A newly developed technique for trapping rare types of radioactive isotopes could breathe new life into venerable accelerators such as LBL's 88-inch Cyclotron.
The technique, developed by researchers in LBL's Nuclear Science Division, enables these radioactive isotopes to be captured and collected 100 times more efficiently than ever before. The technique also permits testing of known phenomena with unprecedented precision.
NSD physicist Stuart Freedman led the team that became the first to capture radioactive isotopes in a laser trap. The key to this success was the use of laser light in combination with a magnetic field to cool down the atoms and slow their motion so that they could be actively loaded into the trap. A competing approach has been to try to snag radioactive atoms at random in an area of containment.
"Our technique is somewhat like pushing ping-pong balls with a bulldozer," says Freedman. "It has to be done very gently."
Freedman and his group worked with beams of sodium-21, a radioactive isotope with a half-life of 22.5 seconds, which they produced at the 88-inch Cyclotron.
"We selected sodium-21 because the laser technology and basic techniques for manipulating stable sodium are well established," Freedman says. "Furthermore, the beta decay of sodium-21 can be used to study the weak interaction and I have always been interested in doing high energy physics at low energies."
In their experiments to date, Freedman and his colleagues used a beam of high energy protons (25 MeV) to irradiate a heated atomic oven loaded with file shavings of magnesium. From this reaction emerges a beam of sodium-21 atoms. The sodium-21 beam is focused and sent down the length of a beamline through a decreasing magnetic field. At the same time, a beam of laser light is sent through the line in the opposite direction. The light is tuned so that its frequency is just below the excitation frequency of the sodium-21 atoms. This enables the laser beam's photons to act as a brake on the atoms. The decreasing magnetic field keeps the frequencies of the decelerating atoms and the laser photons in resonance.
"Each collision between a photon and an atom slows the velocity of the atom by about three centimeters per second," Freedman says. Atoms in the beamline start out at a speed of about 1,000 meters per second, which is comparable to the speed of a jet plane.
The slowed atoms are directed into a "magneto-optical" trap, a sphere inside a quadrupole magnetic field through which shoot six circularly polarized laser beams. Atoms are captured at the point in the center of the trap where the six beams meet. With this technique, Freedman and his group were able to capture 20 percent of the atoms that went through the trap. The old record for trapping atoms was less than one percent.
Slowing the motion of the atoms also cools them. By the time the sodium-21 atoms were trapped, their effective temperature had been lowered by several orders of magnitude to a few milli-kelvin. This not only helps boost trapping efficiency, it also makes possible the accumulation of the high atomic densities necessary for a number of important physics experiments.
"For high densities, the motion of ultracold atoms is affected by the force from re-radiated photons and there is evidence of interesting collective phenomena," says Freedman. "This is leading to a new picture of the behavior of atoms in intense laser fields. It will also help us probe the long-range components of the interatomic force."
Perhaps the most tantalizing of applications to be realized from this new trapping technique, Freedman says, is the possibility of using it to study the weak interaction.
"By comparing the lifetime of sodium-21 with a precise measurement of the beta-decay asymmetry," Freedman says, "we should be able to learn why parity is violated in the weak interaction, or why only the left-handed component is involved. A decisive experiment could point to the existence of a new family of heavy intermediate vector bosons and a revolutionary discovery."
In addition to their work with sodium-21, Freedman and his group have also begun designing an experiment to produce and trap the first workable quantities of francium, a radioactive element with numerous isotopes.
Members of Freedman's research group at LBL include Christopher Bowers, Brian Fujikawa, Zhengtian Lu, Justin Mortara, Song-Quan Shang, and Eric Wasserman. Freedman has also been working with Kevin Coulter and Linda Young from Argonne National Laboratory.
PHOTO CAPTION -- The research team that developed a new laser trap for
capturing rare radioisotopes includes (from left) Eric Wasserman, Brian
Song-quan Shang, Zhengtian Lu, and group leader Stuart Freedman.
Photo by Steve Adams
George C. Pimentel Hall "is a fitting recognition of George's achievements," says Alexis T. Bell, dean of the College of Chemistry at UC Berkeley. "George taught and inspired thousands of chemistry students there."
Among his research accomplishments, Pimentel pioneered new spectroscopic techniques "now practiced in nearly every chemistry department worldwide," according to former dean and LBL researcher C. Bradley Moore, who was a student and colleague of Pimentel's. Pimentel also discovered the chemical laser and built equipment that identified the surface components and atmosphere of Mars.
But it was his dedication to teaching as well as research that "set the ultimate standard for a teacher/scholar," Moore says. "Pimentel put his heart and soul into teaching along with his tremendous talent. His last freshman class in PSL did not even realize that he was losing a very painful battle with cancer." He died in 1989.
During his distinguished career, Pimentel also served as deputy director of the National Science Foundation, president of the American Chemical Society and chairman of the UC Berkeley Department of Chemistry. Among his honors and awards were the Wolf Prize, the Welch Award, the National Medal of Science, the Priestley Medal and election to the National Academy of Sciences.
Seaborg co-discovered ten transuranium elements at LBL, including plutonium. He is the winner of the 1951 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Edwin McMillan for their work in this field, and was recently honored with the naming of element 106 after him. "The Search for Heavy Elements" tells the story of 50 years of discovery at LBL, highlighting the work of Seaborg and Nuclear Science Division colleague Albert Ghiorso.
All Lab employees and guests are invited to attend the lectures. For more information, contact the Public Information Department at X4015.
Schedule for Summer Lecture Series Wednesdays at noon, Bldg. 50 Aud.
Called DOE-2.1E, the new program can be used to calculate the hourly energy use and energy cost of a commercial or residential building.
Like its predecessors, DOE-2.1E was developed for the U.S. Department of Energy. It is a public-domain program that can be used on IBM-compatible personal computers, as well as DEC mainframes and Sun workstations.
Previous features of DOE-2 have been incorporated into DOE-2.1E including daylighting simulation, automatic sizing of HVAC systems, heat recovery, thermal energy storage, and cogeneration
Among the many new capabilities are ice storage and evaporative-cooling models, an enhanced energy cost calculation to simulate very complex rate structures, and a link to the WINDOW-4 computer program that simulates custom glazings.
The LBL researchers who developed DOE-2.1E include team leader Fred Winklemann, Bruce Birdsall, Fred Buhl, Kathy Ellington, and Ender Erdem. Collaborating with them were Jeff Hirsch and Steve Gates of Hirsch and Associates.
For information on obtaining DOE-2.1E, contact Kathy Ellington at MS: 90-3147.
Two LBL researchers have received 1994 Humboldt Research Awards, sponsored by the Max Planck Institute for High Energy Physics in Munich, Germany. John Harris, a member of the Nuclear Science Division's Relativistic Nuclear Collisions group, received a Humboldt Research Award for Senior U.S. Scientists, which is given in recognition of past accomplishments in research and teaching. The award entitles the recipient to stay up to 12 months at a research institute of choice in Germany. Harris is currently spokesman of the STAR experiment, to be carried out at the Relativistic Heavy Collider (RHIC) now under construction at Brookhaven National Lab. He will spend this summer in Germany working with Professors R. Stock and H. Stroebele at the University of Frankfurt and Professor R. Bock at the GSI-Darmstadt. He will concentrate on further integration of European participation in the STAR experiment and will also work on some aspects of the NA49 experiment at CERN.
The second LBL recipient was Peter Jacobs, a Divisional Fellow in NSD's Relativistic Nuclear Collisions group. He received a Humboldt Research Fellowship Award, which entitles him to spend six months at a research institute in Germany. He plans to spend five months in Germany this year, split between Munich and CERN in Geneva, continuing collaboration on the NA49 heavy-ion experiment at the CERN SPS. Culminating about three years of preparation, NA49 will take its first data this November when lead beams at 160 GeV/nucleon become available at the CERN SPS. Jacobs plans to spend his sixth month in Germany in 1995.
LBL Director Charles V. Shank has authored an article appearing in the July 1994 issue of Physics Today entitled "Recharging the Energy Laboratories." The overview article discusses the rich and productive history of the laboratories, as well as the current call for the labs to forge new relationships with industry to help the nation maintain global economic competitiveness.
The University of California will conduct a public comment period next month on the selection of a new director for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The one-hour session will conclude a series of meetings at the laboratory by a committee formed to advise UC President Jack Peltason on the appointment of a new lab director. The comment period will take place from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 8, at the Laboratory's Research Training Facility, 2140 Research Dr. Anyone wishing to address the committee should register in advance by calling 422-9799. Speakers will have up to three minutes each for comment. Written statements are also welcome. Send to: President Jack W. Peltason, University of California, 300 Lakeside Dr., 22nd Floor, Oakland, CA 98612. Peltason expects to recommend a new director to the Board of Regents near the first of the year. Both the Regents and DOE must approve the appointment.
2. "Menopause and Perimenopause," introduces you to the signs and symptoms of the transition leading to menopause. Anxiety, sleeplessness, and hot flashes are just a few of the common symptoms discussed.
3. "Hormone Replacement Therapy" focuses on the debate surrounding HRT. It also explores the impact on heart attack, stroke, and osteoporosis on today's woman and addresses concerns about breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer.
Other videos available for loan are:
For more information or to check out a video or audio tape, call Linda Scudero at X6266.
The LBL Golf Club faced the UC Berkeley club on July 9 at Tilden, losing the match 23.5 - 12.5. Results for the LBL teams were:
1st Harry & Steve Helliwell (57)
2nd Jim Jones & Barbara Harbidge (57)
3rd Rudy & Steve Giovannetti (60)
The next tournament will take place at Paradise Valley in Fairfield on Saturday, Aug. 20. First starting time is 11 a.m. Anyone wishing to play should contact Tom Corbin (X7617).
"Nature is a hanging judge." -- Edward Dahlberg
The LBL Outdoor Club's next fishing derby will be held on Saturday, July 30, at the San Pablo Reservoir. The angler landing the biggest trout will win a grand prize. Tickets are one dollar. For derby details and reservations, call Al Harcourt at X7660 or Bruce MacDonell at X6476
Anyone interested in helping to plan this fun event (donations of money, food, time, and effort are welcome) should contact Francessca Ingram (X6870), Tony Greenhouse (X4926), or the chairs of these associations: AAEA (Gerald Davis, X4858), LANA (Rosa RodrÃguez, X4766), LGBA (Shirley Claire, X4521 or Brennan Kreller, X6566), W/FC (Janet Jacobsen, X4450).
Results of July 20:
Animals 9 -- Budget Cuts 3
Legends 21 -- Rated X 10
Legends 9 -- Off-The-Hill 3
Budget Cuts 1 -- Environ-Mets 0
Ball Park Estimates` 11 -- CAMshafts 7
SUDZ 22 -- Native Defects 7
Standings as of July 20
Western Division
Budget Cuts 6-2
Environ-Mets 4-4
SUDZ 3-3
Animals 4-4
CAMshafts 0-6
Eastern Division
Legends 7-1
Rated X 7-1
Ball Park Estimates 2-4
Off-The-Hill 2-5
Native Defects 1-6
Games are played every Wednesday through August 24 at Kleeberger Field (Gayley Road at Rimway Road), beginning at 6 p.m. Playoffs will be held on Wednesday, August 31.
7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Bldg. 77
26 t u e s d a y
9-11 a.m., Bldg. 90-2063; Machine Tool Safeguarding (EHS-245); pre-registration required, X6612
27 w e d n e s d a y
Noon, Bldg. 50 Aud.; G. Seaborg, LBL, "The Search for Heavy Elements: Discovering Transuranic Elements at LBL"
1:30 p.m., 425 Latimer; J. Wolfrum, Universität Heidelberg, Germany, "Lasers in Combustion, Chemistry and Biology: Analysis, Synthesis and Manipulation"
28 t h u r s d a y
29 f r i d a y
Buckwheat pancakes
Cream of potato & bacon
Cheese-stuffed shells
Guacamole burger
South of the Border
Berry French toast
Chicken w/rice
Southwest pot roast
Chicken fajitas
Corned beef hash & eggs
Meatball stew
Glazed ham steak
Santa Cruz chicken sandwich
South of the Border
Big blueberry pancakes
Manhattan clam chowder
Veal parmesan
Sirloin steak sandwich
Fiesta taco salad
Ham scramble
Vegetarian minestrone
Broiled salmon
Jumbo chili dog
South of the Border
'70 VW Squareback, red, am/fm stereo, 150K miles, paint/uphols. 10 yrs. old, gd cond., $800/b.o. Steve, X5881
'72 DATSUN 510 sta. wgn, rough, lots of mi., new tires, runs, valuable parts. 843-6536
'72 VW Squarebk, reliable, runs well, gd cond., $1500. Harvard Holmes, 526-5347
'74 DODGE Dart Custom, 105K mi., exc. cond., leaving country, must sell, $2150. Hans, 524-8658 (after 6 p.m.)
'75 VOLVO 245 DL sta. wgn, 115K mi., runs great, $1100. Jil, X7313, 526-7915
'76 FORD Elite, a/t, a/c, p/b, p/s, gd cond., $1500. Bob Caylor, X6483, 232-2853
'82 VW Rabbit convertible, 5-spd, 125K mi., runs great, gd eng., new clutch, leaving country, $2K. Bas, X4181
'87 MAZDA 626 2.0i, a/t, a/c, am/fm cass. stereo, 130K mi., 4-dr sedan, gd cond. $3500/b.o. 793-6844
'88-1/2 FORD Escort LX, 42K mi., 2-dr hatch, p/s, p/b, orig. owner, moon roof, must sell, $3200/b.o. Celia, X4349, 526-4504
'89 HYUNDAI, 4-dr, 5-spd, am/fm/cass., a/c, moon roof, clean, runs well, $2500/b.o. Meg St. Hill, 933-1040
'93 TOYOTA Corolla wgn, 5-spd, a/c, cass., 14K mi., like new w/warranty, $13K. Ananth, X7604
AVON REPRESENTATIVE. Subhadhra Gunn, X6078
BOOKS, will be donation for new church roof. Jean, 521-7105
CAROUSELS for Kodak slide projector. Don Uber, X6378, 228-3951
CHILD CARE JOB for my baby-sitter (Spanish-speaking, limited English), f/t or p/t, starting in Aug./Sept., Berkeley/Albany/Oakland area preferred, exc. refs. Carolyn, X7827, 631-9781
CHILD'S VIOLIN, 1/16 and/or
1/8 size. Alison, 704-0946
HOUSE TO SIT by a very responsible, plant, animal & garden-loving grad student, avail. any length of time between now-8/30. X4470
IN-HOME CHILD CARE for 6 mo. old girl, 3 days/wk, starting asap, Cent. Berkeley. Rich, X6192, Geri, 848-2321
LAKE TAHOE RENTAL, 5-7 days, between Christmas & New Years, 2-3 bdrms. Michael Thibodeau, X7626
NATIVE FRENCH to practice French with at lunch, intermediate level. Tennessee, X5013
RABBIT CAGE, in gd cond., for indoor pet. Lisa, X4166
SEWING MACHINE, industrial strength, working or not. Eric, X6435, 848-6465
VACUUM CLEANER, sm., free or cheap. Anushka, X7867
VIDEOS, Destinos Spanish Language Course. Vince, 237-7205
BICYCLE, Miyata road bike, 21" frame, tires 700x23C w/Presta valves, Shimano equip., 12-spd, incl. lights & lock, nice shape, $175. Jonathan, X4704
BICYCLES, man's 10-spd, 26", sm. frame, $40/b.o.; child's bike, 1-spd, 24" wheels, banana seat, $20/b.o.; kids scooter, hand brakes, $30/b.o.; refrigerator, Sears Kenmore, 24 cu. ft., extra wide door shelves, used 3 yrs., $1K new, avail. 8/10, $450/b.o. Hank, X4517, 673-9716
BOAT, 14' Glaspar, trailer, 60 hp outboard motor, depth finder, CB radio, compass, skis, jackets, extras, older but clean, very gd cond., $1900. Tom, X4510, 376-6216 (eve.)
CHEST, Ethan Allen, 6-drwr w/mirror, 18"x50"x34" high, very gd cond., $175. Margie, 490-0804
COMMODORE 128, w/ color monitor, CPU, disk drive & many C64 & C128 software programs, exc. cond., $300/b.o. Mary Anne, 654-6228
COMPUTER CHAIR, brn, gd cond., $35; chandelier, 5 lights, polished brass (Manuf. Hunter), w/52" ceiling fan, new $219, asking $100; chandelier, 5 lights, $30; table lamp, 3-way, polished brass, $40; futon, queen, $100; futon, full, $50. Andre or Simone, X6745, 559-8652
DESK, b&w, contemporary style, w/chair, converts to drafting table, almost new, $35; mini blinds, 29W, blue, $5; curtain rod, shower rod, $3; window shade, white, 31W, new, $3; misc. dishware, jewelry, jewelry boxes, $1-10. 843-2097
DIAMOND RING/SETTING, woman's 18K gold setting w/24 diamonds, approx. 1 carat total weight, perfect cond., $2K. David Piepho, 803-9939, 516-2358
DRYER, works well; GE washer, needs motor belt, $90/both. Melvin, (415)974-9916
EXTENSION LADDER, 24 ft., aluminum, exc. cond., $70 or trade for a 10 or 12 ft. "A" frame stepladder. Monte, X6761
HAM TRANCEIVERS (2), tube-type, gd cond., (1) 1950's shortwave receiver, orig. cond., $75 ea. Bob, X6181, 845-3753
LASER WRITER II NT printer, PostScript, 35 fonts, less than 12K copies made, incl. manual, $800. Don Mangold, X6459
LOVE SEAT & OTTOMAN, pastel colors, 8 mos. old, exc. cond., $200 negot. Jean-Christophe, X6279, 527-4541
MICROWAVE OVEN, Sharp Carousel II w/turntable, 700W, 1.5 cu. ft., $120/b.o. Debbie, 524-1760
NINTENDO SYSTEM w/2 controllers, light gun, six games & cleaner cart., $85; boy's bike, 5-spd, 10" frame, w/child's helmet, $50. Steve, X5064, 655-8379
PERSIAN CARPET, hand-woven, 4'6"x7', very intricate, Sarouk from Iran, $1800/b.o. 420-1205
STEREO, Yamaha Natural Sound, purch. '89, CD, dual cass., tuner, powerful amp & floor spkrs, exc. cond., must sell $400/b.o.; piano, Chickering, blk console, must sell, $2700/b.o.; moire loveseat, champagne colored satin, hand upholstered, exc. cond., $450/b.o. Celia, X4349, 526-4504
TABLE LAMP, 3-way, contemporary off-white, $25; hand-woven wool rug, peach/beige/brn, 47"x70", $40. Lynn, 614-7696
ALAMEDA, sunny rm w/bay window in spacious, renovated Victorian, custom decorated, modern features, alarm system, built-in vacuum, share w/2 women, pvt. phone & cable, $425/mo. incl. utils. Elise Colson, X4574
ALBANY, unfurn. 2-bdrm, 2-1/2 bth condo, frpls, sec. gate & garage, nr trans. & EC Plaza, no pets, non-smokers, avail. 8/1, $1050/mo. Yongyop Kim, 524-4199
BERKELEY, on Hearst nr Ocean View dist., unfurn. studio & 1-bdrm apts in remodeled Victorian, parking, yd. 548-9869
BERKELEY, on Piedmont, lg. furn. bdrm in lg. furn. rooming house, $500/mo.; unfurn. bdrms also available. 540-0385
BERKELEY, 2-bdrm house, wood flrs, frpl, yd, garage, workshop, $875/mo. 527-4192
BERKELEY, 4-bdrm, 4-bth prof's home, lg. study, decks, views, garden w/tomatoes growing, car if wanted, 5 min. from UCB, just under LBL, avail. Aug. '94 to Jan. '95. 841-6545
BERKELEY, Elmwood area, furn. 1-bdrm+ flat, sunny, quiet, safe, walk to UCB, split-level, hill view from lg. terrace, linen, dishes, hi-fi, VCR, microwave, garage, for 1 responsible, mature, neat & non-smoker, prefer visiting scholar, avail. approx. 8/1 for 1 yr. or less, $725/mo. 843-6325
BERKELEY, nr Oxford/Cedar, 1-bdrm apt, parking, laundry, furn. avail., avail. 8/1-31, $600/mo. 524-8122
BERKELEY, 2-bdrm, 1-bth house, kitchen, living rm, dining rm, frpl, hardwd flrs, garage, exc. schools, no smoking, 15 min. from LBL, $1495/mo. 763-7843
BERKELEY HILLS, Euclid/Cedar, 5 blks from UCB, furn. rm in pvt. home, kitchen privs., washer/dryer, deck, bay view, nr trans., shops, tennis cts. & Rose Garden, non-smoker, no pets, must be clean, prefer visiting scholar/ft working person, $450/mo. + util. 642-8517, 548-1287
BERKELEY HILLS, top of Spruce, 10 min. from UC/LBL, nr bus & Tilden, quiet & safe area, bay view, furn. 3-bdrm, 2-bth house, washer/dryer, avail. approx. 9/1 - 12/10, $1400/mo. + util. X6157, 527-2719
BERKELEY HILLS, 2-bdrm, 2-1/2 bth Craftsman house, walking distance from UCB, avail. Aug. 6 - Feb. 6, $1100/mo., 1st & last + sec. dep. Dorothy, 845-0295
NO. BERKELEY, above College Ave. nr Rockridge BART, share 3-bdrm, 1-bth house, prefer grad students, $450/mo. ea. 601-6802
EL CERRITO, 3-bdrm house, sep. dining rm, frpl, dishwasher, 2-car garage, washer/dryer, nr bus, BART & school, no pets, avail. 8/12, $1200/mo. 525-8431
EL CERRITO HILLS, 2-bdrm, 2-bth house, 1200 sq. ft., 3-bridge view, long/short term, $1200/mo. Yu Wong, X5631, 528-0627 (after 6 p.m.)
KENSINGTON, self-contained, furn. 1-bdrm, 1-bth apt, deck, view, living rm w/frpl, den, modern kitchen, pvt. entrance, 1 person only, 1 yr lease, avail. end of Aug., $700/mo. 527-0189
MORAGA, 4-bdrm, 2-bth house, lg. family rm, walk to schools, Gardener provided, avail. 8/4, $1650/mo. 376-6278, 376-0959
OAKLAND, sunny, 1-bdrm apt in quiet triplex, nr Rockridge shopping ctr, hardwd flrs, walk-in closets, lg living rm, attached garage, nr public trans. to UCB, prefer 1 yr. commitment, $575/mo. 655-9658, 428-1893
RICHMOND ANNEX, 2-bdrm apt in triplex, nr E.C. Plaza & BART, lg. kitchen, dishwasher, refrig., range, carpet, yd, garage w/locked door, coin laundry, new paint & blinds, $750/mo. + dep. Judy, 527-8766
SAN LEANDRO, share furn. 2-bdrm, 2-bth house w/single female, washer/dryer, cable TV, lg. sunny yd, non-smoker, 15 min. to LBL, $475/mo. + utils. X7813, 562-1669
SIERRA FOOTHILLS, 3-bdrm, 2-bth home, frpl, on 3 wooded acres, 1 mi. from Nevada City, $750/mo. or will consider sale. (910)427-8968
WANTED: Housing for visiting professor from Israel, 2 adults, 3 children, from July or Aug., price range $1K. Jacob Sonnenschein, bitnet COBI @TAJNIVM.bitnet.
WANTED: Housing for visiting professor from Brazil, 2 adults, 3 children for 2 yr. beginning 1/1/95, price range $900. Farnezio de Carvalho, farnezio%efei.uucp@ddc.ufmg.br
WANTED: Native Calif. Postdoc relocating to LBL from Switzerland seeks housing (house, studio, apt.) starting 8/4, prefer 2+bdrm, Berkeley, Albany, El Cerrito, Montclair, 2 adult nonsmokers, will care for pets, garden, plants, max. $1K/mo., local refs. avail., desire short (1-2 mo.) or long, term. Greg & Leticia Smestad, (415)979-8730 (msg.)
WANTED: 2 bdrms in a house/apt for two visiting wine makers from Germany, 8/1 - 11/30, prefer So. campus, moderately priced. Jorge or Pepi, 658-7934
WANTED: Unfurn. 2-3 bdrm apt/house for visiting researcher, wife & 2 children from Vienna, in Berkeley, Claremont area or hills area, 8/1 for 1 yr or longer, $1200-1600. X5021
WANTED: Furn. 1-bdrm/studio apt for visiting scientist, 6 wks starting early Aug. Lara Gundel, X7276, 548-4832
WANTED: Furn./unfurn. 1-bdrm apt for visiting scientist, for 1 yr starting mid Aug. or early Sept. Lara Gundel, X7276, 548-4832
CAT, gentle adult female calico, indoor/outdoor, neutered, our son has asthma, so we need to find a good home for her. Lindsay X5009, Vern X7504, 528 2951
COLOR TV KIT, almost 20 yrs old but essentially unopened, instruction manuals, no cabinet. Art, X6838, 658-2754
KITTENS, orange, calico, striped (2), born 6/15. Lara Gundel, X7276, 548-4832
Mary Bodvarsson, X4014
Mac QuickMail, fax X6641
Jeffery Kahn
Mike Wooldridge
Lynn Yarris
Fax X6641
Deadline: 10:30 a.m. Tuesday
Fax X6641
Deadline: 5 p.m. Friday
Mary Padilla, X5771
Alice Ramirez
PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE Public Information Dept., Bldg. 65B
Mike Chartock, Acting Manager