LBL C u r r e n t s January 28, 1994

LBL/UCB team identifies cracks made by LA quake

By Mike Wooldridge

	Flying above the Santa Susana mountains north of the epicenter of last 
week's Southern California earthquake, a team of LBL/UC Berkeley earth 
scientists located extensive surface fractures that developed along the 
range's ridges.
	The cracks, which measured as much as a foot wide and hundreds of feet 
in length, give geologists important clues about the little known fault 
that caused the 6.7 magnitude quake, according to the Earth Sciences 
Division's Pat Williams, who led the team.
	Williams suspects the fractures may also have contributed to the 
freeway damage on the highways bordering the mountain range: Highway 14 
collapsed onto Interstate 5 on the eastern edge of the Santa Susana range; 
a major bridge along Interstate 5 also collapsed within the range; and the 
damaged Simi Valley-San Fernando freeway is on the southern edge of the 
	Cal Trans is incorporating the geological data from the fly-over into 
their post-quake freeway studies.
	The Jan. 19 geological flight was a cooperative effort that involved 
researchers from several institutions, including Williams, Barbara 
Romanowicz of the UCB Seismographic Station, and Jack Moehle of the UCB 
Earthquake Engineering Research Center.
	Using seismic measurements of the quake recorded at UCB and Caltech, 
the scientists first pinpointed a 5 km by 20 km area most likely to show new 
surface features. The team then zig-zagged over the area in a helicopter 
volunteered by the U.S. Coast Guard.
	Considering that Monday's quake involved what Williams called a 
"shortening" of the earth's crust as faults squeezed together, the cracks 
came as somewhat of a surprise. "The cracks make it appear that the 
mountains have been pulled apart," Williams said.
	He said the cracking most likely resulted from rumpling of the earth's 
crust as it was pushed together, much like a fold in a carpet, with the 
fractures occurring across the rumple's surface. 
	The findings support the theory that the quake occurred on account of 
slippage of a poorly known part of the Oak Ridge fault system. The fault 
that caused the jolt, runs 14 km beneath the San Fernando Valley and 
projects to the surface at the Santa Susana Mountains, where the cracks 
were found.
	Williams says fault movement at the epicenter was rather coherent, 
meaning the two slabs of earth slid smoothly against one another like two 
blocks of balsa wood. The fault's movement closer to the surface, 
however, was less coherent, producing folding and complex faulting of the 
Santa Susana Mountains. Such actions combined to shatter the mountain 
range's surface rocks, Williams said, causing the surface fractures.


Sematech CEO inaugurates new LBL lecture series

	William Spencer, president and chief executive officer of Sematech, in 
Austin, Texas, will be the inagural speaker in LBL's newest lecture 
series: Science and Technology in a Competitive World. Spencer's talk is 
scheduled for noon on Friday, Feb. 11, in the Bldg. 50 auditorium.
	The new series, which is supported by the Air Force Office of 
Scientific Research, is a collaborative effort with the UC Berkeley 
campus to bring to LBL national and international scientists and 
policy makers to provide varying perspectives on the global 
competitive challenges facing our nation. 	
	The series will bring speakers to LBL approximately every month 
through May, and will then resume in the fall.
	Spencer has been president of Sematech since October 1990. Sematech 
is a research and development consortium jointly funded by semiconductor 
industry member companies and the U.S. government, established to solve 
the technical challenges required to keep the U.S. at the top of the 
global semiconductor industry.
	Before joining Sematech, Spencer was group vice president and senior 
technical officer at Xerox Corp. in Stamford, Conn. He has also served as 
vice president of Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, director of systems 
development at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, and director of 
microelectronics at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque.
	Spencer received his M.S. degree in mathematics and Ph.D. degree in 
physics from Kansas State University. He is a member of the National 
Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of IEEE, and serves on numerous advisory 
groups and boards.


New waste guidelines now available

	The Guidelines for Generators of Hazardous and Radioactive Waste 
(PUB-3092), the document that describes waste handling policies and 
requirements, has been updated to reflect the many recent regulatory 
	The new guide--PUB-3092, Revision 3--is currently being mailed to 
all generators who are listed on the EH&S Training database as having 
completed hazardous and/or radioactive/mixed waste generator training.
The new Guidelines sports a bright yellow-orange cover, so you will not 
be able to get the new version mixed up with the old version, which was 
light blue. When you receive your new version, please recycle the old 
version. Not only is the information more accurate and useful in the new 
version, but auditors will be instructed to look for that yellow-orange 
cover to ensure that your guidance materials are up to date.
	As part of the Guidelines update, the Hazardous Waste Disposal 
Requisition has been redesigned; the new form will be implemented this 
month. This new requisition form with instructions is included as 
Appendix A of the new Guidelines. 
	One more change that has been made recently is the new empty container 
policy. This new policy allows disposal of certain empty chemical 
containers as non-hazardous waste. Details of the policy can be found in 
Safety News Bulletin Number 304, available from your division safety 
	Don't forget that all generators of hazardous, radioactive, and/or 
mixed waste must be retrained annually. When your training records show that 
it is approaching a year since your last training, you must watch the 
training video and re-take the exam. If you were sent an exam this past 
Spring, and you returned it, you have credit for retraining as of 
September 1993, and do not need retraining until September 1994 . You may 
arrange for the training by contacting your division representative.

New EH&S training course for supervisors

	Environmental Health and Safety Training is now offering a course to 
help supervisors better understand their health and safety 
"EH&S Roles and Responsibilities for Supervisors" (EHS-25), taught by 
Mona Bernstein and other EH&S staff, emphasizes skill development so 
supervisors can become role models for their employees. Given over the 
course of two mornings, one week apart, information includes 
clarification of responsibilities to protect employees and the 
environment, legal liability, communication strategies, accident 
investigation, hazard control case studies, and resources. 
	The class is built around problem-solving exercises based on LBL 
experience. Separate tracks of the course are given for researchers in 
labs, shop supervisors, and supervisors in office environments. Each 
track is offered quarterly or special classes can be scheduled for your 
division (contact Mona Bernstein at X5258 to make arrangements).
	Please call X6612 to register; the next class is for researchers and is 
scheduled for February 3 and 10.

Earth Week planners sought

	Interested in helping with the planning and coordination of Earth Week 
1994? If so, please join other interested employees at a noontime 
planning meeting at noon on Thursday, Feb. 3, in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium. 
Please bring your enthusiasm, ideas, and a brown bag lunch with you. For 
more information, call Shaun Fennessey at X5122.


Division Contacts for Waste Training

Division	Contact	Phone
Administration	Fred Lothrop, 65-100	7726
AFRD	Dick Dicely, 50-149	5067
Chemical Sciences	Linda Maio, 62-245	4285
E&E	Marcia Gary, EH&S Training, 90-2123	6612
Earth Sciences	Peter Persoff, 50E	5931
EH&S	Marcia Gary 90-2123	6612
Engineering	Curtis Nunnally, 90-2148 	5966
Facilities - A&E	Barbara Keryluk, 90K-101	5495
Facilities - M&O	Rachel McGee, 76-222	7831
ICSD	Marv Atchley, 50F-117	5455
Life Sciences	Rita Cummings, Donner	4644
Materials Sciences	Peter Ruegg, 62-203	5395
NSD	Vickie Saling, 88	7826
Physics	Kathie Hardy, 50-256	5533
Structural Biology	Vangie Peterson, Calvin	4348

	Supervisors, take note: Anyone who will be generating hazardous, 
radioactive, and/or mixed waste must be trained before they can work 
without direct supervision. Training for new generators can be arranged 
through the division contacts listed above.

February EH&S course schedule

Date	Course	Time	Location
2/1	Adult Cardiopulmonary
	  Resuscitation (CPR; EHS-123)	9 a.m. - noon	66-316
2/3&10	EH&S Roles & Responsibilities for
	  Research Supervisors (EHS-25)	8:30-11:30 a.m.	62-203
2/10&11	Radiation Protection - 
	  Radionuclides (EHS-430)	1-4:30 p.m.	71-280
2/10	Laser Safety (EHS-280)	9-10:30 a.m.	90-2063
2/10	Forklift Truck Safety (EHS-225)	1:30-3 p.m.	90-3132
2/14&16	Radiation Protection - 
	  Radionuclides (EHS-430) 	8:30 a.m. - noon	71-280
2/14	Lockout/Tagout Training (EHS-256)	9-noon	90-4133
2/15	Fire Extinguisher Use (EHS-530)	10-11:30 a.m.	4-102B
2/15	Crane/Hoist Operator Training
	  (Level I; EHS-211)	8 a.m. - noon	70A-3377
2/15	Pressure Safety/Compressed 
	  Gases (EHS-230)	1-5 p.m.	66-316
2/17	First Aid (EHS-116)	8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.	66-316
2/20	Radiation Worker Retraining
	  (EHS-401)	9-10:30 a.m.	62-203
2/22	New Employee Orientation
	  (EHS-10)	1:300-3:30 p.m.	66 Aud.
2/23	Adult Cardiopulmonary
	  Resuscitation (CPR; EHS-123)	9 a.m. - noon	66-316
2/23	Ergonomics for Computer Users
	  (EHS-60)	9-11:00 a.m.	7C Conf. Rm.
2/24	Earthquake Safety (EHS-135)	9-10:30 a.m.	66-316
	Pre-registration is required for all courses except New Employee 
Orientation (EHS 10). Call the Emergency Preparedness Office at X6554 to 
register for: CPR, First Aid, Fire Extinguisher Use, Earthquake Safety, 
and Building Emergency Team Training. Call X6612 or send a fax with your 
name, extension and employee number to X6608 to pre-register for all 
other EH&S courses.

The Origins of the Metric System--Part I

	(Editor's Note: This is the second in an occasional series of 
informational features on the metric system, and metrication at the Lab.)

The concept for the metric system can be traced to a proposal advanced in 
1670 by one Gabriel Mouton, a clergyman living in Lyons, France. Mouton 
sought to standardize the chaos of competing weights and measures 
existing within that country.
	Under the Ancien Regime, each French province maintained its own set 
of standards, which varied widely from one province to the next. The foot as 
defined in Paris, for instance, was 11 percent longer than that of 
Strasbourg, but 10 percent shorter than that used in Bordeaux. The 
inconsistencies within the measures for weights and volumes was even 
	To replace this metrical tower of Babel, Mouton proposed a system of 
decimal units based on a measurement of the earth. After more than a 
century of debate, during which the new system was championed by many of 
the French philosophes, Mouton's proposal was codified and enacted into 
law during the French Revolution.
	System of Units (SI), published by the American Society for Testing and 
Materials (ASTM), are available from metric coordinator Curtis Nunnally, 
Bldg. 90-2148; X5966.

Camping supplies useful for disaster preparedness

	With the recent earthquake in Southern California so vividly in our 
thoughts, this is a particularly good time to motivate yourself to 
prepare for the unexpected.
	One way to ready your home for disaster without spending lots of money 
on new equipment is to make accessible the supplies you already have--for 
instance, camping supplies you may already have.
	A supply of freeze-dried backpacking foods can serve as a tasty 
supplement to the week or two of canned goods that should be kept in 
storage. The same first-aid kit you take up to the mountains should also 
be kept stocked and ready for an emergency. Lanterns, flashlights, and a 
supply of matches can help during power outages. Remember to store gas 
and kerosene in properly sealed containers kept away from direct 
sunlight, electricity, or extreme heat.
	Not a part of your regular camping gear, but a wise item to keep 
with to them, is a large plastic drum of fresh water, in case of loss of water 
The ability to "camp at home" during disasters can make a difficult time 
less stressful for all family members.
	From Health Tips, Stanford University Medical Center News Bureau

Mrs. Lawrence visits LBL

Molly Lawrence, widow of LBL founder Ernest O. Lawrence, received a tour 
of the Advanced Light Source on Monday, Jan. 24, from ALS Director Brian 
Kincaid and LBL Director Charles Shank. The ALS sits beneath the dome 
that once housed her late husband's 184-Inch Cyclotron. Mrs. Lawrence, 
who has training in the life sciences, said she was particularly amazed 
with the variety of the projects being pursued at the new facility. "It's 
fascinating how many scientific fields come together with projects like 
the ALS," she said. "It seems now you can't practice one field without 
having a background in so many others."	

Promenade Building Open House

	All employees are invited to visit the Laboratory's new facilities in 
the Promenade Building, in downtown Berkeley, from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. on 
Monday, Jan. 31. The open house will feature refreshments, tours, and 
demonstrations by LBL's Human Resources Department, Information Systems 
and Services Department, and Center for Science and Engineering 
Education.  The Promenade Building is located at 1936 University Ave., 
one block west of the LBL shuttle bus stop at the corner of University 
and Milvia. Street parking is limited.

A message from Health Services: The Health Values of Friendship

	Did you know that friends are good for your health? People who value 
power over friendship may have a harder time fighting off disease and get 
sick more often, new research suggests. But having supportive friendships 
can boost immune function and help fight disease--even under stress.
Studies by Princeton University psychologist John B. Jemmott III add to 
growing evidence that personality can affect ability to fight illness. He 
looked at immune function at times of high and low stress for 257 men and 
women. Some valued relationships and socializing; others were strongly 
power-driven: assertive, competitive, focused on collecting status 
symbols or promotions. Among key findings:
	  During high-stress periods, those with lots of friendships had 
significantly higher levels of IgA, the part of the immune system that 
helps fight infection, particularly upper respiratory infections.
	A possible explanation: power-driven personalities produce more 
adrenaline, which suppresses immune function.
	Of course, whether you would get sick because of immune weakness 
depends on other factors too, Jemmott says, "like whether you were exposed to 
germs, and the amount of exposure."

Resumix a plus for applicants, hiring departments

By Mike Wooldridge

It used to be a daunting task to fill job openings at LBL, where resumes 
pour in at a rate of 100 a day--more when each semester ends. Just ask 
anyone in the Human Resources Department's Staffing Unit.
We're faced with a pretty big stack of resumes after we list a vacancy," 
says systems coordinator Steve Blechman. "After going through the first 
10 or 20 by hand, your eyes tend to glaze over."
	Fortunately, technology has caught up with this tedious task in the 
form of Resumix, a resume-reading and imaging computer system developed by 
Resumix, Inc. of Santa Clara. Blechman likes to think of it as the Human 
Resources department's equivalent to the Advanced Light Source.
	Installed in Fall 1992, the system scans every resume that arrives at 
LBL. It quickly organizes names, addresses, degrees, work experience, and 
the like into a database, and helps pinpoint candidates by interpreting 
job skills. To date, says staffing manager Marina Gonzalez, more than 
16,000 resumes have been fed into the system, saving the Lab hundreds of 
hours in data-entry time.
	The system benefits potential employees as well. Job applicants need 
only submit one resume, no matter how many jobs are being applied for. 
Once the resume is in the system, the applicant is automatically 
considered for every job. Resumix also shortens the time it takes to 
process and respond to job seekers--the department now sends 
acknowledgment letters within a day of receipt of the resume and can 
respond to applicant inquiries quickly by accessing the scanned resumes, 
and their status, electronically.
	With more and more companies--Apple Computer, IBM, AT&T, as well 
as LBL-- turning to computers to process resumes, job applicants are having to 
focus less on appearance and more on vocabulary. Computers aren't 
impressed by fancy fonts or expensive paper.
	Systems such as Resumix are also changing how the hiring side works, as 
organizations learn to systematically define job descriptions for the 
computer with a limited amount of key words.
	To foster cooperation on such matters, Resumix project manager Steve 
Blechman recently organized a Resumix "Grammar Summit" at LBL. The 
conference brought Resumix users from Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos, and 
Sandia national labs, UC campuses, and private industry together with 
Resumix developers to discuss improvements to the system's grammar and 
skills libraries.
	Such summits will help designers update Resumix so it can play 
a greater role in helping fill scientific as well as administrative 
and technical positions.
	"The summit was the first of its kind," Blechman says. "It was a great 
opportunity to share experiences with other users of the system and to 
collaborate on strategies to make this system work better for everyone."
	For LBL Employees who do not have a prepared resume, the Human 
Resources department Staffing Unit has developed a scannable Employee 
Resume form. 
The form can be picked up from the Staffing Office in the Promenade 
Building (1936 University Ave.) or at the Reception Center in Building 
	Resumix will be demonstrated at the Promenade Building Open House, 
scheduled for 2:30-4:30 p.m, Monday, Jan. 31. The Promenade Building is 
located at 1936 University Ave.
	The system works by using optical character recognition (OCR) software 
to convert the resume into standard ASCII text. Resumix then extracts the 
information and places it into a structured database.
	The difficult part--and the part at which Resumix excels--is 
deciphering specific job skills. More than just a key-word search, Resumix's 
artificial intelligence understands many different descriptions of 
skills, recognizing them in context. It also recognizes abbreviations and 
slight misspellings. 
	Resumix can then select, from the entire pool of resumes in the system, 
all the candidates whose qualifications match the list of job 
requirements submitted by the hiring department.
	By taking over a task that once required hours of manual processing, 
Resumix is allowing HR staff to spend more time working with applicants 
who are best qualified for the available jobs.
	"We typically find that 80 percent of the people who respond to a 
listing simply do not meet the job requirements," Blechman says. "Before 
Resumix, much of our time was spent dealing with them rather than with 
the qualified people."
	The system is also giving LBL a competitive advantage in the 
job market. LBL recruitment coordinator Roberta Boucher recently attended '
a job fair at the Superconducting Super Collider in Texas.
	"Resumix gave us the opportunity to review and respond to the thousand 
or so applicants within a week," she says. "This is crucial in an 
environment where talented people get snatched up by competitive 
companies very quickly."
	The use of Resumix also promises to foster better communications 
between Human Resources and departments seeking to fill jobs, says Gonzalez. 
	Resumix gives us an opportunity to create a more complete partnership 
with our clients. We can help them define their selection criteria for 
jobs more clearly, and they can help us gain a greater understanding and 
appreciation of the work that goes on here at the Lab."

Q u a k e relief

	Employees who wish to make donations to help victims of the Jan. 17 
earthquake in Southern California may send checks to the American Red 
Cross, 2111 E. 14th St., Oakland, CA 94606. Please make checks payable to 
American Red Cross, and write "LA Earthquake" in the memo portion of the 

Science Fair judges needed

	The West Contra Costa Science Fair has issued an appeal to members of 
the scientific community to volunteer as judges at their annual event. 
The fair will take place from 12:30 to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 16, on 
the second floor of the Contra Costa College Gym Annex in San Pablo.
	Secondary school students from west Contra Costa County will have their 
science projects on display for the competition, and the winners will go 
on to compete in the San Francisco Bay Area Science Fair. The four 
categories to be judged are Biological Science, Physical Science, 
Mathematics and Computer Science, and Behavioral Science.
	Any interested scientists should contact Irene Katsumoto at 642-8232 by 
Friday, Feb. 4. A light luncheon for judges will precede the event.

Rainfall at LBL

	Tom Glimme of EH&S's Environmental Monitoring Unit reports that the 
year-to-date amount measured in the rain gauge atop Bldg. 75 as of 
midnight, Tuesday, Jan. 18, was 10.58 inches. This indicates an 
accumulation of 2.68 inches in the preceeding seven days. The current 
rainy season officially began on July 1, 1993. In addition to measuring 
rainfall, the EMU regularly takes some 200 air and water samples around 
the Hill.

Tax workshops for international students, scholars

	UC Berkeley's Services for International Students and Scholars Office 
(SISS) is sponsoring the following tax workshops for international 
students and scholars from 4 to 6 p.m. on the dates listed below. All 
workshops are held in the Slusser Room at International House, 2299 
Piedmont Ave. (at Bancroft); no reservations are necessary.
	For scheduling information, call 642-2818. No tax questions will be 
answer by SISS either over the phone or over the counter. Tax forms will 
be available at the workshops. Attendance is highly recommended for 
non-immigrant employees.

For scholars
Tuesday, Feb. 8*
Thursday, Feb. 18*
Wednesday, March 2*
Monday, March 14
Tuesday, March 29

For students
Tuesday, March 1
Monday, March 7
Wednesday, March 16
Tuesday, March 22
Thursday, March 31
Wednesday, April 6
Tuesday, April 12

*A certified public accountant from the firm of Spott & Kunes, Inc. will 
answer questions at these workshops

Motocycle parking moved

	To provide safer parking and to allow custodians easier access to the 
dumpsters, motorcycle parking will be relocated from the area by B90Q 
into a marked parking space in the fenced lot by B90C.  

January 31 C a l e n d a r February 4

31 m o n d a y	
Promenade Bldg. Open House
2:30-4:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m., 3105 Etcheverry; J. Rathkopf, LLNL, "Monte Carlo Particle 
Transport: Recent Work at Lawrence Livermore," Refreshments, 3:15 p.m.
4 p.m., 120 Latimer; D. Penry, UCB, "Modeling Animal Gut as Chemical 
4 p.m., 430 Birge; S. Adler, Princeton, "Generalized Quantum Dynamics, 
or, Can One Have Quantum Mechanics Without First Having Classical 
1 t u e s d a y
9 a.m.-noon, Bldg. 66-316; Adult CPR (EHS 123), pre-registration 
required, X6554
Center for Particle Astrophysics Seminar
12:30 p.m., 375 Le Conte; S. Borgani, INFN, Italy, "Dark Matter Models 
and Large-Scale Formation"
4 p.m., Bldg. 50A-5132; V. Sharma, Univ. of Wisconsin, "Recent Results on 
Bs and Lb Hadrons," Refreshments, 3:45 p.m.
2 w e d n e s d a y
4 p.m., 2 Le Conte; R. Williams, Princeton Univ., "Roles for Biomass 
Energy in Sustainable Development," Refreshments, 3:30 p.m., Bldg. T-4 
room 100A
4:30 p.m., 1 Le Conte; D. Weiss, Ecole Normale Superieure, France, "Using 
the Atomic Photon Recoil to Measure Itself," Refreshments, 4 p.m., 375 Le 
4:30 p.m., Bldg. 50 Aud.; J. D. Bjorken, SLAC, "Baked Alaska"; In 
conjunction with the STAR Collaboration Meeting

3 t h u r s d a y
8:30-11:30 a.m., Bldg. 62-203; EH&S Roles & Responsibilities for Research 
Supervisors (EHS 25) (concludes on 2/10), pre-registration required, 
Earth Week Planning Meeting
noon, 50 Aud.
1:30 p.m., Bldg. 62-203; I. K. Robinson, Univ. of Illinois, "X-Ray 
Surface Structure Determination: What Can We Learn in Disordered 
3:30 p.m., 1 Le Conte; A. Rudolph, NASA Ames, Title to be announced, 
Refreshments, 3 p.m., 661 Campbell
4 p.m., Bldg. 50A-5132; R. Jacobsen, CERN, "Z-Zero Lineshape Measurements 
at LEP," Refreshments, 3:45 p.m.

4  f r i d a y

Peach pancakes
Pork mulligatawny	
Stuffed bell pepper
Turkey sloppy Joe

Dill havarti omelet
Chicken leek
Roast leg of lamb
Guacamole, bacon & Swiss
Sesame orange shrimp stir-fry

Biscuit w/sausage gravy
Beef vegetable
Chicken w/raspberry marinade
Tuna melt

Blueberry pancakes
Boston clam chowder
Seafood Newburg
Teriyaki rib-eye
Fiesta Italiana

Hot links scramble
Vegetarian vegetable
Barbecued pork ribs
Corn dog


F l e a M a r k e t

'71 Datsun 510 sta. wgn, rough int./ext., $500/b.o.
'72 CHEVY 3/4-ton pickup, heavy-duty, 454 eng., a/t, a/c, p/s, p/b, 3 
tanks, camper shell, recent eng., trans., tires & paint, well-maintained, 
$2950/b.o. Auben, X4613, 245-0343
'75 GMC 1-ton van, 350 V-8, a/t, 36 gal. tank, p/s, p/b, cruise, tilt, 
am/fm, 5-pass., bed & deck, 120K mi., great shape, 1 owner, $1500. X4626,

'76 FORD Ranchero, 88K mi., 351 V-8, a/t, runs great, very dependable, gd 
cond., $2500/b.o. David A. Piepho, X7685, 803-9939
'80 Datsun 210, 2-dr, 5-spd, 75K mi., looks/runs O.K., $700/b.o. X6511
'82 MAZDA GLC sedan, 4-cyl., 5-spd, 138K mi., recent tune-up, very 
dependable, $950/b.o. Joel, X4434, 458-4797
'84 NISSAN Sentra, 4-dr, manual, great cond., runs well, 75K mi., 
$3K/b.o. Ed Vine, X6047
'85 FORD Tempo, 62K mi., 2-dr, 5-spd, am/fm/cass., exc. cond., $2300. 
Claude, X4828,
'85 PLYMOUTH Horizon, $1900 blue book value, $1K. Chris Jarzynski, X7897
'88 HYUNDAI Excel GL, 4-dr sedan, new clutch & tires, exc. body, runs 
great, 51K mi., $2800. Jean-Christophe, X6279, 527-4541
'92 Mazda MPV, white, slight ding front bumper, 23K mi., gray fabric 
int., exc. car, asking $17K/b.o. Ed, 525-5341
'92 Mazda Navajo, 2WD, a/t/, 19.5K mi., am/fm/cass., pwr doors & windows, 
cruise, sun roof, roof rack, driver side-step, alarm, a/c, exc. cond., 
$20K/b.o. or assume lease. Gaines, X6747, 235-6587(eve.)
Motorcycle, '81 Honda CB 900F Supersport, tank & saddle bags,luggage 
rack, padded back rest, exc. cond., photos in cafeteria, $1,500. Ron, 
X6189, 516-1727
LUMBER RACK, fits Toyota long-bed pickup or equivalent, $125/b.o. Gale 
Moline, X4826, 372-0933(eve.)
SKI RACK, fits Ford Explorer OEM luggage rack only, still in box, $45. R. 
Arri, X4593
Vanpool, rider wanted, Concord to LBL/UCB, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.,M-F. Roger 
Cochran, X5565
BED, twin sz., incl. head/foot boards & springs or rails, mattress 
notrequired. Chuck, X4461
HOUSE TO SIT, LLNL employee avail., pets OK. Karin Hollerbach, 422-9111
Tickets to Cal men's basketball at the Harmon Gym, Sun., 2/13, vs. 
Arizona, I need 4, but 2 will do. Dan, X7976
TRAVELERS for Ladakh/Markha Valley, 8/15 - 9/9, Western edge of the 
Tibetan plateau, 2-day bus trip from Manali to Leh, visit Buddhist sites, 
9-day trek, crossing 16K' and 17,200' passes, $2800 incl. air, transfers, 
hotels & trekking costs. Jeanette Larsen,
AFRICAN MASK, wooden w/beaten metal, very striking, $120. Elise, X4574
Baldwin Grand Piano, 6'3" black satin matte finish, mint cond., 11 yrs. 
old, $10,500/b.o. F. Robles, X5997
BAR, carved teak, lots of storage, orig. $800, $200; oak bentwood 
computer furniture, desk w/shelf & printer table, $70/both; RCA XL 100 19 
" color TV w/stand, rotary tuner-gd picture, $45; Russel Hobbs toaster, 
almost new, $8; BSR stereo graphic equalizer, $40; men's Lynx golf clubs, 
full set, D zero swing weight, stiff shafts w/bag $120; woman's golf set 
& bag, $50; misc. items. Thom, X6390, (707)746-5192
BED, full sz., mattress, box spring & steel frame w/casters, reasonable 
cond., gd for student, $25, you haul. Randy, X7530, 845-2144
CANOE/KAYAK HYBRID, Phoenix Voyager, 2-seat, poke boat, accessories, 17', 
55 lbs., like new, cost $1200, asking $850. 934-7748
CEMENT MIXER, Sears model 713.75070, elec., 3 cu. ft. mixing cap., $175. 
R. Heep, 939-4924
DIRECTOR'S CHAIRS, tall, pair, $60 ea. Nanette Lanz,
Jet Ski, '85 Kawasaki 440, S.S. prop, elec. bilge pump, pole spring, 
water bypass, flush kit, modified pump, milled head, ported cylinders, 
cover & cart, photos in cafeteria, $1,700. Ron, X6189, 516-1727
CHILD'S VIDEO-PAINTER, hooks up to any TV, hardly used, $100 new, $50; 
washer & gas dryer, Kenmore, gd cond., washer, $75, dryer, $100 or 
$150/both; sailboard & rig, customized Mistral equipe, 12.5' raceboard & 
2 Windwing race sails, 7.0 & 8.0 sq. meters, both in like new cond., 2 
Serfiac aluminum masts, like new cond., $500 for the whole package. Drew 
Kemp, X5789, 524-7165  
GOLF CLUBS, set w/bag, ping putter, low use, paid $600, $250. X4506
MOVING SALE, solid oak table, $200; 3 matching coffee tables, $125; full 
sz. bed, $100; full sz. futon, $100; 2 chest-of-drwrs, $50 ea.; crib, 
$50; 2 lamps, $30 ea.; misc. items. Claude, X4823, 236-4748
PAINTING-SCULPTURE, 3'x4', solid wood, nature scene on blk lacquer, $4K 
value, $495; antique table & 6 chairs, hand-carved solid wood, newly 
reupholstered, orig., $4500, $1K; lg. metal desk, household items, etc. 
Joseph, 642-2496, 530-3475
PALMTOP COMPUTER, HP95LX-1MB, 11 oz., 3.4"x6.3"x1", w/RS232 cable & PC 
Connectivity Pack software, all manuals & boxes, HP AC adapter, DOS 3.22, 
Lotus 1-2-3 & PIM SW in ROM, still under warranty for 30 days, eligible 
for extended warranty, $385/b.o. Randy, X7530, 845-2144
PRINTER, Toshiba P321, high quality dot matrix, $100/b.o. Don, X5191
RING, 6 point diamond ring in the shape of a heart, $150. Victor, 
204-9540(after 7 p.m.)
SKI BOOTS, Asolo Extreme Plus Telemark boots, size 8-1/2 downsize ~1 size 
from what you normally wear), exc. cond., used for 1 season, new style 
ratchet buckles, Black Diamond goretex Supergaitors to fit, exc. cond., 
$325/b.o. for all. David, 653-6057
SOFA, egg shell contemporary, gd cond., $100; chair, egg shell 
contemporary, sm. easy chair, $25. 614-7696(eve.)
SOLA-FLEX, almost new, w/leg & butterfly attachment, $900/b.o.; waterbed, 
queen sz., $25. Steve, 222-0247
STOVE, '50s Wedgewood, 36", exc. cond., $350; '40s leather top, round 
table, chest-of-drwrs w/pull-out shelf & end table, matching pieces., gd 
cond., $300; TV cabinet w/doors, 29"Hx42"Wx22"D, w/24" Zenith color TV, 
gd cond., $300. Karen Springsteen, X6891, 223-6209
UPRIGHT PIANO, Kurtzman, antique, circa. '30s, orig. ivory keys, perfect 
cond., $985. Elina, X6605, 674-1365
albany, 3-bdrm house, pets OK, $1350/mo. Ed, 525-5341
BERKELEY, sunny 2-bdrm lower flat, 15 min. walk from UCB/LBL shuttle, yd, 
garden & parking, avail. 2/15, $810/mo. 540-0385
BERKELEY (2 listings), both in Ocean View area, 25 min. walk to UCB/LBL 
shuttle, yd, parking, sunny refurbished units, downstairs studio, 
$500/mo.; upstairs 1-bdrm units, $615/mo. 548-9869
BERKELEY, upstairs suite in 2-unit house, all brand new, compl. svcs. + 
parking, 10 min. walk from shuttle, avail. 3/1, $400/mo. Camilo,
845-5442(after 9 p.m.)
BERKELEY, 3-bdrm, 2-bth upper duplex, new bldg., fridge, dishwasher, 
washer/dryer, 2 frpls, Jacuzzi bthtub, w-w carpets, deck, off st parking, 
nr dwntn, $1600/mo. David,
BERKELEY HILLS, 1-bdrm apt, recently decorated, quiet area, off st 
parking, washer/dryer connections, 10 min. from Lab, $650/mo. 831-9958
BERKELEY HILLS on Euclid/Cedar, 5 blks from UCB, furn., kit. privileges, 
washer/dryer, deck, view of SF, GG & bay, nr trans., shops, tennis cts, 
rose garden, non-smoking, no pets, must be clean, prefer visiting scholar 
or f/t working person, $450/mo. + utils. 642-8517, 548-1287
EL CERRITO HILLS, 3-bdrm, 2-bth home, share w/2 others, prefer female, 
bay view, sauna, deck, frpl, hardwd flrs, skylights, washer/dryer, piano, 
3/4 mi. from Plaza BART, 1/2 mi. bus to Berkeley, $395/mo.
HERCULES, 2 of 5 bdrms + pvt. bth & 1/2 garage avail., kitchen & laundry 
privs., family rm, frpl, yd, quiet neighborhood, avail. 2/1, $650/mo. + 
util. Kelly, X5976, 799-0243(eve.)
KENSINGTON, furn. 3-bdrm, 2-bth house, lg. living rm, bay view, frpl, 
grand piano, dining area, lg. kitchen, laundry, yd, avail. 4/1, $1550/mo. 
+ dep. Judy Bingham, 849-3711, 524-3312
KENSINGTON, spacious 1-bdrm garden apt, split-level, furn., all 
amenities, nr trans., short/long term, $810/mo. 524-9655
OAKLAND, 2-bdrm, 1-bth house, updated kitchen, bonus rm, yd, clean, well 
maintained, nr shopping, avail. 2/15, $950/mo. 654-8334 (after 6 
SAN LEANDRO, 2-bdrm, 1-bth house, LR, DR, frpl, fenced yd, gardener, nr 
downtown, BART & trans., pets negot., $950/mo. Jim Haughian, 632-7519
WANTED: Furn. house/apt for visiting prof. & family, 2 or 3-bdrm, for 3 
mos. Apr. thru Jun. Ian Brown, X4174
WANTED: Sm. apt for visiting Physics professor from late Jan. thru 
mid-March. 547-0720
WANTED: 3 bdrms, prefer Berkeley, 3/14 - 4/14, for visiting professor 
from Switzerland, 2 adults, 1 child. S.G. Louie, 642-1709, B. Gordon, 
642-9345 (a.m.)
SO. LAKE TAHOE, deluxe townhouse, all amenities, lakefront, nr all play 
spots. Herbert Newkirk, 422-8845, 455-5595
CONCORD, 4-bdrm, 2-bth house, lg. kitchen w/ new appliances, new 
vanities, lg. family rm, formal dining rm w/cathedral ceiling, 2-car 
garage, landscaped backyd, mature community w/club house, 3 swimming 
pools, tennis cts, weight rm, day care, nr Concord/Pleasant Hill BART, 
belong to Northgate HS. Elina, X6605, 674-1365
FOUND: Gold ring, in Blackberry Cyn parking lot, approx. 9 a.m. on 1/20. 
X5421 to describe & claim