LBL Currents -- January 21, 1994

O'Leary visits BASTEC school, helps inauguarate B-factory in Bay Area visit

By Mike Wooldridge

In a welcome respite from questions about past radiation experiments, 
Secretary of Energy Hazel O'Leary visited an Oakland public school on 
Wednesday, Jan. 12, to see some of the results of DOE's educational 
The Secretary toured Lafayette Elementary, a participant in the 
DOE-funded Bay Area Science and Technology Education Collaboration 
(BASTEC). Eileen Engel and Rollie Otto, both of LBL's Center for Science 
and Engineering Education, accompanied O'Leary.
For the past four years, BASTEC has helped the Oakland School District 
update its facilities, curriculum, and teacher expertise in classroom 
science, pooling scientific talent and resources from national 
laboratories, educational institutions such as the Lawrence Hall of 
Science, and local colleges and universities.
During her hour-long tour, O'Leary watched a sixth-grade class experiment 
with soil and water to simulate erosion, had a colorful portrait taken 
with the school's infrared camera, and played with homemade silly putty 
students made out of borax.
The previous day, O'Leary visited the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 
to help inaugurate the B-factory, a $230 million project that should 
offer scientists the best opportunity yet to study the difference between 
matter and antimatter. LBL Deputy Director Pier Oddone, whose idea 
sparked the initiation of the project, attended the ceremony, as did 
Senator Dianne Feinstein.
The remainder of the secretary's week-long visit to the Bay Area focused 
primarily on the declassification of information regarding to radiation 
tests in the 1940s and 1950s. In San Francisco, she held a meeting with 
the San Francisco Chronicle editorial board and chaired the first in a 
series of DOE stakeholders meetings.
At the stakeholders meeting, O'Leary stressed the Clinton 
administration's commitment to openess, and their efforts to ensure that 
department policies are in step with the national and international 
environments. The public also had a chance to air their concerns before 
the secretary and a diverse panel of scientists, local reporters and 
nuclear activists.
A number of stakeholders meetings will be held at different sites across 
the country in the coming months, and will culminate June 1, 1994, with a 
release of recently declassified information, O'Leary said.
"We have a lot of hard work ahead of us," O'Leary told the packed 
conference room at the meeting. "This is about our future, our children's 
survival and the survival of our nation. We have to be bold enough to 
trust one another." 

Women in Science & Engineering Seminar

Lenore Blum, deputy director of the Mathematical Sciences Research 
Institute at UC Berkeley, will speak at the next Women in Science and 
Engineering Seminar at 12:15 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 24, in Bldg. 70A-3377. 
Refreshments will be served at noon.
Blum's discussion, "MSRI: An Emissary for Mathematics," will highlight 
the broadening mission of MSRI  (pronounced "emissary") to include 
education, outreach, and human resource development. She will discuss 
what MSRI has been doing to communicate the spirit of mathematics and 
mathematical endeavors to the broader public, especially to 
under-represented groups.
After receiving her Ph.D. in mathematics from MIT in 1968, Blum came to 
UCB as a postdoc and lecturer. She founded the Mills College Math and 
Computer Science Department in 1973, and served as department head for 13 
years. Since 1988, Blum has been a research scientist in the Theory Group 
of the International Computer Science Institute, and since 1989, an 
adjunct professor of Computer Science at UCB.
Blum's research, from her early work in model theory (logic and algebra), 
to her most recent work in developing a theory of computation and 
complexity over the real numbers (mathematics and computer science), has 
focused on the interface between different fields. Recently, she has 
spent an increasing amount of time promoting the participation of girls 
and women in mathematics.
The Women in Science and Engineering Seminar Series is open to all 
interested employees. The series provides the Laboratory community 
opportunities to learn about the research of women scientists and 
engineers, and discuss career issues and common concerns. n

Narla named acting head of LBL's Human Genome Center

By Jeffery Kahn
The Laboratory has named Mohandas Narla acting head of its Human Genome 
Center, replacing Jasper Rine as of January 14.
Narla, an engineer turned molecular biologist, has headed the Life 
Sciences Division's Cell and Molecular Biology Department since 1992. He 
is also a professor in the Department of Laboratory Medicine at UC San 
Rine, a professor of genetics at UC Berkeley, will continue to pursue his 
research interests. During his two-and-a-half-year tenure as head of 
LBL's Human Genome Center, major progress has been reported across a 
number of fronts.
Automated laboratory equipment has been developed that increases both the 
speed and accuracy with which the genome can be mapped and sequenced. 
Robotsteamed with computersare closing in on the goal of sequencing DNA 
at the rate of 1.2 megabases per year.
Under Rine, the effort to develop databases to deal with the massive 
amount of information being generated by the genome project also has come 
to maturity. New systems allow scientists to use computer networks to 
manage, share, and manipulate the collective body of data being generated 
Life Sciences Division Director Mina Bissell said that in the future, the 
Center hopes to further strengthen its ties to the biology department on 
the neighboring UCB campus.
"Jasper Rine has done a remarkable job of bringing together the various 
aspects of the center's efforts," Bissell said. "We hope he will continue 
to pursue aspects of this research at LBL. In addition, we look forward 
to expanding our efforts in developing sequencing capabilities, both for 
the human genome and possibly for drosophila, in collaboration with UCB." 

Emergency Supply Checklist

Stocking up now on emergency supplies can add to your safety and comfort 
during and after an earthquake. Store enough supplies for at least 72 
	Water2 quarts to 1 gallon per person per day
	First aid kitfreshly stocked
	First aid book
	Food (packaged, canned, no-cook, baby food, and for
	special diets)
	Can opener (non electric)
	Blankets or sleeping bags
	Portable radio, flashlight and spare batteries
	Essential medication and glasses
	Fire extinguisherABC type
	Food and water for pets
Sanitation Supplies
	Large plastic trash bags for trash, waste, water protection
	Bar soap and liquid detergent
	Toothpaste and toothbrushes
	Feminine and infant supplies
	Toilet paper
	Household bleach
	Newspaperto wrap garbage & waste
Safety and Comfort
	Sturdy shoes
	Heavy gloves for clearing debris
	Candles and matches
	Change of clothing
	Knife or razor blades
	Garden hosefor siphoning and fire fighting
	Barbecue, camp stove, chafing dish
	Fuel for cooking (charcoal, camp stove fuel, etc.)
	Plastic knives, forks, spoons
	Paper plates and cups
	Paper towels
	Heavy-duty aluminum foil
Tools and Supplies
	Ax, shovel, broom
	Crescent wrench for turning off gas
	Screwdriver, pliers, hammer
	Coil of 1/2-in. rope
	Plastic tape and sheeting
	Toys for children

Are you prepared for the next earthquake?

Monday's Los Angeles area earthquake was a jolting reminder that we need 
to be better prepare for disasters. Don Bell, LBL's Emergency 
Preparedness Coordinator, says the Lab offers classes in Earthquake 
Safety Training, First Aid, and CPR. You can sign up individually or in 
The quarterly courses,offered at no cost to the individualare listed in 
the EH&S Health and Safety Education Course Information booklet, which 
should be available in your division office.
Bell says special arrangements can be made to handle groups. "We will 
work with you to tailor a program to fit your needs," Bell says. "If you 
can put together a group of 12 people, we will come to your location."
The Laboratory also has safety pamplets, emergency checklists, and other 
information that would be helpful in preparing for disaster.
For more information about classes, brochures, safety pamplets, and 
checklists, contact Bell at X6016, or Mark Turner at X6554. n

Red Cross accepting quake donations

Employees who wish to make donations to help victims of the Jan. 17 
earthquake in Southern California may send checks to the American Red 
Cross, 2111 E. 14th St., Oakland, CA 94606. Please make checks payable to 
American Red Cross, and write "LA Earthquake" in the memo portion of the 

Send in your surveys!

The Survey Research Center on campus reports that about half of the 
Laboratory population has returned the LBL Child Care Survey that was 
distributed in early December. If you received a survey and have not yet 
completed and returned it, please do so as soon as possible so that final 
results may be tabulated. If you need another copy, please call X5532.

AAAS '94 in San Francisco

The deadline for this year's the AAAS '94 meeting, being held in San 
Francisco Feb. 18-23, has been extended to Feb. 1. A limited number of 
extra applications are available from Mike Wooldridge at X6249.

Rainfall at LBL

Tom Glimme of EH&S's Environmental Monitoring Unit reports that the 
year-to-date amount measured in the rain gauge atop Bldg. 75 as of 
midnight, Tuesday, Jan. 18, was 7.9 inches, indicating there has been no 
rainfall in the past week. The current rainy season officially began on 
July 1, 1993. In addition to measuring rainfall, the EMU regularly takes 
some 200 air and water samples around the Hill.

Construction plays havoc with parking

In recent months, a number of construction projects have been started at 
the Lab. Many of them, such as the seismic bracing of Bldg. 90, will make 
LBL a safer place to work. Many of them also are taking up space normally 
devoted to parking.
As a result, some space assignments have changed at lots on the Hill, 
according to Fred Lothrop, LBL's manager of parking administration. Since 
most of the Blue Triangle and Director's spaces in front of Bldg. 90 are 
now occupied by construction crews, six spaces in the Bayview lot across 
from Bldg. 55 have been temporarily marked for Blue Triangle permits. 
They will revert to general parking within the next month. All of the 
parking spaces on the rim of the hill in front of Bldg. 90 will soon be 
restricted to either Director's permits or Blue Triangle permits. A few 
of those spaces will also be marked for special visitors on a day-to-day 
Lothrop says all Laboratory parking policies are still in effect. 
Illegally parked cars may be issued three types of tickets: a warning 
ticket goes on file at the traffic office; an order to "show cause" may 
be appealed to the UC citation hearing examiner, but may result in a 
ticket and bail; traffic citations are issued for violations of the 
California vehicle code, and require that a person deal directly with the 
municipal court.
While LBL is doing its best to provide parking for as many employees as 
possible, a spot for every car at cannot be guaranteed, Lothrop says. 
Employees can help free up space by using stack parking lots, in which 
vehicles are parked behind one another. Stack lots are particularly 
useful for employees with regular hours. Just be sure to leave your name 
and extension on display on the dash of your car. n

Earth Week planners sought

If you are interested in helping with the planning and coordination of 
Earth Week 1994, you are invited to attend a meeting scheduled for noon 
on Thursday, Feb. 3, in the Bldg 50 Auditorium. Please bring your 
enthusiasm, ideas, and a brown-bag lunch. For more information, call 
Shaun Fennessey at X5122.

Promenade Building to host open house

All employees are invited to visit the Laboratory's new facilities in the 
Promenade Building in downtown Berkeley from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Monday, 
Jan. 31. The Open House will feature refreshments, tours, and 
Since April 1993, the Promenade Building has housed the following 
offices: Human Resources Department, Information Systems and Services 
Department, and the Center for Science and Engineering Education.
During the Open House, CSEE program administrators will be available for 
questions and discussions of projects, and posters and handouts will be 
available on a number of exciting programs.
ISS will staff will be on hand to discuss and demonstrate such projects 
as electronic time reporting and the account authorization system.
Human Resources will present a computer slide show and demonstrate new 
tools, including Resumix, a computerized resume-reading system.
The Promenade Building is located at 1936 University Ave., one block west 
of the LBL shuttle bus stop at the corner of University and Milvia. 
Street parking is limited. 

DOE office has new name

The Department of Energy's regional office, which, since its 
establishment in 1951, has been known as the San Franscisco Operations 
Office, or DOESAN, has changed its official name. It is now called the 
Oakland Operations Office, a reflection of its current location in the 
Oakland Federal Building.
With a staff of 406 full-time employees, DOE's Oakland Operations Office 
administers a $1.7 billion budget and oversees such government-owned 
contractor-operated (GOCO) laboratories as LBL, Lawrence Livermore 
National Laboratory, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, and the Energy 
Technology Engineering Center of Rockwell International's Rocketdyne 

January 24 C a l e n d a r January 28

24 m o n d a y	
Women in Science & Engineering Seminar
12:15 p.m., Bldg. 70A-3377; L. Blum, MSRI, "MSRI: An Emissary for 
Mathematics," Refreshments, noon
7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Bldg. 77
4 p.m., 120 Latimer; J. Clarke, UCB, "High-Tc SQUIDS: An Emerging 
4 p.m., Bldg. 70A-3377; S. Koonin, Caltech, "Massively Parallel 
Computing, Monte Carlo, and Nuclear Structure"

25 t u e s d a y
4 p.m., Bldg. 66 Aud.; D. Agard, UCSF, "Chromosome Structure in Three and 
Four Dimensions"

26 w e d n e s d a y
10:30 a.m., Bldg. 50A-5132; E. Schroeder, J. Putnam, S. Abraham, R. 
Bolton, LBL, "Development, Evolution, and Control of Corporate Databases"

2 p.m., Bldg. 70A-3377; T. Wienold, GSI, "Flow and Cluster Production at 
Intermediate Beam Energies"
4:30 p.m., 1 Le Conte; S. Garrett, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, 
"Thermo Acoustic Refrigeration," Refreshments, 4 p.m., 375 Le Conte

27 t h u r s d a y
4 p.m., 3110 Etcheverry; Z. Zhang, National Institute of Standards and 
Technology, "Radiative Properties of Thin Solid Films Including 
High-Temperature Superconductors"

28  f r i d a y

Breakfast burrito
Lima bean w/bacon	
Crumb-coated chicken breast
Polish w/sauerkraut

Strawberry French toast
Beef barley
Southwest meat loaf
Santa Cruz chicken
Chicken Caesar salad

Chorizo & eggs
Chicken noodle
Hearty chicken stew
Chili burger

Blueberry pancakes
Manhattan clam chowder
Chicken-fried steak
Pizza pizza

Sadie's choice
Vegetarian vegetable
Filet of sole w/lemon pepper
Basil chicken salad