Quasiparticles are mathematical entities used to predict realistic electronic
behavior by including properties, like finite range, that real electrons
do not possess. In metals under ordinary conditions, so-called Landau
quasiparticles closely resemble familiar electrons; as Crommie's "quantum
corral" showed, an STM can clearly image their interference upon
In conventional low-temperature superconductivity the situation grows
more complex. Superconductivity is carried by Cooper pairs -- usually
described as pairs of electrons -- that move through the crystal lattice
without resistance. A broken Cooper pair is called a Bogoliubov quasiparticle.
It differs from the conventional quasiparticle in metal because it combines
the properties of a negatively charged electron and a positively charged
hole (an electron void).
Physical objects like impurity atoms, from which quasiparticles scatter
in an ordinary metal, only weakly affect the energy of a Cooper pair in
a conventional superconductor. In conventional superconductors, interference
between Bogoliubov quasiparticles is hard for an STM to see.
Because of their complex global electronic structures, however, high-Tc
cuprate superconductors are another matter. Thus Davis and his colleagues
were able to resolve distinctive patterns of quasiparticle interference
in Bi-2212.
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Additional information
scattering interference in high temperature superconductors,"
by Qiang-Hua Wang and Dung-Hai Lee