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Berkeley Lab Currents

March 7, 1997


Next Generation Internet Promises High Speeds

By Ron Kolb

The Clinton Administration's national campaign to build support for its Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative made a stop at Berkeley Lab last month, carrying the promise of data transmission up to 1,000 times faster than current internet traffic.

Tom Kalil, senior director of the National Economic Council at the White House, and Martha Krebs, director of the Office of Energy Research for the Department of Energy, described NGI to an assortment of representatives from electronic communications industries, universities and laboratories in Perseverance Hall on Feb. 20.

"We want to create the foundation for networks and networked applications of the 21st century," said Kalil, who put the NGI price tag at $100 million a year for the next three years. "Many agency and research requirements are not being met by today's Internet."

NGI's goals, first announced by President Clinton last fall, are to connect 10 universities and national laboratories at 1,000 times faster than the current Internet system, and to connect 100 universities and national labs at 100 times faster. The system would be a companion to the so-called "Internet 2" project being developed for universities under the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Krebs illustrated just what those numbers mean. Noting that high-end physics projects will involve a massive amount of data analysis and transmission, she pointed to Brookhaven's Relativisitic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) as an example. "For one collision, the transfer of data would take about 2,500 hours today," she said. "With NGI, we'll be able to do it in 25 hours."

The B-factory at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and its BaBar detector, being developed at Berkeley Lab, will eventually involve 1,500 users from 10 countries, all requiring access to research collaborations via the Internet, Krebs said. She also pointed to the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, the National Ignition Facility at Livermore, and the Human Genome Project as huge data management challenges.

The current Internet, with 60 million connections worldwide and a 70 percent annual growth rate, is running out of bandwidth needed to sustain the quality of DOE's critical research partnerships, Krebs told the audience, which included executives from Cisco Systems, MCI, Cray Research, Sun Microsystems, IBM, AT&T, Sprint and Cabletron.

"The Department of Energy is a major player in the nation's research investment portfolio," she said. "Our initiatives involve collaborations, remote experimentation, network-based computing, and facilities on-line. DOE's role will be in connecting the sites and developing networking technologies at the end of the `pipes.'"

For that reason, DOE is targeted to receive $35 million of the $100 million requested for FY 1998. A portion of that money is expected to go to Berkeley Lab, home of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) and its ESnet networking system.

Bill McCurdy, associate laboratory director for Computing Sciences, pointed out that ESnet serves 33 DOE sites, half of them at universities, and that since 1975 it has been an international leader in the distribution of resources and the "sociology" of networking. Emerging technologies such as multi-protocol routing and the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) have resulted from program research. ESnet is expected to be part of an NGI prototype.

Before the initiative goes forward, however, it needs congressional support. The message to those assembled for the presentation was clear. "Speak up on behalf of NGI," Krebs said. "These are not simple times in Washington; there is lots of work to be done."

Kalil described the next steps: integrate the NGI partnership (which includes DOE, Department of Defense, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NSF, National Institutes of Health, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology); initiate a Presidential Advisory Council to guide the strategy; identify the technical issues at an NGI workshop May 12-14; and participate in the congressional budgeting process.

The corporate representatives at the briefing were told they could participate in the "test bed" environment to apply their new technologies, as well as reap the benefits of market capitalization. Private-sector investment in NGI was estimated at $100 to $300 million.

One industry participant summed up his colleagues' consensus: "This is a wonderful program, extremely important for the country." Time will tell whether or not the legislative branch agrees.

Caption: White House economic advisor Tom Kalil (left) and DOE's Martha Krebs listen as Berkeley Lab Life Sciences researcher Cathie Magowan explains her analytical studies of malaria in red blood cells at the Advanced Light Source. Also on the tour--from a group visiting the Lab for briefings on the Next Generation Internet--were David Singer of IBM (center) and Randy Rettberg of Sun Microsystems. Photo by Don Fike


Environmentally Sustainable Energy Choices: A National Town Meeting

By Allan Chen

Energy efficiency and renewable energy could become the dominant energy technologies in the next 40 years, according to panelists in a national town meeting held Feb. 19 at more than 100 sites around the country, including Berkeley Lab's Bldg. 50 auditorium.

The teleconference, titled "Environmentally Sustainable Energy Choices," consisted of a 90-minute panel discussion in Washington, D.C., transmitted to sites around the country, followed by a local panel discussion at each site in town-meeting format. Christine Ervin, assistant secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, represented DOE on the national panel. She was joined by Amory Lovins, director of the Rocky Mountain Institute; S. David Freeman, CEO of SunLight Power International; Roger Sant, chairman of the board of The AES Corp. and former director of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District; and moderator Deborah Potter.

"We can't talk about sustainable development without changing how we use energy," Ervin said. "The bad news is that energy use is the largest factor responsible for many environmental impacts. But the good news is that energy efficiency and cleaner forms of energy are tools that are available now to help protect public health and the environment, and stimulate the economy."

Lovins said the United States has cut its energy bills by a cumulative $2 trillion dollars during the last two decades, and that in spite of these savings, a large amount of energy is still being wasted that could be recaptured using existing technology. Sant argued that natural gas, as the cleanest of the fossil fuels, has a transitional role to play in switching to energy sources that emit fewer greenhouse gases.

Turning the discussion to electricity deregulation, Freeman said: "We're moving out of one era in energy--when utilities made exclusive decisions about which sources of energy to develop--to a new era in which consumers will make decisions about which energy sources will supply their needs. We are now importing more than 50 percent of our oil supply. I want the people of America to start making sustainable choices."

After fielding questions from teleconference sites all over the country, the panel concluded that the world would move toward efficient energy use and renewable energy supplies; however, they differed on how quickly the change would come. Ervin saw a large rise in the use of "distributed" energy generation, such as rooftop solar cells and wind turbines, over the next 40 years. According to Lovins, in the near term, "one-quarter of our energy needs will be met by the more efficient use of energy, rising to three-quarters in 40 years, and this will be followed, in order of importance, by renewables, natural gas, and what remains of old energy sources such as fossil fuels and nuclear power." Freeman predicted that renewables and energy efficiency will see all the future growth.

At Berkeley Lab, the local panel moderator was Rick Diamond, acting head of the Lab's Center for Building Science. He prompted the audience to ask questions about creating a sustainable energy strategy. The local panel represented a cross-section of organizations working in sustainable energy issues: Cassandra Adams, assistant professor at UC Berkeley's Department of Architecture; Cyane Dandridge, director of ReEnergize East Bay; Neal de Snoo, City of Berkeley energy officer; Budd Dickinson, energy manager at Community Energy Services Corporation; Doug Lockhart, head of Berkeley Lab's In-House Energy Management Section (IHEM); and Scott Wentworth, City of Oakland engineer responsible for energy issues.

The panelists discussed how they or their organizations were working locally to improve energy efficiency. According to Lockhart, Berkeley Lab has spent $20 million on energy efficiency projects for the Lab's buildings, funded by DOE, with savings of millions of dollars per year. These projects pay for themselves after a few years and continue to benefit the Lab by reducing its energy bills.

"The City of Berkeley spends $104 million per year on energy, about $1,000 per person" said de Snoo. "What we need to further economic growth is often what we need to further environmental sustainability. Economic gain will continue to be one of the local drivers of energy efficiency."

Dandridge said that her non-profit organization, ReEnergize East Bay, is trying to develop a model that other community groups can use to promote energy efficiency locally. The group charges a modest fee to recoup the cost of helping small businesses retrofit themselves to become more energy-efficient, and is currently developing programs with the City of Berkeley and Pacific Gas and Electric aimed at the "small commercial" sector. "We're not appealing to environmental arguments when we try to convince businesses to do these projects," Dandridge said. "We're appealing to bottom line and quality of life issues, and businesses are responding."

Renew America, an independent non-profit group whose objective is promoting public-private partnerships to encourage environmentally sound practices in America's communities, was the national meeting's sponsor. Local funding came from DOE's Rebuild America program, which helps communities develop energy-efficient, environmentally sustainable housing.


Lab's New Employee and Labor Relations Manager Believes in Win-Win Solutions

By Monica Friedlander

When it comes to handling labor relations issues, the San Francisco Newspaper Agency and Berkeley Lab may be worlds apart. But for Michael O'Neil, Berkeley Lab's new manager of employee and labor relations, the approach to his job is still the same. "I'm trying to avoid problems," he says, "instead of being the lawyer who comes in later to fix them."

O'Neil's vision is one that is highly valued at all levels of Lab management. "Strong employee relations and labor relations programs are absolutely essential to being a progressive employer in the 1990s," said Berkeley Lab Deputy Director Klaus Berkner. "I am delighted that we have been able to attract Mike, with his broad experience base, to this critical position."

A lawyer and expert in labor relations, O'Neil's career stretches over 25 years. His professional experience includes work for the National Labor Relations Board, private law practice, and recently, the top leadership position for the human resources department at the San Francisco Newspaper Agency (an agent for both the Chronicle and the Examiner).

O'Neil has filled the position formerly held at the Lab by Delores Gaines, who stepped down last May. Employee Relations/Labor Relations is a unit of the Lab's Human Resource Department and is responsible for handling the entire gamut of issues that involve employee-management relations.

"Mike O'Neil is perfect for the job,"

said Cheryl McFate, acting director of Human Resources. "He has a demonstrated track record of bringing leadership to labor/employee relations and functions. In addition to his role of managing the employee labor unit, he will be a key player on the management team for the Human Resources Department and in helping manage activities lab-wide."

O'Neil accepted the position over returning to private law practice because he believes the Lab offers him the opportunity to practice his philosophy of labor-management relations, which avoids confrontation and relies instead on counseling, negotiations, and bringing people together.

"This is the kind of work that I first did in private law practice," O'Neil said. "I don't want to spend all my time litigating. Coming here was like going back to my roots. The policy here is a very responsible one. It recognizes the fact that unions and employees have different agendas and different objectives. Notwithstanding that, there can be efforts as often as possible to find win-win solutions. I think this Lab is committed to that."

O'Neil will be responsible for building relations between labor and management, overseeing the collective bargaining process for union-represented employees, developing strong supervisory programs, and integrating the efforts of the Human Resource Department with those of other Lab divisions and departments.

Most importantly, O'Neil wants to see the HR Department serve as a key resource that people can trust and feel comfortable relying on whenever necessary.

"Before I came here I read `Lawrence and His Laboratory,'" said O'Neil. "The book described how Stanley Livingston went back to Cornell and could not build a cyclotron as quickly or efficiently as Lawrence was doing here. And the reason he couldn't do it was the he couldn't get things like wire. He couldn't get support services. And my view is that HR and other support departments are in the business of making sure the researchers get their wire. This is now the information age, so instead of providing wire, we provide services and knowledge and advice so that people don't have to get bogged down in that."

Since he started on his new job, O'Neil has been busy meeting with division directors, administrative staff, and other representatives of both labor and management, paving the way for what he hopes will be a successful long-term relationship with both sides. Based on his experience so far, O'Neil is optimistic that the Lab has the mechanism in place to create an environment that is open and responsive to employee concerns and in which common ground can be found between all parties.

"I see our main objective as helping to provide guidance for the continued viability of the Lab as a place where all employees have the opportunity to succeed," he said.




More Public Outreach Urged at AAAS Meeting

By Lynn Yarris

"Engaging Science-Sustaining Society" was the theme of the 163rd annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), held last month in Seattle. More than 800 scientists and engineers, including a number from Berkeley Lab, presented talks during the Feb. 13-18 event. Attendance was estimated at more than 5,000.

Outside the technical talks, the primary topic of discussion focused on public attitudes and perceptions towards science. Geneticist Lee Roy Hood of the University of Washington gave the keynote address.

"Scientists should make a commitment to bring science to the public," he said. "It is perhaps the only way we can make our case to society about the fundamental importance of science to society's future."

Never have the research opportunities been greater in the biological and medical sciences, he said, but researchers in those fields are facing a skeptical public. Citing pollution, diseases such as cancer and AIDS, and poorly understood technologies such as cloning, Hood said the American public and its political representatives are questioning whether science has really brought benefits.

"Scientists must reach out to society and educate them as to the opportunities and benefits of science, as well as the ethical challenges," he said.

Hood used the tools and information emerging from the Human Genome Project as a prime example of science raising critical issues that will have to be discussed, debated and resolved in the public arena. The outcomes of these discussions should be predicated on informed opinions, he said.

He posed a series of questions such as: Do citizens have a right to privacy concerning information about their genes even if withholding that information causes harm to others?

"Judgments such as these are difficult to make for highly informed and reflective individuals," Hood said. "They are even harder for persons who lack the necessary background of information for sensibly evaluating contrasting viewpoints, or who lack the will or ability to think critically about ethical issues."

Neal Lane, director of the National Science Foundation, couched the AAAS theme slightly differently in a lecture he called, "Science: Stepchild or Superstar." His three years in Washington, D.C., have given him a new appreciation for the detailed and diverse knowledge required by politicians and policy-makers to do their job, he said. He has also developed a deepened appreciation for the importance of perceptions.

"There is increasing recognition (in Washington) that science has never been a peripheral stepchild to the process of society progress," Lane said. "But we must be pragmatic in recognizing that science is also not the superstar in that process."

The pace of scientific advances has definitely accelerated significantly during the past decade, Lane said. Yet in spite of dramatic breakthroughs in almost every discipline, the scientific community has not yet convinced the electorate and its representatives that federal research programs are critical investments and should be increased even under the constraints of balancing the budget.

"Perhaps one reason for this disconnect is that the electorate does not perceive science as concerned with society's problems, but rather with abstract questions of nature and the universe," he said.

The NSF director said he has spent much of the last two years speaking to science and engineering groups about the necessity for reaching out to the voters and policy-makers with information about the value of research to national prosperity. While he was encouraged by the Clinton budget proposal for R&D (see Feb. 21 Currents), he noted that not all research agencies and programs will be treated equally, "for better or worse." How well each agency or individual program does will depend upon how effectively its case is made.

"It does not matter that we know that research is a high-value investment. What matters is convincing those who pay our bills," he said.


And the Winner Is--Seaborgium

Reason seems to have finally prevailed in the dispute over the naming of elements 104 through 109. After more than three years of sometimes fierce debate, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has reached a tentative agreement.

Of greatest interest in Berkeley is that the name Seaborgium (chemical symbol Sg) for element 106 has prevailed. The element will now be officially known for Berkeley Lab Associate Director-at-Large Glenn T. Seaborg, the man who shared the 1951 Nobel Prize in chemistry with former Lab Director Edwin McMillan for "their discoveries in the chemistry of the transuranium elements." This marks the first time an element will be named for a person who is still living.

Element 106 was co-discovered by Berkeley Lab physicist Albert Ghiorso and Kenneth Hulet, a chemist with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Their effort to name their element after Seaborg was supported by the American Chemical Society but ran into resistance by IUPAC, which proposed its own names for 106 as well as elements 104, 105, 107, 108, and 109. Subject to confirmation by the full IUPAC membership at a meeting this August, these elements will now be known respectively as: Rutherfordium, Dubnium, Bohrium, Hassium, and Meitnerium. Seaborg has said the naming of an atomic element for him is the greatest honor he has ever received, even better than winning the Nobel Prize.


Ritchie Honored in Materials Sciences

Robert O. Ritchie, head of the Structural Materials Department in Berkeley Lab's Materials Sciences Division, and professor of Materials Science at UC Berkeley, has received the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society's (TMS) Structural Materials Distinguished Materials Scientist/Engineer Award. The award recognizes an individual who has made a long-lasting contribution to the fundamental understanding of microstructure, properties and performance of structural materials for industrial applications. Ritchie is being honored for outstanding contributions to the fundamental understanding of fatigue performance of advanced structural materials, including metal matrix composites for defense and commercial applications. The award was presented at the 1997 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Orlando, Fla., held in February.

Ritchie has also been awarded the 1997 Distinguished Van Horn Lectureship by Case Western Reserve University. The lectureship is awarded annually to a distinguished materials scientist to present a series of lectures at the university during the Spring semester. He will present three lectures in April.


In Memoriam -- Earl K. Hyde

Former Deputy Director Earl K. Hyde, who retired from the Lab in 1986 following a distinguished career as a nuclear chemist, died March 3 from complications due to severe fibrillations of the heart. A resident of Berkeley, he was 76.

Hyde joined the Lab in 1949 for a one-year appointment, and stayed for an illustrious career that spanned nearly four decades. Currents will provide a retrospective of his life and work in the March 21 issue.


Spotlight on Energy Efficiency

Caption: Newly elected State Assemblywoman Dion Aroner (center) of Berkeley paid her second visit to the Lab last month to learn more about the Lab's energy efficiency programs. This information is important as the legislature works with the Wilson Administration to determine how to support state-directed energy efficiency research in light of the utility deregulation efforts. Here, with Carl Blumstein of the UC Energy Institute (left), she talks with Brent Griffith and Dariush Arasteh of the Windows Lab in Bldg. 53.




Publications Team Brings Home Honors

The Public Information Department received a welcome surprise on Feb. 22, when the Society for Technical Communication (STC) announced that Berkeley Lab's Research Review magazine won "Best of Category" in STC's 1996 Northern California Technical Communication Competition. The awards were announced at a banquet hosted by the Silicon Valley Chapter of STC.

The annual contest, which honors excellence in technical writing, editing, and design, draws formidable competitors from industry and academic institutions around the Bay Area, among them Hewlett Packard, IBM, Intel, Apple, Cisco, Sun Microsystems, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

In all, PID garnered 10 awards for its publications, in categories ranging from scholarly and professional articles to financial and administrative reports. The Research Review won top honors in the category of house organs, and has been entered in STC's international competition. Other winning PID publications included the 1994 and 1995 Report to the Regents, the Berkeley Lab Open House Program, "Science for a Sustainable Future," "Partnerships: The New R&D Agenda," "Building a Better Future," and three Research Review article reprints.

"Our primary goal is to communicate the value and excitement of the Lab's scientific research," said PID head Ron Kolb. "These awards are one important way of evaluating just how well we're doing our job."

The PID team responsible for producing the award-winning publications includes Pam Patterson for editing, Lynn Yarris and Jeffery Kahn for science writing, and Niza Hanany for art direction. Photography was provided by TEID's Photo Lab, with additional illustration by Flavio Robles Jr., and print coordination by Faye Jobes.

"It's great to be recognized by our peers," Patterson said of the awards. "It tells us that our publications have an impact beyond the Laboratory."

STC is an international professional association that promotes the advancement of technical communication. Its membership includes writers, editors, illustrators, publishers, educators, engineers, and scientists in all areas of science, technology, and medicine.

Caption: From left, Niza Hanany, Lynn Yarris, Pam Patterson, and Jeffery Kahn of the Public Information Department. Photo by Roy Kaltschmidt


Berkeley Lab Web Site Honored Again

Berkeley Lab's main web site ( has received another award for overall excellence.

NetGuide Magazine, in a review of more than 50,000 sites, has included the Lab's web site in its "Best of the Web" listings. Netguide awarded the site a Gold Award, giving it high marks for content and personality. It commended the Lab for providing information to a range of audiences, "some of it geared for the casual surfer and some of it geared for scientists."

Last year, the Lab's main web site was selected for a similar award. The Magellan Internet Guide awarded the web site its Four Star Award rating. This is the highest rating an Internet site can achieve in Magellan's comprehensive Internet directory, which includes more than 1.5 million sites and 40,000 reviews.

The main web site is a collaborative effort led by electronic media coordinator Jeffery Kahn of the Public Information Department, and Martin Gelbaum of Berkeley Lab Computing.


Waste Watchers

Additions to the Waste Management Group

Waste Management is pleased to announce three additions to the Waste Certification team. The purpose of the team is to ensure that the Lab's waste is fully and accurately described so it can meet waste acceptance criteria of the off-site treatment and disposal facilities used by the Lab.

Two new members, John Chernowski and Bob Thompson, will be directly involved in ensuring that generators' waste is properly characterized. You will probably speak with them over your waste documentation from time to time. Both have ample experience in the private sector. Chernowski also has extensive experience with Berkeley Lab waste generators from his time as a waste contractor.

Nahid Mahani will also join Waste Management soon. Her role will be to ensure that all analytical data on samples taken from the Lab's waste is valid and can be used in making determinations on proper characterization. Nahid's history is with radiological and chemical analytical laboratories.

DTSC to Allow Bench-top Treatment of Some Waste

The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has announced that bench-top treatment of small quantities of hazardous or mixed wastes will soon be allowed without a permit under conditions specified by DTSC. Berkeley Lab plans to implement this program in April 1997 for waste generators who have taken a short on-the-job training course from their Generator Assistance Specialist. Please contact Brian Smith (X6508) if you are interested in this program. He will arrange for your training as soon as the DTSC rules for bench-top treatment are finalized and released.

Brought to you monthly by the Waste Management Group


Courier Service Reduces Rates

IDS Couriers, the Lab's contract courier service, is continuing its commitment to the Laboratory with newly reduced rates. The service operates 24 hours a day with pick-up and delivery anywhere in Northern Califoria. For prices and service, call 548-3263 with pick-up/delivery location, time requirement (rush, two-hour, four-hour, or same-day), and a valid Lab account number.




International Women's Month

UC Berkeley's Diamond to Speak on Brain Research

Marian Diamond, professor of Integrative Biology at UC Berkeley and former director of the Lawrence Hall of Science (1990-96), will speak at the Lab at noon on Friday, March 14, in the Bldg. 50 auditorium as part of the Laboratory's celebration of International Women's Month. An authority on brain research and a past guest lecturer at Berkeley Lab, she will speak on the subject of "Brains and More Brains: Something Old and Something New."

During years of research, Diamond has discovered that the brain can continue to develop at any age given proper stimulation. "Use it or lose it," she has said. She has also discovered structural differences between male and female brains. Her talk will include some background to her research, and discussion of her more recent discoveries about the brain.

Diamond received her doctorate degree from UC Berkeley in 1953 and has been on the Berkeley faculty for 36 years. In 1981 she was named one of the three most popular college professors in the nation. In 1995 she was named Berkeley's Alumna of the Year, one of only four women to have received this honor.

In a 1995 article in "California Monthly," Diamond said she worked half-time while her children were growing up, and she advised young women climbing the academic ladder and raising children to do the same. "Your child-bearing and child-rearing years are really a small part of your lifespan," she said. "Women should make the most of those years. They are very precious."

Diamond's talk is sponsored by Berkeley Lab's Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) group and the Work Force Diversity Office. All employees are invited to attend.


Science Exploration Camp Mixes Fun, Education for Lab's Children

This summer will usher in the third year of the Science Exploration Camp for school-age children of Berkeley Lab employees. Scheduled for the last six weeks of summer--July 21 through Aug. 29--the camp will provide a mix of recreational and science-oriented activities for children ages 7 (entering second grade) to 11 (entering sixth grade).

The core program will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a morning science component and afternoon recreational activities. The science component is based upon weekly themes, and will be held at Berkeley Lab and the Lawrence Hall of Science. Recreational activities will include trips to local parks and pools. Transportation will be provided by Lab/UC buses and/or public transit.

The camp is run by a subcommittee of the Lab's Work Family Committee, which has formed a nonprofit corporation called Science Exploration Camp (SEC). SEC members hire staff and volunteer their time to organize the camp and participate in the program as support staff. Program operating costs are supported by camp fees.

The cost of the camp is $160 per child per week, with some parent participation. Before- and after-camp care (during which quiet activities will be provided) is included in the fee. Every effort will be made to accommodate parents who begin work before 8 a.m.

Registration opens March 10, and is limited to 30 campers per one-week session. Early registration is recommended. Priority will be given to Lab families; enrollment will be opened to others if space allows.

For more information and to enroll your child(ren) in the camp, visit the Science Exploration Camp web site at (site will be fully operational March 10). You may also pick up registration forms from the Employee Buying Service in the cafeteria lobby, or call Bruce Davies at X6461.


Camp Volunteers Needed

The Science Exploration Camp directors encourage Lab employees to participate in the camp by giving demonstrations related to Lab research or business activities, teaching science module planning, or preparing materials to use in the program. To volunteer, send e-mail to


Proposals Sought for FY 1998 Laboratory Directed R&D Program

Director Charles Shank has issued the call for proposals for the FY 1998 Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) Program. This program provides support for projects in forefront areas of science that can enrich Berkeley Lab R&D capabilities and achievements.

Proposals are encouraged that fit in with the Laboratory's strategic directions. A special area of emphasis will be the continued building of computer and computational science in the research divisions. Multi-investigator and multi-divisional initiatives that attack problems of scale are likewise encouraged. As in the past, some outstanding single-investigator research projects will also be funded.

A Call for Proposals has been distributed to division directors and administrators. Principal investigators are to submit proposals to division directors by Friday, April 11. After conducting an internal review and evaluation, division directors will forward the proposals to the Director's Office. Division directors will then present the proposals from their divisions to review committees composed of the Director, deputy directors, associate laboratory director, and other division directors. The Director will make the final decisions.

The Call for Proposals and forms are available on the Web via the Berkeley Lab Home Page/Publications/LDRD or via AppleShare/Net R112 zone/Depdir PowerMac Scanner server/LDRD folder.


Video Services to Hold Demo

Video Services has announced the addition of professional quality digital video editing and broadcast services. Demonstrations of this new technology will be held from noon to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18, and Thursday, March 20, in Bldg. 90-1050. Please RSVP to Video Services at X4237.


Calendar of Events at Berkeley Lab


The Berkeley Lab Calendar is published biweekly here on the World Wide Web and in Currents by the Public Information Department. Employees can list a meeting, class, or event in the Calendar by using this submission form. The deadline for submissions is 5 p.m. on Monday in the week that Currents is published.

In addition to the events listed below, Berkeley Lab's Washington, D.C. Projects office is hosting a Science and Technology Seminars series. 

Scientific Conferences


March 10-21, 1997




Registration opens today for the Lab's summer camp program for school-age children. See article on page four for details.



7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Bldg. 54 parking lot.


Workers' Compensation Supervisory Training, 9:30-11:30 a.m. in Bldg. 51-201.


Monthly meeting at noon in the lower cafeteria.


General meeting at 12:10 p.m. in Bldg. 2-100.



General meeting at noon in Bldg. 90-1099.



UC Berkeley professor Marian Diamond will speak at noon in the Bldg. 50 auditorium on "Brains and More Brains: Something Old and Something New."



Video Services will hold a demonstation of its latest technology (see page four) at noon in Bldg. 90-1050. RSVP to X4237.



Officer's meeting at 12:10 p.m. in Bldg. 2-100.



Video Services Services will hold a repeat demonstation of its latest technology (see page four) at noon in Bldg. 90-1050. RSVP to X4237.

Items for the calendars may be sent via e-mail to, faxed to X6641 or mailed to Bldg. 65B. The deadline for the March 21 issue is 5 p.m. Monday, March 17.


Seminars & Lectures

MARCH 10, Monday

Life Sciences Division Seminar

"Gene-Specific Damage and Human Disease" will be presented by Bennet Van Houten of the Sealy Center for Molecular Science at 4 p.m. in Bldg. 66-316.

MARCH 12, Wednesday

Center for Environmental Biotechnology Seminar

"Animal or Mineral? The role of Abiotic Processes in Soil Contaminant Transformations" will be presented by Angus McGrath of the Earth Sciences Division at 10:30 a.m. in Bldg. 70A-3377.

Surface Science and Catalysis Science Seminar

"Faceting of Surfaces Induced by Ultrathin Films: Atomically-Resolved Structure, Reactivity and Electronic Properties" will be presented by Theodore E. Madey of Rutgers University at 1:30 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 auditorium.

MARCH 13, Thursday

International Women's Month Special Lecture

Marion Diamond, professor of Integrative Biology at UC Berkeley and former director of the Lawrence Hall of Science (1990-96), will speak at noon in the Bldg. 50 auditorium as part of the Laboratory's celebration of International Women's Month. She will speak on "Brains and More Brains: Something Old and Something New." All employees are invited to attend.

MARCH 18, Tuesday

Physics Division Research Progress Meeting

"Parity Nonconservation in Relativistic Hydrogenic Ions" will be presented by Max Zolotorev of AFRD at 4 p.m. in Bldg. 50A-5132; refreshments, 3:40 p.m.

MARCH 20, Thursday

Surface Science and Catalysis Science Seminar

"Theoretical Studies of Heterogeneous Catalysis: Zeolites and Metal Oxides" will be presented by John B. Nicholas of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory at 1:30 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 auditorium.

Life Sciences Division Seminar

"WT1, A New Breast Cancer Tumor Suppressor Gene Candidate" will be presented by Gary Silberstein of UCSC at 4 p.m. in Bldg. 66-316.

MARCH 21, Friday

Earth Sciences Division Seminar

"3-D Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion for Environmental Site Characterization and Geophysical Exploration" will be presented by Ganquan Xie of the Earth Sciences Division at 11 a.m. in Bldg. 90-2063.

Environmental Energy Technologies Division Friday Forum

"New Services from TEID" will be presented by Ruby Tebelak and other representatives from the Lab's Technical and Electronic Information Department at noon in Bldg. 90-3148.






'79 TOYOTA Celica GT liftback, 5-spd, 187K mi., very reliable, smogged, new tires & seat covers, recent clutch, radiator, top end, alternator & battery, body & int. in fair cond., asking $1400. Wes, X7353, (415) 453-1874

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'81 TOYOTA Celica, approx. 100K mi., 5-spd, runs well, $1200. X4703, 524-9116

'84 BUICK Century, 4-dr, 78K mi., p/w, p/s, tilt, a/c, Olympic edition, great cond., $2600/b.o. John, X6730

'86 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Ciera, 102K, a/t, a/c, new smog & tires, minor paint & body damage, $1450/b.o. Nik, X7802, 658-7807

MOTORCYCLE, '79 Kawasaki KZ1000, shaft drive, fairing, stereo, soft side bags, extras, 16K mi., needs battery, $1K/b.o. Martin, X4371, 370-6002

MOTORCYCLE, '82 Suzuki, GS1000SZ, the original drag bike, collector cond., $3500. Dave, X6285

MOTORCYCLE, '95 Kawasaki GPZ 1100, very red, 8K mi., a lot of power, $5500. Graham, X8643

TIRES, Dunlop Radial Rover P205/75R15 (2 of `em ), $25 ea.; seat covers, 2 real sheepskin, red, fit Jeep Cherokee, $50 both. X7783, 528-0465


HOUSEKEEPER, couple in Orinda seek dependable & thorough person, work 4-6 hr./wk., refs. req'd. Mike or Sue, 254-0609

METRONOME for child's piano practice. X6878, 528-3408

MICROSCOPE, monocular and/or binocular, for young student; globe (terrestrial), pre 1940 preferred. 526-2007

MISC. ITEMS for housing, futon, wooden chairs, wooden book shelves, desk, color TV, video, etc. Uwe, X6094

MOUNTAIN BIKE, woman's, fair cond. Uwe, X6094

STAMPS & covers. 526-6730

STORAGE SPACE for approx. 6-8 mo. while we remodel, dry, secure, 1-car garage sz. gd. Jonathan, X4148, 525-5540


ANSWERING MACHINE, digital, almost new, works perfectly, money back guarantee, $10. Christa & Harrie, 845-4980 (msg.)

BIKE, Bianchi Limited, Japanese built Chrom-moly 52cm frame, Look pedals, Shimano 600 components, hardly used, paid $1K, asking $600. 419-9191

BOAT, Searay cruiser, 22.5', SRV225, 260 Merc. outdrive, slps 4, head, galley, lots of teak, 300 hours, very gd cond., gd family or fishing boat can also be used for water skiing, incl. Trailrite tandem axle trailer, best offer. Bob, 376-2211

COLOR TV, Toshiba, 27" w/remote, stereo, cable ready, 8 yr. old, $175; elec. dryer, Kenmore, 15 yr. young, $100; Rosewood coffee table, 34"x48," $75, all offers considered. Robin, X6012, Nancy, 838-6956

COMPUTER, Macintosh IIsi, 40 MB drive, 9MB RAM via RAM doubler, system 7.1, B&W monitor, loaded w/software, $350/b.o. Scott, X4874

COMPUTER TABLE, 2' x 4-1/2', & hutch, both oak, brand new cond., $150. Loren, 843-4736

DESK, oak, antique, 6-drwr, tilt up typewriter section, $75; chandelier, 5 light, $25/b.o. Guy, X4703, Kathy, 482-1777

ESPRESSO/CAPPUCCINO MAKER, mini, Krups, works great (steamer unit fixed), $25. 237-2233

GARAGE CABINETS, 7'h x 4'w x 12"d, 5 shelves, 3 avail., $20 ea. or 3 for $55; rollaway steel file cabinet w/hanging file attachment, $10. 831-9172

LAWN MOVER, virtually new, used 6 times on sm. area, 3/4HP gas mulcher w/rear discharge bag, manuals avail., $175 new, asking $100. Yvette, X5681

LOOM, sturdy cherry Loomcraft flr jack loom, 4 harness, 45" wide, solid, compact, exc. cond., $1K/b.o.; bench warping board, warping wheel, extra reeds, shuttles, etc. avail., negot. Andrea, X4695

MATTRESS, twin sz., Serta, firm, used 1.5 yr., bought for $220, asking $100/b.o. Jim, X6919, 235-5389

MICROWAVE OVEN, $75; table lamp, brass, 3-way light, $30; canopy, black iron for queen-sz. bed, like new, $75; rug, off-white, 9'x10.5', needs some cleaning, $50. Andre, X6745, 559-8652

POWERBOOK 165c, System 7.1, clock 33 MHz + math coprocessor, RAM 4MB, hard disk 120 MB, 256 color monitor 640x400 passive matrix power supply, like new, $575. Steve, X5584

PUPPIES, Labrador Retriever, AKC/OFA, champion show, shots, del. date 4/13, $400 ea. Steve, X7685, 516-7260

SKI TICKETS, Northstar, discount; Sugar Bowl coupon. Ron, X4410, 276-8079


BERKELEY, rm for rent in 4-bdrm house, 5 blks from Northside campus, $500/mo. 841-2749

BERKELEY, nr Oxford/Cedar, furn. apt, $1400/mo.; 3-bdrm, 2.5-bth, avail. late March-Aug./Sept. 524-8122

BERKELEY, 1-bdrm & 1-bth in lg. 2-bdrm & 2-bth apt, furn., washer/dryer, walk to LBNL shuttle & UCB, nr shopping & trans., safe, no smoking, no pets, short term OK, $490/mo. + uitls. + dep. X6736, 841-2140

BERKELEY, Carleton/Grant, nr BART, Berkeley Bowl & Lab shuttle, 10 min. drive to LBNL, newly renovated 2-bdrm apt, ground flr of 2-story Victorian, sunny southern exposure, front yd, all new appliances, washer/dryer, custom tile flr, no smoking, no pets, $1200/mo. include. part utils. Richard, X6320

BERKELEY, furn. 2-bdrm apt in Victorian house, nr Berkeley Bowl Market, 15-min. walk to LBNL shuttle, share yd, basement laundry & storage, prefer visiting scholar, no smoking inside, avail. 3/15, $1200/mo., all utils. incl. Ann, X6985, 845-2052

BERKELEY, Grant nr Lincoln, recently renov., furn. 1-bdrm apt, partly wood floor, sm. garden, parking, $650/mo. Uwe, X6094

BERKELEY HILLS, furn. 2+bdrm, 2-bth house, include. linens, dishes, appliances, etc., walking distance or 5 min. drive to LBNL, no pets, nonsmokers, prefer visiting scholar w/spouse, avail. 4/15 thru 6/20, utils. incl., $1200/mo. + ref. sec. dep. Jean, 841-5274

NO. BERKELEY, sublet, lg. rm avail. now thru 5/31 in 2-bdrm brown-shingle house, longer term possible, hardwd flrs, frpl, lg. yd, washer/dryer, share w/1 male scientist, $650/mo. David or Jennifer, 559-8603

NO. BERKELEY HILLS, 761 Spruce St., furn. 3-bdrm, 2-bth professor's home, 2 dens, living & dining areas, 1 garage space, bay view, patio w/solar heated hot tub, on 67 bus line, avail. June thru Oct. inclusive, $1600/mo. incl. garden care & water. John & Ann, 527-0422

SO. BERKELEY, 2-bdrm. apt in 4-unit brn. shingle, split-level, newly refurbished, skylts, 10 min. walk to UCB, nr bus & shops, all utils. incl., $950/mo. unfurn., $1050/mo. furn. Kathy, 482-1777

WANTED: furn. house for the month of July, visiting German professor, wife & 3 children (4,6,10), Berkeley, Oakland or surrounding area. Jen, X4058

WANTED: rent/house-sit, 2-3 bdrm house in No. Berkeley, Lab family w/mature children, no pets. Carol, X4812

WANTED: furn. apt, studio or room for visiting German scientist (male, 25), from 4/1 - 6/30, non-smoking, if poss. nr UCB/LBNL. Martin, X4800,

WANTED: apt/house nr LBNL for month of July, for visiting researcher & wife. Kathy, X4931, Prof. Ed Sowell,

WANTED: furn. rm/apt for visiting scientist, now 'til July, non-smoking, nr LBNL or shuttle stop. Greg, 423-5083, 452-5239,

WANTED: 2-bdrm house/apt in Berkeley/Albany/EC from about 5/1 to 9/1 while we remodel ours, prefer unfurn. Jonathan, X4148, 525-5540

Real Estate

SONOMA COAST, 2.16 acres, Timbercove, Ft. Ross area, all utils. Nick, 527-1965

WALNUT CREEK, Rudgear park area, spacious 4-bdrm, 2.5 bth, 2-story, 2050 sq. ft. townhouse, bright & airy vaulted-ceiling living room w/view of creek & park, cent. a/c, 2-car garage, upgraded kitchen, pool access, minutes from open space, 30 min. from LBNL, $272K. X6630, 933-0342


BAHAMAS, Taino Beach Resort, nr Freeport, 1-bdrm condo, slps 4, every amenity, pool/tennis, on beach, 60 days adv. notice, $500/wk. X6005

FALLEN LEAF LAKE, nr Lake Tahoe, 1-bdrm cabin, living rm, dining rm, kitchen, bth, washer/dryer, dock access, deck, etc., $500/wk. Carol,


HAWAII, 20 mi. below Hilo on Big Island, convenient to Univ. of Hawaii, 2-bdrm, 2-bth house, nr schools, shopping & rec. center, 1 mi. to ocean bluff, $150/wk., $450/mo., lease-option to buy possible. X6005

SO. LAKE TAHOE, Tahoe Keys, 3-bdrm, 2.5 bth house, upstairs living, quiet area, nr skiing & other attractions, views of water & mountains. Bob, 376-2211

VACATION PACKAGE, for 2 + kids, 3 days, 2 nights at 5-1/2 star hotel in Las Vegas, Tahoe, Monterey, Anaheim, Cape Cod or Orlando, hotel only, won, can not use, expires 6/1, sell for reasonable price. Hillary, 653-6964

Lost & Found

LOST: tool pouch, black, measured 9"x16"x1", lost in the Bldg. 70A parking lot, contained a variety of screwdrivers, pliers, flashlight, etc. Rose, X7554, or send to Bldg. 46-125

LOST: set of car/house keys, Thurs., 2/27, nr Bldg. 45 (Fire Dept. area). Mike, X7685


COLOR MONITOR, 13" Sony w/Video Services ID label, borrowed in Dec. for use w/a color microscope, please return or we will be filing a stolen property report. Video Services, X4237, X6068

Flea Market Deadline

Flea Market items may be sent via Quickmail, e-mailed to, faxed to X6641, or mailed to Bldg. 65B. The deadline for the March 21 issue is 5 p.m. Friday, March14.



Flea Market ad policy

Due to the large volume of ads received each week, ads are accepted only from LBNL employees, retirees, and on-site DOE personnel. No other ads will be accepted. We encourage past contributors to the Flea Market to use other local services, such as LBNL's online housing listing (call X6198 for information), and the UC Housing Office.

Please note also:


Currents/The View and the Communications Department Staff

Published once a month by the Communications Department for the employees and retirees of Berkeley Lab.

Reid Edwards, Public Affairs Department head
Ron Kolb, Communications Department head

Pamela Patterson, 486-4045,
Associate editor
Lyn Hunter, 486-4698,

Dan Krotz, 486-4019
Paul Preuss, 486-6249
Lynn Yarris, 486-5375

Ucilia Wang, 495-2402
Allan Chen, 486-4210
David Gilbert, (925) 296-5643

Caitlin Youngquist, 486-4020
Creative Services Office

Berkeley Lab
Communications Department
MS 65, One Cyclotron Road, Berkeley CA 94720
(510) 486-5771
Fax: (510) 486-6641

Berkeley Lab is managed by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy.

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