Society's
Irving Langmuir Award in chemical physics, and the University of California's
Distinguished Teaching Award.
Scientific American magazine was founded in 1845 and is published
by Scientific American, Inc., a division of Holtzbrink Publishers, a subsidiary
of Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck GmbH, which operates in more than
40 countries.
The Berkeley Lab is a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory located
in Berkeley, California. It conducts unclassified scientific research
and is managed by the University of California.