Chemical Society Designates Lab As Historical LandmarkBy Lynn Yarris
At a ceremony in the Bldg. 50 auditorium, ACS president Daryle Busch presented Lab Director Charles Shank with an inscribed plaque. "Today we honor one of the great institutions in the history of chemistry and the milestone discoveries of new elements here," Busch said. Darleane Hoffman of the Nuclear Science Division, a co-discoverer of several elements and this year's recipient of the Priestly Medal, the ACS' highest honor, served as master of ceremonies. Also on hand to discuss their contributions to this 50-year legacy of discovery were Albert Ghiorso, who has participated in more new element discoveries than anyone else in history; Ken Gregorich, one of the co-discoverers of elements 118, 116, 114, and 110; and Carol Alonso, one of the co-discoverers of seaborgium, element 106, named for Glenn Seaborg, the Nobel laureate and discoverer of 10 atomic elements. Seaborg died last year at the age of 86, but his memory was very much a part of the ceremonies. Said Busch, "The discovery of these elements advanced the frontiers of science, (and) also illustrates the impact on science both of a great man and a great team. The great man is, of course, Glenn Seaborg. It is fitting that Glenn Seaborg was the first living person honored by having an element named after him."
Gen. Habiger Addresses DOE Security IssuesBy Ron Kolb
At the same time, retired Air Force General Eugene E. Habiger told an auditorium filled with more than 200 employees on March 9 that the DOE's new security policies are not designed to impede science and scientists' ability to communicate. "One size does not necessarily fit all," Habiger reassured the audience, some of whom had expressed concern about overly constraining security rules. "Scientists need to talk to each other uninhibited. I needed to learn that. If we restrict your science, tell me about it. We're sensitive to your ability to communicate." Habiger also told the audience that Berkeley Lab would not be subject to so-called "firewalls" that protect classified data in computers, or to badging requirements that would identify foreign nationals. The Laboratory does no classified research. ("Where's your secret stuff," he joked. "I couldn't find any.") Nonetheless, the chief for security cautioned, it is important for this and all other labortories in the DOE network to raise their awareness of issues involving sensitive information and facilities, and to protect the facility that he referred to as a "national asset." "You are part of the team, part of DOE," he said at the all-hands meeting in the Bldg. 50 auditorium. "The Secretary (Bill Richardson) wants to change the culture across the entire department. You are a world-class organization, with world-class facilities and world-class science. So the security of your facility, and what goes on here in terms of protecting you and your facilities, is part of the business of security." Habiger said he was hired last June as DOE's Director of Security and Emergency Operations, responsible for implementing Richardson's security reform plan.
Describing his efforts to date, Habiger said his first priority was to fix the most immediate problems, primarily at the high-security areas of the defense laboratories. He next wrote and implemented policies to address the most critical needs. Now he and his staff are "in the field," visiting all laboratories and assessing security status. The pressing areas, he noted, are in cybersecurity and "the ability to adequately guard our nuclear materials against threats," in particular from terrorists. During his visit to Berkeley, Habiger also toured laboratories at the Donner, Gilman and Hildebrand halls on campus, received security briefings on emergency services and computing sciences, and visited the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, the Energy Sciences Network, and the Advanced Light Source. "I'm impressed with what I've seen -- both the people and the quality of work," he told the auditorium audience later in the day.
A video tape of General Habiger's all-hands presentation is available for loan at the main library in Bldg. 50.
Femtosecond Pulses at ALSBy Lynn Yarris
Strobe-like flashes of synchrotron light lasting less than 300 femtoseconds (300 millionths of a billionth of a second) have been produced for the first time ever from the primary beam of a synchrotron light source. Berkeley Lab researchers working at the Advanced Light Source (ALS) extracted these sub-picosecond pulses directly from the electron beam in the synchrotron's storage ring. Although the spectral range of the pulses extended from infrared to x-ray wavelengths, the same technique is expected to soon yield 100 femtosecond pulse-lengths of x-rays. "Since our approach creates a femtosecond time structure on the electron beam, standard radiating devices, such as a bend magnet, a wiggler, or an undulator, can be designed to emit femtosecond x-ray pulses with desired properties such as bandwidth, tunability, and brightness," says Robert Schoenlein, a physicist with Berkeley Lab's Materials Sciences Division and senior author of a paper reporting this work in the March 24 issue of the journal Science. The technique will also allow femtosecond x-rays to be produced without disrupting other experiments at the ALS. With further refinement, this breakthrough at the ALS will essentially give scientists a stop-action x-ray camera that can capture the motion of atoms during physical, chemical, and biological reactions on a time-scale that is almost incomprehensibly short. Roughly speaking, a femtosecond is to one second what one second is to 30 million years. At room temperature, atomic motion takes place, in most cases, on a time scale of approximately 100 femtoseconds. The scheme for generating femtosecond pulses directly from a synchrotron was originally conceived by Alexander Zholents and Max Zolotorev at the Center for Beam Physics (CBP), who are coauthors of the Science paper. Other coauthors are Berkeley Lab director and femtosecond spectroscopy pioneer Charles Shank, Swapon Chattopadhyay of the CBP, Thornton Glover and Philip Heimann of the ALS, and H .H W. Chong, a graduate student at UC Berkeley. Schoenlein and his colleagues produced their femtosecond pulses by sending a burst of light from a femtosecond optical laser through a wiggler insertion device in the storage ring at the same time as the electron beam passed through it. Wigglers (and undulators) vibrate the motion of speeding electrons, causing them to lose energy in the form of emitted light. Under the right conditions, the simultaneous presence of a pulse of laser light will modulate the energy loss of some of these oscillating electrons.
Says Schoenlein, "The location of our bend-magnet in this experiment was less than optimum. By locating the bend magnet immediately following the wiggler, we should be able to obtain an x-ray pulse of about 100 femtoseconds." Schoenlein also says that the use of an undulator rather than a bend magnet to extract light from the electron slice will greatly improve the flux and brightness of a directed femtosecond x-ray beam. Unlike a bend magnet, which produces sweeping beams of light like that from a beacon, undulator light is more like the beam from a laser, highly coherent and tunable to a specific wavelength. A dedicated bend magnet beamline and experimental station for femtosecond x-ray spectroscopy studies is now under construction at the ALS and should be operational by this summer. Plans are being developed for an undulator beamline providing femtosecond x-ray pulses of even higher brightness and flux.
DOE Diversity Stand-Down on April 5The Department of Energy will hold a complex-wide "stand-down on diversity issues" for all of its federal and contractor employees on Wednesday, April 5. Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson will participate in the program via satellite from Washington. The program will also include a local component for Berkeley Lab employees. The two-hour stand-down, an outgrowth of the recent report of the DOE Task Force Against Racial Profiling, will be offered at 10 a.m. in both Bldg. 50 and Bldg. 66 auditoriums. All Lab employees are required to attend this session or subsequent showings on videotape. The Task Force, established in response to employee concerns associated with the alleged Chinese espionage case at Los Alamos, offered several recommendations in its report to Richardson in January. One of them was that the Department conduct a DOE-wide diversity "stand-down." The Task Force views this as an opportunity to enhance understanding, respect and unity within the DOE and its facilities. The first hour of the program will be telecast from DOE headquarters and will feature several Department speakers, including Deputy Secretary T.J. Glauthier, Ombudsman Jeremy Wu, and Bill Lewis of the Office of Employee Concerns. The event will conclude with an address by Richardson, followed by a question-and-answer session. Berkeley Lab Director Charles Shank will conduct the Laboratory portion of the program. More details will be provided prior to the stand-down. For those who cannot attend or be accommodated in the auditorium sessions, alternative viewing arrangements will be made.
Washington ReportDOE Expands Partnerships with State Energy OrganizationsA cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA) between Berkeley Lab and the California Energy Commission on renewable energy studies was the basis for a new model agreement announced by Energy Secretary Bill Richardson for partnerships between the DOE and state energy organizations. "We can leverage our research, development and demonstration investments to ensure that clean energy technologies are developed and adopted nationwide," said Richardson. "This research can help make energy-efficient concepts a reality." In addition to the California Energy Commission, Richardson named as likely partners with the national labs the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and the Association of State Energy Research and Technology Transfer Institutes. DOE and state cooperative research is expected in a wide range of areas, including improved transportation technologies, advanced generation systems, and improved end-use efficiency. Richardson also announced that the DOE will provide $6 million for states to pursue energy-efficiency CRADAs with the national labs. This money was included in the FY 2000 Interior Appropriations bill. For more information visit the website at The solicitation for the new CRADA funds can be found at DOE Satellite In OrbitThe DOE now has its third satellite in orbit. The Multispectral Thermal Imager (MTI) satellite, launched earlier this month from Vandenberg Air Force Base, includes a sophisticated telescope that can collect day and night ground images in 15 spectral bands. This gives it the ability to photograph light and heat patterns not visible to the human eye, with performance previously achievable only in a laboratory setting."Department of Energy science and engineering expertise supports a wide range of civil, environmental, and national security work," said Secretary Bill Richardson. "The launch of today's satellite will make important contributions to our ability to make accurate measurements of the Earth's surface, which will benefit a wide variety of applications in environmental science, land usage, and national security." The MTI satellite was developed by researchers at Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratories and built by a government and industry team. It is expected to have a broad range of national defense and civilian applications ranging from treaty monitoring to waste heat pollution in lakes and rivers, vegetation health, and volcanic activity.--Lynn Yarris
Lab Physicists Honored with APS FellowshipsSix Berkeley Lab scientists are among the 208 physicists selected this year as fellows of the American Physical Society. The prestigious fellowships are extended to only one half of one percent of the APS membership. The fellowship awards will be presented in late April at the APS spring meeting.
The Lab recipients, (with their cited contributions) are, left to right: Claude M. Lyneis of Nuclear Science (development of ion source technology - especially ECR sources); Donald E. Groom of Physics (study of cosmic rays, hadronic cascades, radiation at the SSC, CCD's for astronomical imaging); Jørgen Randrup of Nuclear Science (dynamics of nuclear systems over a wide range of energies); Alex Zettl of Materials Sciences and UC Berkeley (electronic materials in reduced dimensions); Michael Edward Levi of Physics (techniques for high-precision beam energy determination at the SLC, design of electronics for colliding-beam detectors); and Eric B. Norman of Nuclear Science (experimental studies of the influence of astronomical environments on nuclear decay rates). Congratulations to all. Photo by Roy Kaltschmidt
Head of the UC President's Council Praises Labs"There is much to be proud of, but much to do," Bill Friend told a meeting of the UC Regents last week in his first report on the performance of the national laboratories. Friend has recently replaced Sidney Drell as chairman of the UC President's Council on the National Laboratories, a 20-member advisory board formed in 1991. "Bottom line, the labs continue to perform research that, overall, is of very high quality and that the council rates from `excellent' to our highest accolade of `outstanding,'" said Friend, a retired executive vice president of the Bechtel Group, Inc. and a director of Bechtel National, Inc., the company's government contracting arm. Among the programs Friend highlighted was the Joint Genome Institute, a collaboration between Berkeley Lab, Livermore and Los Alamos national labs. "The JGI met and even exceeded its very ambitious sequencing goals during the past year," he said. "The JGI appears to have made itself a real player in the sequencing community, and this is a truly commendable achievement." Friend also addressed concerns about security and project management at the labs, and outlined changes the Council has made to help the labs, including the appointment of additional experts to advise the Council and the formation of a new Laboratory Security and Project Management Panel. He also emphasized the need to strike a balance between effective security and open scientific exchange. "The labs will only maintain technical strength and vitality through a diverse workforce, and we must foster their ability to achieve this outcome."
Drell Awarded UC Presidential Medal
Sidney D. Drell, professor emeritus at Stanford University and the founding chairman of the UC President's Council on the National Laboratories, has received the University of California's Presidential Medal for his contributions to the university, the three UC-managed DOE laboratories, and the cause of science in the public interest. In presenting the medal, UC President Richard C. Atkinson said of Drell, "His unique expertise as both a high-energy physicist and an arms control specialist has been of enormous value in assisting the laboratories in their commitment to superior science and technology and to the successful development of the Science Based Stockpile Stewardship Program in support of the nation's efforts to reduce the global nuclear danger." The Presidential Medal is awarded in recognition of extraordinary contributions to UC or the community of learning. Past recipients include UC President Emeritus Clark Kerr, former California Governor George Deukmejian and President of Mexico Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León. An internationally recognized physicist, Drell has called the three laboratories "jewels in the scientific crown of this country" and has been a strong advocate of their continued management by UC. Drell left the UC advisory council last year following his retirement as deputy director of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Drell has advised policy makers on national security and defense issues since 1960. He is currently a member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board and other high-level government advisory panels.--Monica Friedlander
Berkeley Lab CurrentsPublished twice a month by the Public Information Department for the employees and retirees of Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Ron Kolb, PID department head.
EDITOR: Monica Friedlander, (510) 495-2248, STAFF WRITERS: Paul Preuss, 486-6249; Lynn Yarris, 486-5375 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Jon Bashor, X5849; Allan Chen, X4210, Jeffery Kahn, X4019
Public Information Department, Berkeley Lab, MS 65A
Berkeley Lab is managed by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy.
Bertozzi's New Way to Engineer CellsBy Paul Preuss
Staudinger Ligation in Last Week's Science
Bertozzi, a member of the Materials Sciences and Physical Biosciences Divisions and an associate professor of chemistry at UC Berkeley, describes the Staudinger ligation in last week's [March 17] issue of Science magazine, in an article co-authored with her student Eliana Saxon. Bertozzi and her colleagues had previously engineered human cells to display markers on the natural sugars that crowd cell surfaces, providing new ways of labeling cells as targets for cancer therapy, for adhering cells to nonbiological materials such as medical implants, for forming new receptors for viral-mediated gene transfer, and for other functions. Unlike the earlier markers, however, which can encounter interference from natural metabolites inside the cell, markers produced by the Staudinger ligation do not react with any other biological molecules outside or inside the cell. Thus they hold promise for engineering the cell's interior as well as its surface. "In all cellular engineering, the nature of the chemistry is key," Bertozzi says. "We need reactions that are stable in a watery environment at body temperature, that are highly selective, and that won't interfere with normal cell processes or with each other." Casting about for a reaction that was suitably selective and harmless to cells, Bertozzi remembered "one of my favorite reactions from undergraduate chemistry class, the Staudinger reaction -- it's stunningly selective." Named for the German synthetic-organic chemist Hermann Staudinger, who won the Nobel Prize in 1953 for his pioneering work in polymer chemistry, the Staudinger reaction occurs between an azide (a compound with three nitrogen atoms), and a phosphine (a molecule containing a phosphorus atom). At first glance, the reaction seemed ideal for cell engineering: neither phosphines nor azides react with biological molecules, but they react rapidly and with high efficiency with each other, in water and at room temperature. Unfortunately, the resulting compounds fall apart in water almost as easily as they form. Bertozzi and Saxon set out to create a similar reaction, but one that was stable. "Staudinger would have loved the challenge!" she says -- one they met successfully after painstaking experiments on the lab bench and with living cell lines. Because the Staudinger ligation, named by Bertozzi after the classic reaction that inspired it, is potentially useful for labeling components of the cell interior (for example, amino acids from which proteins are assembled) previously unobservable interactions in the cell may become accessible. "This gives us a new avenue for engineering cell chemistry," Bertozzi says. "The cell is now less of a black box."
Berkeley Lab Chromosome Maps Crucial to Swift Completion of Fruit Fly GenomeBy Paul Preuss
In 90 years of study, the diminutive fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has yielded many of the most fundamental discoveries in genetics -- beginning with proof in 1916 that the genes are located on the chromosomes. Only during the last year has the fly's whole genome been sequenced, however, and its 13,601 individual genes enumerated. Unique physical maps made at Berkeley Lab were key to the rapid completion of this historic achievement, which is reported in today's issue of Science (March 24). In 1998, J. Craig Venter of Celera Genomics in Rockville, Maryland, suggested to Gerald Rubin, professor of genetics at UC Berkeley and head of the Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project (BDGP), that the two organizations collaborate to complete the fruit fly genome. Celera's purpose was to demonstrate that a strategy known as whole-genome shotgun sequencing could be used with organisms having many thousands of genes encoded in millions of DNA base pairs; Celera hopes to apply the shotgunning technique to the much larger human genome. Twenty percent of the fly's 215-million-base genome had already been sequenced in detail by BDGP and others, and parts of it had been mapped. Much of this work was performed in Berkeley Lab's Life Sciences Division, where Susan Celniker is co-director with Rubin of the BDGP sequencing group, and Roger Hoskins is in charge of physical mapping. "No one knew whether whole-genome shotgun sequencing would work for the fly," says Hoskins, "but we knew that if it did, it would be faster and more efficient than traditional methods." The physical maps produced by Hoskins, Celniker and their colleagues, including Richard Galle and Reed George, would prove crucial to arranging, confirming the accuracy, and filling the gaps in the sequencing data produced at Celera by whole-genome shotgunning.
Each BAC is marked with at least one unique "sequence-tagged site" (STS) -- ideally by two or more -- which allow sets of clones to be lined up with one another and eventually "tiled" along the entire length of each chromosome. The result is called an STS content map. At Berkeley Lab, the BDGP group made BAC-based STS content maps of the gene-expressing material on the two large chromosomes containing 80 percent of the fly's genome. These were integrated with maps using different techniques to confirm their accuracy. Especially useful in the effort were the hundreds of sequence-tagged sites deliberately chosen to lie near the ends of the BAC clones. In today's Science, the authors of the principal article on the fruit fly genome write that "The BAC end-sequences and STS content map provided the most informative long-range sequence-based information at the lowest cost." For more on the Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project, visit the web at
New Recruitment Manager at HR Hopes to Broaden Pool of Applicants, Increase Workforce DiversityBy Ron Kolb
Soon will come the addition of one or two entry-level recruiters and one senior recruiter to her staff. And then, she hopes, will begin what she envisions as a continuous stream of highly qualified, desirable candidates for positions at the Laboratory. "I'm looking at this as a river," says the 15-year veteran of human resources management. "If you can't get the resumes flowing, then it doesn't meet my objective. Each rock will stop us, so we have to get the water rushing. And the nutrients for this lab are the people." Gallahue heads the first organizational commitment to central recruitment in the Laboratory's history. Not that Berkeley Lab has been faring all that badly, according to her supervisor, Human Resources Department Head Mike O'Neil. The Lab's considerable international reputation can attest to that. "In the past, we've been fortunate to be able to attract some of the brightest stars in their fields," O'Neil said. "But it has become more competitive even for the specialized research jobs. And we haven't been as successful as we need to be in recruiting and selecting minorities and women." It is in that diversity, he noted, that the vibrancy and creativity of a workforce develops. Gallahue agrees. "Within this diversity comes all the ideas," she said, "and my job is to develop the pools of candidates that will ensure that those ideas will grow here." Gallahue has already met with many of the Laboratory leaders in divisions and departments and is hard at work on a media plan that will achieve the optimum in "sourcing" -- personnel-speak for finding the right candidates with the correct skills. That means using traditional advertising, plus Internet tools, specialized newsletters and magazines, job and career fairs, and personal contacts with agencies and groups. The new recruiting manager says if she just overstocks the river with resumes, the Laboratory will have a better chance of getting those people "who will make the lab the best that it can be." She will work closely with her office neighbors in the Work Force Diversity Office, and she has already met with the Laboratory's Diversity Committee. She encourages Lab employees interested in recruitment to apply for the new positions. Certain Laboratory job classifications are underutilized regarding women and/or people of color, and thus require unique recruitment plans to reach these audiences. For example, compared to the Bay Area workforce pool as a whole, the Laboratory employs relatively fewer people from African-American, Asian-American and Hispanic descent, and fewer women than would be expected in jobs such as mechanical technicians, electronics technicians, and office services. Gallahue's office will bring the advantage of a focused effort to all recruiting, general and targeted, in contrast with the traditional model of department and division-based responsibilities. "We can unify some things and save some costs," Gallahue said. "Sourcing is not inexpensive. We can concentrate all the effort and not waste manpower." One challenge, she has already learned in her short tenure, is externally differentiating this Laboratory from its sister affiliates. "Berkeley Lab has a wonderful reputation with researchers," she said. "But the broader community seems confused. We need to show people that we have a different mission from Livermore Lab or from Cal. So we'll try to change the public's perception of the cultural aspect of the Lab and convey an identity of our own." With college degrees in music and special education, Gallahue came to the human resources world via the teaching profession -- first in the classroom, working with emotionally disturbed children, then through curriculum development and administration. She applied her teaching skills to technical training programs, then moved to recruiting, particularly as a consultant for data processing and health care companies. Now Gallahue is a key player in the Laboratory's invigorated Recruitment Unit. "This unit needs to develop for the Lab the overall recruiting standards and practices that we can all use," she said. "But this is a practical office. We'll put up the structure and processes, but people should also be seeing some action, too. We're not here for decoration."
Bulletin BoardGroundbreaking for Straw Bale Building at Marina Festival
Conference Room Network Connections
To assist employees with laptop presentations, many Lab conference rooms are equipped with network connections, identifiable by the silver label placed above or adjacent to the network drop. A complete list of conference room IP addresses and jack numbers is available on the LBLnet Services Group website at No IP request submission is necessary. For technical support with network problems contact LBLnet at X4559.
Oakland A's Tickets
The Employees' Activities Association is sponsoring a family day event around the Oakland A's vs the San Francisco Giants game at the Oakland Coliseum on June 4. Tickets through the EAA are $10, payable to UC Regents, and are available at the cafeteria entrance on Tuesdays from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. For more information contact Lisa Cordova at X5521.
Nominations Accepted for Outstanding Science and Math Teacher at Open House
As part of its focus on science and math education at the May 6 Open House, Berkeley Lab will honor a few local science and math teachers who have worked with the Laboratory or have made a difference in the lives of children of Lab employees. Education outreach programs will nominate outstanding teacher associates with whom they have worked. In addition, Lab employees can also nominate a teacher at any grade level, from kindergarten to university, to be recognized as "outstanding." The awards will be presented the day of the Open House in a special ceremony at 12:15 p.m. outside the cafeteria. Nominations may be sent by e-mail to Rollie Otto, head of the Center for Science and Engineering Education, at, with a backup copy to Reid Edwards, Please include the teacher's name and address, school affiliation and telephone number, and a short statement on why that teacher has been so special in your child's education. Nominations must be recieved by April 14. For more information contact Rollie Otto at X5325.
Music Club Band Performs Today!
Berkeley Lab's Employee Music Club Blues Band, lead by Wes Steele, will perform rock and roll and blues today on the deck on the cafeteria lawn from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., weather permitting. For more information contact Larry at X5406
Daughters and Sons to Work Day
Employees with children aged 9 to 15 are welcome to bring their children to the Laboratory for Daughters and Sons to Work Day on April 27.
To participate, send a fax with information regarding your children's attendance (including their participation at the lunch) to X6660. The event is being organized by the Center for Science and Engineering Education. To give children a more extensive opportunity to experience the benefits of the various careers at the Laboratory, parents are encouraged to bring their children to the May 6 Open House and Science Festival.
Courier Services
The Facilities Department provides rush courier service with pick-up and delivery on- and off-site. Transportation can deliver up to 2,000 pounds anywhere in the Bay Area or in central or northern California. To request a pick-up, call Peggy Patterson at X5404. Courier service, including rush service, is also available from IDS Courier, which operates 24 hours a day. For information call Linda Wright at 548-3263.
UCRP Buyback Deadline March 31
The "open window" is about to close for employees who took a leave of absence or refund of accumulations from the UC Retirement Plan (UCRP) within the last three years and are considering a service credit buyback. (The buyback refers to making payments to UCRP to reestablish service credit for an earlier period.) The buyback option is now available for only three years after returning to UC employment. Employees who returned before July 1, 1997 must submit an application to UC HR/Benefits at the Office of the President by March 31 in order not to lose their buyback opportunity. An information booklet with a presigned submission form can be obtained from Engret Moore of the Benefits Office at X4269, Additional information is available on UC's benefits website at
Currents Online
The full text and photographs of each edition of Currents are published online at http:// -- or look for a link to Currents on the Lab's home page under the heading "Publications." The site allows users to do searches of past articles going back to 1994.
Calendar of EventsMarch 24 - April 7, 2000General InterestFRI., MARCH 24WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH FORUM: PLASTIC SURGERY12:00 p.m., Bldg. 50 auditorium TUESDAY, MARCH 28WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH FORUM: JUDY CAMPISEHow and Why We Age 12:00 p.m., Bldg. 50 auditorium FRI., MARCH 31GAY & LESBIAN EMPLOYEE ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE MEETINGContact Paul Harris, X4650 12:00 p.m., Kamal Place TUES., MARCH 4COMPUTER RESOURCE CENTER TOURSee Earth Month calendar on Page 4 11:45 - 1:15, Meet at B. 65 bus stop WED., MARCH 5STAND-DOWN ON DIVERSITY10:00 p.m., Bldg. 50 & Bldg. 66 auditoriums THURS., MARCH 6SHOEMOBILE7:30 - 3:30, cafeteria parking lot
Items for the calendars may be e-mailed to currents_calendar@, faxed to X6641, or mailed to Bldg. 65B. The deadline for the April 7 issue is 5 p.m. Monday, April 3.
Seminars & LecturesTUES., MARCH 28INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE ASTROPHYSICS"A New Perspective on Many Topics in Cosmology" will be presented by Antonio Riotto from Pisa. 4:00 p.m., Bldg. 50A-5132 Refreshments at 3:40 p.m.
LIFE SCIENCES DIVISION THURS., MARCH 30ENVIRONMENTAL ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES DIVISION"Green Building: Strategies and Materials" will be presented by Anthony Bernheim of FAIA, San Francisco. 12:00 p.m., Bldg. 90-3148 Bring your brown bag lunch. FRI., MARCH 31EARTH SCIENCES DIVISION SEMINAR"Hydrogeological Conditions Surrounding China's Nuclear Waste Disposal Site" will be presented by Yonghai Guo of the Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology. 11:00 a.m., Bldg. 90-2063 Refreshments precede seminar.
UCB/LBNL NEW BIOLOGY PARTNERSHIP SEMINAR TUES., APRIL 4CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY"The Viable but Nonculturable State in Bacteria" will be presented by James D. Oliver of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. 12:00 p.m., 50A-5132 FRI., APRIL 14CENTER FOR BEAM PHYSICS SEMINAR"Recent Progress in Heavy Ion Inertial Confinement Fusion" will be presented by Roger Bangerter of AFRD. 10:30 a.m., Bldg. 71-264 Refreshments provided FRI., APRIL 21CENTER FOR BEAM PHYSICS SEMINAR"Status of the PEP-II B Factory" will be presented by Mike Zisman of AFRD. 10:30 a.m., Bldg. 71-264 Refreshments will be provided
EH&S Classes - April 2000
![]() *Includes EHS 392/405, followed by New Employee Orientation. Please arrive at 8:45 a.m. to sign in. For more information or to enroll, contact Susan Aberg at or enroll via the web at Preregistration is required for all courses except EHS 10 (Introduction to EH&S). Times and locations are subject to change. For a full, updated schedule of EH&S training sessions see
Office of Science Research Programs PortfoliosA detailed description of the research programs supported by the Department of Energy's Office of Science may be found on the web in the new Fiscal Year 2001 Science Portfolio at The entire research and development portfolio, with other chapters relevant to Office of Science programs, begins at The portfolio is structured as four "business lines," rather than by DOE programs and offices; the document describes the participation of each program in each business line and gives details of the funding levels appropriated for FY99 and FY00, and requested for FY01, in each R&D area. A related document, the Department of Energy Strategic Plan, has been posted in draft form at A memo from Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson invites all interested parties to comment on the draft online at Those who provide online comments are asked to fill out a short form "to help us characterize your responses and identify your role," although anonymous comments are also accepted.
Flea MarketAuto / Supplies`96 DODGE Ram truck, 1500 SLT, extend cab, very clean, elect everything, new tires, 2 sets of rims, 55K mi, $16,000. Scott, X5404`96 TOYOTA CAMRY LE, 4 dr sedan, burg ext/gray int, cc, auto, 45K, ac, cruise, pwr steer/win/ door/lock/mirrors, am/fm/cass, dual air bags, reg maint, $14,300/ bo, Tai-Sheng Liou, X7083, 486-7083 `91 HONDA Accord, LX, 4dr, blk, at, ac, ps/pw, stereo, loaded, GTE car phone, exc cond, 145K, $6,800/bo, Mohammed, pager, 389-7694 `93 HONDA Civic EX, 2 dr, 5 spd, snrf, Alpine cd/alrm, ac, pwr win/door, cruise, 77K, exc cond, new tires, $7,400, Danielle, X4555, (650) 341-7599 aft 8 pm `93 MERCURY Tracer, 4 dr sdn, auto, ac, tilt, pwr steer/brake, am/fm/cass, new brakes, 72K, well maint, $3,900, Jinyi, X4695, 668-1128, eves `87 MERCURY Sable LS, 4 dr lux sedan, exc cond, 6 cyl, auto, ac, pwr wini/lock, cruise, am/fm/cass, beige, 1 owner, $3,500, Tennessee, 523-4838 `87 PLYMOUTH Grand Voyager LE mini-van, 7 psgr, 119K, V6, auto, cruise, ac, pwr steer/win/ locks/seat, tilt wheel, roof rack, am/fm/cass, orig owner, no accidents, all maint records, gd cond, $2,950, Ron, 486-4410 `69 VW BEETLE, Porsche(?) engine, auto trans in exc cond, body pan rust, 93K, $1,500/bo, X4703, 482-1777 Motorcycles`94 EX 500 NINJA, exc cond, roller steering head bearings, new Filtron air filter, new tires, EBC full floating front brake rotor, nice handling, adult owned and maint, wine color, $2,600/bo, Rich, X7031 (till 4 pm), (925) 689-1714Housing AvailableBERKELEY, furn large 1 bdrm apt, pleasant, quiet, close to UC and Lab, transp, avail to UC/ LBNL visitors by wk/mo, 848-1830BERKELEY HILLS, room for rent in priv home, Euclid/Cedar, 5 blks to campus, fully furn, kitchen, laundry, deck, view of SF Bay, near transp, shuttle, shops, no smoking/pets, must be clean, prefer visiting scholar or FT working person, share w/ 2 visiting scholars, $600/mo + util, call aft March 27, Klas, 841-2749, X4829 ELMWOOD, share elegant 11 room house w/ 2 men, 1 woman, non-smoking prof, mstr bdrm w/ frplc, huge closet, piano, yellow Lab, laundry, sauna, hardwd floors, exc loc, $755/mo+dep, shared exp, Tony, 841-4480 NORTH BERKELEY, small priv studio, Grizzly Pk, nice view, 10 min to Lab, bus 65 to campus, sep entr, detached, $600/mo util incl, furn if requested, avail now, 559-4681 OAKLAND, furn 1 bdrm in Rockridge house, quiet, priv phone line, 2 blks to BART, avail May-June, $500/mo incl util, Julie, X2420 PLEASANT HILL, Walnut Creek/ Lafayette border, modern, nicely furn home, 3 bdrms, formal dining rm, lge fam rm, lge deck, all amen, exc loc, near trans/BART, mid-May to mid-June, 4 to 6 wks, $600/wk, nonsmoker, Natalie, (925) 934-0759, Werner, (925) 937-6433 SAN FRANCISCO, furn, 2 bdrm condo w/ parking, 2 blks frm 16th St BART, no pets, avail for 12 mos starting 9/1, $1,800/mo, Brian, X7381 Housing WantedSUMMER HOUSING for responsible, clean, neat, visiting American woman scientist, close to Lab, will take care of home or pets for reduced rent, rellen@ GUEST SCIENTIST, wife, 2 kids (2+4), from Switzerland, seek housing from 4/1 to 6/15, pref near Lab, furn 1-2 bdrm house or apt, Daniel, X5827 VISITING PROFESSOR, wife, child, au-pair seek housing from approx 5/1 to 8/31, pref Berk near campus, 2 or 3 bdrms, furn w/ yard, Pat, X4985 Miscellaneous`84 KOMFORT 22 ft TRAILER, self contained, refrig/frzer, 4 burner stove/oven, like new inside, anti-sway trailer hitch incl, $3,200/bo, Randy, X7026BICYCLE, women's Nishiki road bike, exc cond, detachable basket, great for commuting, $150, X6744 BICYCLE RACK, $25, Jan, X6676 COMPUTER, hand-held, Sharp Zaurus 5800FX, 2MB, backlit LCD, built-in PIM applic, manuals, fax/modem, data-exchange software, $175; fax-modem for Sharp PDA, works with models ZR-3000, 5000, 5700 or 5800, incl manual, $20, Anton, X2908 COMPUTER MEMORY, 16 MB Techworks DIMM (168 pin) computer mem in factory sealed bag, mem comes w/ lifetime guaranty, can be used in Power Mac's, other comp, $25, H. Matis, X5031, 540-6718 DESK, 60x30 oak veneer, 4 drawers, $50, Regine, X5897 DOG KENNEL, lge 9x12 chain link kennel, rust proof alum, paid $500, asking $200, Pat, X4301 EXERCISE CYCLE wanted for Lab Open House display, needed from 4/1 to 5/8, David, X6096 GOLF CLUBS, pro select, perimeter weighted, cavity backed irons, + matching 1, 3, 5 metal woods, 2-yrs-old, exc cond, $200/bo, Tim, X5304 MEMORY RAM-CARD, 16MB, Kingston, KTM-TP360/16 for IBM ThinkPad, series 360 & 755 models (in 360s, base-ram would go from 4 to 20MB; in 755 from 8 to 24MB), $16, Anton, X2908 POOL TABLE, stand sz, gd cond, has everything, needs new tips on pool sticks, $375, Karen, X5750, 724-8138 SOFABED, queen sz, warm Southwest beige, spotless, looks new, moving, must sell, $85, (925) 938-8020 STATIONARY BIKE, Ursula, X4338, 215-7617 WASHER, elec dryer, white, new, used 1 mo, sep units, $450/bo, Sue, X4628 YAMAHA NS-A637 spkers freq resp 90 Hz - 20 kHz at 3.5 dB, crossover freq, 6kHz, 13.5 kHz sensitivity, 91 dB/W/M, nominal impedance, 8 ohms, 14 lbs, approx 10x16x14, user's man, $80, Tai-Sheng Liou, X7083 VacationsPARIS, near Eiffel Tower, eleg, furn 2 bdrm apt avail per wk/mo, color pics avail, 848-1830SO LAKE TAHOE, spacious chalet in Tyrol area, close to Heavenly, peek of the lake from front porch, fully furn, sleeps 8+, sunny deck, pool, spa in Club House, close to casinos, shopping, Pat, Maria, 724-9450 WantedCARPOOLERS from Vacaville/ Fairfield area to LBNL, pref drivers, 8 am/4:30 pm, Maria, X6673GOOD HOMES for 3 male baby pet rats, white w/ blk hoods, spots, healthy, friendly, exc pets, Rosemary, X2426, (925) 229-4275 ROLLAWAY BED or folding bed/cot, cheap or borrow for 4 months, Saul, X4196, 526-2007 STATION WAGON or SUV, mid-90s model, less than 50K, no accidents, will pay cash, up to $10,000, Colleen, X6048, 525-1370 STORAGE SPACE for 20' shipping container, space needed in El Sobrante, Orinda, Pinole, San Pablo area to store a 20'x10'x10' container for approx 1 yr, rural/ indust areas ok, David, X6393, 262-0320 VANPOOL from SF (Haight, Noe Valley, Castro regions) to UCB/ LBNL, 8 am/5 pm, need extra riders, David, X6013 Lost / FoundFOUND: Gold bracelet near Bldg. 90, X6088 to identifyNote: For other lost and found items call X4855.
Flea Market PolicyAds are accepted only from LBNL employees, retirees, and onsite DOE personnel. Only items of your own personal property may be offered for sale. Submissions must include name, affiliation, extension, and home phone number.Ads must be submitted in writing - via e-mail (, fax (X6641), or delivered/ mailed to Bldg. 65B. They will run one week unless resubmitted, and will be repeated only as space permits. The deadline for the April 7 issue is Thursday, March 30.