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Recovery Act Activities Berkeley Lab Information Related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 20099

Since an initial allocation in March 2009 of $115.8 million from the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, Berkeley Lab has received several additional awards from the Office of Science, the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the National Institutes of Health and other agencies. A large portion of the money will go towards infrastructure upgrades; other awards will go directly to science programs covering a broad array of research, from batteries and energy efficiency to health, nanoscience, computer networking and accelerator science. The list below shows Recovery Act funding that has been received to date.

Computing $85.7  
Infrastructure $60.3  
Science $51.3  
Energy $103.5  
Health $12.8  
TOTAL $ 313.6  
Berkeley Lab Projects - Allocation of Funds

Figures are in millions
