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Berkeley Lab Currents

February 7, 1997

Table of Contents


Bissell wins E.O. Lawrence Award

By Lynn Yarris

Mina Bissell, director of the Lab's Life Sciences Division, has been named one of seven winners of the 1996 E.O. Lawrence Award by the Department of Energy. Bissell, a cell biologist, was honored in the Life Sciences category for identifying the extracellular matrix (ECM), a network of fibrous and globular proteins that surround and support breast cells as a crucial regulator of normal and malignant breast cell functions.

The citation on the award will read, "For her seminal and pioneering contributions to our understanding of the extracellular matrix and microenvironment in differentiation, programmed cell death, and cancer."

The Lawrence Award was established in 1959 to honor the memory of the late Ernest Orlando Lawrence, winner of the 1939 Nobel Prize in physics for his invention of the cyclotron, and founder of the national laboratories in Berkeley and Livermore that bear his name today. The awards are given annually in seven categories for outstanding contributions in the field of atomic energy, broadly defined. Winners receive a gold medal, a citation and $15,000. Nominations were screened by independent review panels and recommended to DOE by an interagency awards committee.

"The work of these scientists and engineers highlights the dividends that the American people are earning on their investment in research," said acting Energy Secretary Charles Curtis, who named the seven on Feb. 5. "The winners have made contributions to our economy, our national security, our health and safety, and our understanding of the universe around us. We are particularly pleased that the independent review panels chose five of the seven winners from the DOE family."

Bissell is a native of Iran, where she graduated as that nation's top high school student and won a scholarship to study abroad. She chose to attend Bryn Mawr, where she studied chemistry before transferring to Radcliffe. While a senior at Radcliffe she won the medal of the American Institute of Chemists. She earned her Ph.D. in microbiology and molecular genetics from Harvard University, and came to the University of California's Berkeley campus to do post-doctoral research in cell biology and virology. She joined the Berkeley Lab staff in 1972 and was named director of the Cell and Molecular Biology Division in 1988. She became director of the newly formed Life Sciences Division in 1992.

Her training in chemistry and molecular genetics stimulated an interest in understanding how cells develop, which led her off the beaten track of cancer research and onto a somewhat unorthodox approach. While most cancer researchers were searching for new types of oncogenes (cancerous genes carried by viruses), Bissell began studying the behavior of healthy and malignant cells in culture with an eye on the relationship between function and morphology--the changes in structure and form that a cell undergoes as it develops. Her ultimate idea was to define precisely what for cells is "normal."

Her research led her to postulate in 1979 that viral carcinogenesis, analogous to chemical carcinogenesis, was a multi-step process and that the activity of a single oncogene was not sufficient to cause cancer. In 1981, she further proposed that the ECM was a "signalling" molecule crucial for the normal functioning of cells. By implication then, loss or damage of the ECM could lead to malignancy. Both ideas were considered heretical at the time but have since been proven correct.

In the case of the ECM, conventional scientific wisdom held that it serves as nothing more than an inert scaffold upon which cells grow and develop. Experiments by Bissell and her collaborators, however, demonstrated that cancerous breast cells grow at the same rate as healthy cells when placed in standard cultures, and that both quickly take on the flat appearance of generalized tissue cells.

If ECM is added to the culture, however, the healthy breast cells once again become organized and begin secreting milk, while the cancerous cells once again grow wildly into a tumorous mass.

It is now widely accepted by cancer research experts that the ECM is a dynamic player in cell growth and development as well as in the spread of cancer and other aberrations.

Bissell has received many honors throughout her career, including the first Joseph Sadusk Award for Breast Cancer Research. She was elected as a AAAS Fellow and also serves on the editorial boards of several scientific journals, including "Cancer Research," and is currently president of the American Society for Cell Biology.

Another local Lawrence Award winner was Charles Alcock, an astrophysicist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory who is also affiliated with the Center for Particle Astrophysics. Alcock won for his "dark matter" research into Massive Compact Halo Objects. Other winners included Thom Dunning, a theoretical chemist at Pacific Northwest Laboratories; Charles Jakowatz Jr., an electrical engineer at Sandia National Laboratory; Sunil Sinha, a materials engineer at Argonne National Lab; Theofanis Theofanous, a nuclear engineer at UC Santa Barbara; and Jorge Valdes, a chemical engineer with Lucent Technologies, a private firm in New Jersey.

The 1996 Lawrence Awards will be presented at a ceremony in Washington, D.C., this spring.


DOE Secretary Designate Known for Innovation, Fiscal Skill

By Jeffery Kahn

Federico Peña, nominated by President Clinton to head the Department of Energy, is known in Washington, D.C., for his skill both as an innovator and a budget-cutter.

During Clinton's first term, Peña headed the Department of Transportation (DOT). There, he increased investment in America's transportation infrastructure while streamlining the department. As a result, the transportation sector is the healthiest it has been in decades, with the creation of half a million new jobs. Peña signed aviation agreements with 40 nations, opening lucrative markets for U.S. airlines and cargo carriers and promoting easier travel for Americans as well as foreign visitors. He also helped American businesses sell billions of dollars in exports to Asia and the Middle East.

He reflected on his DOT accomplishments during a Jan. 30 Senate confirmation hearing, saying that despite his limited experience with energy matters, he would bring valuable management skills to the Department of Energy.

"As Secretary of Transportation, I had the challenge of shaping a unified mission for 10 quasi-independent agencies, while reducing our workforce by 10,000 people," he said. "I believe over the last four years I have proven myself to be an effective manager of this complex, multi-missioned department. If I am honored by your confirmation, I look forward to bringing my management experience to DOE."

Addressing lawmakers who want to dismantle DOE, Peña argued that it should remain intact. He stressed that energy, nuclear safety, and science deserve high priority treatment, and that the best way to guarantee that is to preserve DOE's seat in the Cabinet.

"I have been a Cabinet member," he said. "I know the difference between lobbying for a point of view as a Cabinet member and doing it some other way."

Peña said he would focus on four key priorities at DOE: enhancing energy security and developing and deploying clean energy; ensuring a safe and reliable nuclear weapons stockpile and reducing the global nuclear danger; cleaning up former nuclear weapons sites and finding a more effective and timely path forward for disposing of nuclear waste; and leveraging science and technology to advance fundamental knowledge and the country's economic competitiveness with a stronger partnership with the private sector.

He spoke about the need for a "credible energy strategy that meets our commitment to be responsible stewards of the environment and provides for our energy security." He also discussed DOE's role in assuring that the United States maintains its leadership in science and technology.

He said the national labs are "the crown jewels of U.S. scientific leadership. From stockpile stewardship and clean energy to environmental cleanup and nuclear waste disposal, all of DOE's key programs depend on the laboratories' path-breaking science and technology."

Peña praised the ongoing efforts to make DOE and the national labs "work smarter and cheaper." This effort, he said, must continue.

"Over the last few years our laboratories have made great strides in operating more efficiently. But," he said, "I believe we can do even better. I will continue to respond to the solid advice offered by the Galvin Commission, including reducing unnecessary regulation by DOE. In turn, I believe each laboratory should have world class status in their core competencies and form closer partnerships with the private sector."

Born in Laredo, Texas, in 1947, Peña is the third of six children of a cotton broker. He received his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Texas and worked as a civil rights lawyer and Colorado legislator before becoming mayor of Denver from 1983 to 1991. There, he championed the construction of the new Denver International Airport while presiding over an urban and economic renaissance in Denver. Peña and his wife, world-class marathon runner and attorney Ellen Hart Peña, have two children. In 1995, he was named Father of the Year by the National Father's Day Committee.


Runners' Study Shows Speed, Distance Have Different Benefits

Study also suggests seniors benefit from vigorous exercise

By Jeffery Kahn

Current government guidelines state that the health benefits of exercise depend primarily on the total amount of physical activity rather than on how hard you exercise. However, new findings from the National Runners' Health Study, a project headed by the Life Sciences Division's Paul Williams, explicitly disputes this conclusion.

The study of more than 8,000 runners finds that prolonged, vigorous exercise provides a range of benefits beyond that provided by the recommended daily brisk walk. Importantly, the study suggests that intense exercise appears to confer one set of benefits, whereas lengthy exercise provides another.

The study finds that faster runners have lower blood pressure. In contrast, distance may be more important than quickness for increasing "good" cholesterol (HDL).

"Our results suggest that different exercise prescriptions may target specific heart disease risk factors," Williams says.

The study involved 8,290 male and 1,837 female recreational runners. Williams reports that men and women who ran faster had lower blood pressure, triglycerides, and body mass index, and narrower hips. That's when adjusted for weekly training distances, age, alcohol intake, and diet.

For men, relative to the benefits of running longer weekly distances, running faster is estimated to have 13.3 times greater impact on lowering systolic blood pressure, 2.8 times greater impact on lowering diastolic blood pressure, and 4.7 times greater impact on narrowing waistlines. For women, running faster versus running longer is estimated to have 5.7 times greater impact on lowering systolic blood pressure.

Running longer distances, on the other hand, had a more pronounced effect on another coronary heart disease risk factor. Running more miles had a more than six-fold stronger effect on raising HDL-cholesterol than did running faster. That was the case for both men and women. Numerous studies show that higher HDL cholesterol levels protect against heart disease.

Should men and women exercise harder or longer, run faster or farther, to get the maximum health benefit? These questions are at the heart of the newly emerging medical field of exercise prescription.

"In terms of reducing heart disease risk," says Williams, "diet prescription has been an active area for over four decades. But now, prescribing different exercise regimens for specific heart disease risk factors faced by an individual is an idea whose time has arrived. Exercise prescription makes a lot of sense. Clinical trials still must be conducted but our data suggests that longer runs may be best for raising HDL and faster runs best for lowering blood pressure."

Vigorous exercise benefits seniors

Williams reports that another set of findings shows that, through exercise, men who are 60 or older can significantly reduce their risk factors for heart disease, their number-one killer. While moderate exercise helps, vigorous physical activity provides the most dramatic benefits.

As part of the National Runners' Health Study, Williams surveyed 175 septuagenarians, 935 sexagenarians, and 8,672 younger male runners. The oldest was an 89-year-old who has run an average of 30 miles weekly over the last five years.

As would be expected, older runners run slower than younger ones. Even so, those who ran more miles per week had more of the so-called "good" cholesterol (HDL), had lower blood pressure, and were less fat. Higher mileage seniors also had narrower waists, indicating lower abdominal fat. Medical experts believe that a smaller "spare tire" confers many benefits, including less risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Williams says the study is good news for older men. Per mile run, their improvements in good cholesterol and blood pressure are equal to those recorded in younger runners, while their ability to shed inches from their waist may be even greater.

Whereas the Surgeon General's report on physical activity, released in July, emphasizes the benefits of moderate activity, such as gardening, walking and household cleaning, the new study documents the benefits of vigorous activity in older men.

"Although incorporating moderate activity into one's life is clearly beneficial," says Williams, "our data show that older men may benefit substantially from greater amounts of more vigorous activity."

While higher mileage running reduced a number of risk factors, bad cholesterol (LDL) levels did not appear to be affected. Higher running mileage was associated with lower LDL (and lower risk) in younger men but not in older men. One possible explanation is that with age, metabolism rates change.

Dr. Ronald Krauss of the Life Sciences Division warns that older men should have their LDL-cholesterol levels checked, and when appropriate, treated. "Exercise is an important adjunct to diet and cholesterol-lowering drugs. However," he said, "as men get older, even long distance runners should not assume that their LDL-cholesterol is within the desirable range." LDL-cholesterol levels below 130 mg/dl are desirable, according to the National Cholesterol Education Program.

As the National Runners' Health Study continues, Williams will recontact those who have participated in this particular project. Information will be requested on injuries, hospitalization, self-sufficiency, and cognitive abilities. Over time, direct evidence of the incidence of heart disease and cancer in higher mileage runners will be assembled.

Williams predicts that, based on current data, sexagenarians and septuagenarians will have reduced heart disease risk in proportion to their vigorous activity. He cautions that previously inactive men over age 40, women over age 50, and people at high risk of heart disease should consult a physician before embarking on a program of vigorous activity.

Caption: Life Sciences Division researcher Paul Williams and research assistant Cathy Boaz. Photo by Roy Kaltschmidt

Runner's Study Generates New National Walker's Study

The National Runners' Health Study, which follows 55,000 runners and is headed by Berkeley Lab's Paul Williams (see related story on page one), has generated continuing public interest.

Williams, who has published findings in the New England Journal of Medicine and the Archives of Internal Medicine, has also seen his work reported in more public forums including CBS, CNN and NBC News, the Washington Post, Time, USA Today, and even Cosmopolitan magazine.

This month, he announced that he is launching a companion study, the National Walkers' Health Study. He is seeking to enroll 55,000 men and women who walk as their principal form of recreation.

"We'll investigate just how far, how fast, and how often a person must walk to achieve the maximum health benefits," Williams says. "We really don't know the answers to those questions. Another area that we'll investigate is whether walkers have the same low risk of heart disease and cancer as runners with less risk of injuries."

Anyone wishing to enroll in the study can apply by requesting a copy of the National Walkers' Health Study questionnaire from Williams at -- Jeffery Kahn




Washington Report

Senate Bills Propose Huge Increases for Science:

"The United States simply does not spend enough on basic research," said Sen. Phil Gramm (R-Texas) in introducing a bill on Jan. 21 that calls for doubling federal spending on non-defense R&D over the next 10 years. The Gramm bill (S.124) is an authorization measure that would allow Congress to spend more money, but does not force it to do so. As such, it requires only a simple majority to become a "sense of the Senate." The same day Gramm introduced his bill, Sen. Connie Mack (R-Fla.) introduced a resolution that calls for doubling the NIH budget over the next five years. Congressional science watchers point out that a much truer test of the budgetary waters for science will come later this year during the appropriations panels. However, it is good news that leading Republican legislators are discussing big R&D funding increases at a time when most scientific agencies are anticipating flat or shrinking budgets.

The Gramm bill specifies that funding for NIH must be doubled, and gives priority to basic science and medical research, but does not specify how funds should be divided among the non-NIH programs, including the non-defense research at the national labs. The bill allocates funds using a peer review system and does not allow funds to be used for the commercialization of technologies. "Expanding the nation's commitment to basic research in science and medicine is a critically important investment in the future of our nation," said Sen. Gramm. He said that in 1965, the federal government devoted 5.7 percent of its budget to non-defense research, but that last year that figure had dropped to 1.9 percent.

NSF Unveils Wish List for 1998:

Perhaps sensing a new trend, the National Science Foundation is reportedly going to ask Congress to approve the start of two new major projects as part of its 1998 budget requests. The projects are the Millimeter Array (MMA), a $200 million effort to build and link 40 new telescopes in either Hawaii or Chile for long baseline interferometry; and the Polar Cap Observatory, a $25 million radar facility to be built near the magnetic North Pole (now in Canada) for the purpose of studying the interaction between the solar wind and Earth's upper atmosphere. NSF is also reportedly going to request $26 million to complete the $300 million Laser Interferometer Gravity Wave Observatory, located in the states of Washington and Louisiana, and $25 million to begin replacing the 25-year old Amundsen-Scott Station at the South Pole. -- Lynn Yarris


In Memoriam -- Elsie Blumer McMillan

By Monica Friedlander

Elsie Blumer McMillan, the wife of former Lab Director and Nobel Laureate Edwin Mattison McMillan, died of pneumonia on Jan. 29 in her home of Bellingham, Wash. She was 83.

As the wife of one of the world's top physicists and sister-in-law of another--Ernest Orlando Lawrence--Elsie McMillan was privy to some of the most momentous scientific developments of our time, including the work on the atomic bomb in the mid-1940s. But Mrs. McMillan was more than a scientist's wife. She was a person who took a strong personal interest in the history she witnessed, wrote a book that chronicled those momentous events, lectured extensively, traveled around the world, and wrote poetry and short stories in her spare time. Above all, she is remembered for her personal qualities.

"Her primary interest," said daughter Ann Chaikin, "was loving people." And everyone she met, including the scientific community at Berkeley Lab, reciprocated.

"Those of us who were at the Lab before Ed McMillan's retirement remember Elsie well," said physicist George Trilling. "She was a warm and witty person, and I feel it a privilege to have known her."

Born in 1913 in New Haven, Conn., Elsie Blumer was the granddaughter of Gen. Edward Elias Bradley, who served in the Civil War and started the national park system, and the daughter of George Blumer, dean of Yale Medical School. In 1941 she married physicist Ed McMillan, with whom she shared the next 50 years, until McMillan's death in 1991. Her sister Molly--Mrs. Ernest Orlando Lawrence--still lives in Berkeley.

One of the enduring qualities of Elsie McMillan, her daughter said, was the enormous personal support she extended to her husband, whose strengths she complemented.

"An important thing about mom," Ann Chaikin said, "is how centered my dad was in her life and how much help she was to him when he was director of the Lab. Dad was a really shy person. Mom was a very social person. She threw incredible parties and would be in reception lines whispering everyone's name in his ear. She filled in the social side of his personality whenever it was needed."

Ed McMillan shared the 1951 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Glenn Seaborg for the co-discovery of plutonium. He was Lab director from 1951 until his retirement in 1973. McMillan played a leading role in carrying out the Lab's research in the area of high-energy accelerators, contributed to improvements in cyclotron technology and invented the synchrotron. He was also one of the handful of scientists who worked on the atomic bomb in Los Alamos, N. M., between 1943 and 1945.

It was mostly about those years that Elsie McMillan wrote in her memoir, "The Atom & Eve," published in 1995. The book painted the human side of one of the most momentous scientific developments of our time, complete with portraits of all the key players, her views of those controversial events, as well as warm personal recollections of the goings on among the wives and families of the men who made history.

"Most wives of scientists in the small town of Los Alamos, New Mexico, where the atomic bomb was born," she wrote in her book, "were as surprised as the rest of the world. The assignment to produce `the gadget' had been one of the best kept secrets in history. Few people know of the life we lived on top of that mesa."

Elsie McMillan is survived by her three children, Ann Chaikin of Bellingham, Wash., Stephen McMillan of Petaluma, Calif., and David McMillan of Anacortes, Wash.; sisters Molly Lawrence, Peggy Biles, and Eunice Tyler; and three grandchildren. A memorial service was held in her hometown of Bellingham on Feb. 1.

Memorial donations may be made to the Edwin M. McMillan Scholarship Fund, University of California Foundation, 2440 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 94720.

Memorial Service

A service in memory of Elsie McMillan will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 16, in the Berkeley Lab cafeteria.




Langevin-Joliot to Speak on Centenary of Discovery of Radioactivity

Dr. Helene Langevin-Joliot, professor of radiochemistry at the Institute of Nuclear Physics at the University of Paris, will speak at UC Berkeley next week during a visit coinciding with the centenary of the discovery of radioactivity. Dr. Langevin-Joliot is the granddaughter of Marie and Pierre Curie.

The lectures, presented by the Beatrice Bain Research Group and the UC Berkeley Chancellor's Office, are as follows:

"The Curies, Radioactivity, and Women in Science Education"
3 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 11
322 Wheeler Hall,
Maude Fife Room

"The Curies and Radioactivity: Past and Present Challenges"
5:10 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 12
120 Latimer Hall,
Pitzer Auditorium

Dr. Langevin-Joliot has made several contributions in the field of radioactivity. She has recently undertaken a mission to urge greater numbers of women to actively pursue careers in scientific research and teaching. She is particularly emphatic about the need to improve K-12 education. She will talk about these issues and about her personal reflections as heir to the Curie legacy.

Pierre and Marie Curie were jointly awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics for their work on radioactivity (along with Henri Becquerel, who discovered radioactivity in 1896). Marie Curie won a second Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911 for her discovery of the radioactive element Polonium. Dr. Langevin-Joliot's parents, Frederick Joliot and Irene Joliot-Curie, discovered artificial radioactivity and were jointly awarded the 1935 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.




AAAS, Defense Department Announce New Fellowship Program

The American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Department of Defense have created a new fellowship program that brings scientists and engineers to the Pentagon. The AAAS Defense Policy Science and Engineering Fellowship Program will support up to two scientists and engineers in year-long assignments within the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology.

"Most young scientists and engineers don't realize that the Defense Department is one of the largest and most diverse applied science and technology organizations in the world," said Paul Kaminski, undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology. "This fellowship will provide talented scientists and engineers with an extraordinary exposure to the wide range of science and technology policy within DoD."

The AAAS science and engineering policy fellowships, which began in 1973, introduce scientists and engineers to policymaking in the executive and legislative branches of government. AAAS Fellows also work in Congress, the State Department, the Agency for International Development, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of Agriculture.

Applications will be accepted from individuals with a Ph.D. or equivalent in any area of the physical, biological, or social sciences, and any field of engineering. Those with a master's degree in engineering and at least three years of post-degree experience may also apply. Applications must be postmarked by Feb. 28; the fellowship begins in September 1997. For application instructions, call (202) 326-6600 or send e-mail to


UC Offering Management Skills Assessment Program

The University of California is once again offering the Management Skills Assessment Program (MSAP) to selected participants. The intent of the program is to help the participants gain personal knowledge and insight to enhance career decisions and identify areas for skill development. Participants are chosen from the Administrative/Administrator levels.

The 3-1/2-day in-residence program will be held June 3-6 at the Asilomar conference center in Pacific Grove.

A list of the eligibility requirements, indicating specific classification titles and codes, is included in the application packet, which can be obtained from your division administrator or via the Employee Development and Training Unit website at

Completed application packets should be returned to Christa Brothers, EDT Unit, MS 51-208, by Feb. 28.

MSAP assessors are also needed to conduct observations and provide feedback to participants. All assessors will arrive at Asilomar on June 1 to receive two days of training.

For more information, contact Brothers at X4238.


BodyWorks Taking Sign-Ups

The Berkeley Lab fitness program BodyWorks will have ongoing sign-ups for intermediate aerobics classes. The classes are instructed onsite by a personal trainer from Designer Fitness of Walnut Creek. The cost is $72 for a six-week sesson. To obtain sign-up information and a schedule of classes, contact Rachel McGee (X7831) or Lisa Brinkerhoff (X5521.

Metals Database Accessible Via Any Lab Computer

METADEX, the only comprehensive source for information on metals and alloys--their properties, manufacturing, applications, and development--is now accessible from any computer on the Berkeley Lab network. Information from more than 2,000 journals, plus patents, dissertations, government reports, conference proceedings, and books are indexed in this database.

You can access the METADEX database from the Library home page (click on Databases), or directly at


Shoemobile Moves to Cafeteria Parking Lot

The Shoemobile, which offers low-cost safety shoes to Lab employees, has a new location and a new schedule under a new vendor contract.

The Shoemobile will be in the Bldg. 54 parking lot, adjacent to the cafeteria, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. every other Wednesday. The next visit is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 19. The new vendor is Iron Age Safety Shoes.

If you would like a schedule to post in your building, call X5176.


Lab Celebrates Black History Month

All employees are invited to attend the following events in celebration of Black History Month during February.

Video Montage
Month of February
A video montage of African art will be exhibited
in the cafeteria lobby.

African American Art Exhibit
Tuesday-Friday, Feb. 11-14 -- Cafeteria Lobby
Artwork by African American artists, including works from Black Art Productions and the artist Anne Marie, will be on display.

Video Presentation
Feb. 12, 13, 17, 18, 24 and 27 -- Noon, Bldg. 50 auditorium
The documentary "Eyes on the Prize," about the history of civil rights in America, will be shown over six days.

Lecture on Ebonics
Thursday, Feb. 20 -- Noon, Bldg. 50 auditorium
Carolyn M. Getridge, superintendent of the Oakland Unified School District, will speak on issues surrounding the district's Ebonics plan that has put Oakland schools at the center of a national debate over the education of black students.

Storytelling by Marijo
Friday, Feb. 28 -- Noon, Bldg. 50 auditorium
Due to popular demand, actress, comedienne, and storyteller Marijo will return to the Lab for the third year. Children are welcome.


Tax Information Workshops for International Students and Scholars

The Services for International Students and Scholars Office (SISS) is once again sponsoring a series of free workshops for international students and scholars. The workshops will be held in the Ida and Robert Sproul rooms at International House on the UC Berkeley campus (2299 Piedmont Ave.). All workshops are scheduled for 4:10-6 p.m. No reservations are necessary.

Tax booklets and tax forms will be available at the workshop. To confirm a date, call the SISS office at 642-2818. Workshop flyers are available in the LBNL for bulletin board

Foreign Visitors office (X6515,, or fax request to X7563).

Workshop Dates

International Scholars
Wednesday, Feb. 5
Tuesday, Feb. 18
Monday, Feb. 24
Friday, Feb. 28
Wednesday, March 5
Tuesday, March 18
Monday, March 24
Wednesday, April 9
International Students
Tuesday, Feb. 11
Friday, Feb. 21
Monday, March 3
Wednesday, March 19
Tuesday, March 25
Wednesday, April 2
Tuesday, April 8
Friday, April 11


State Department Sponsoring Green Card Lottery Program

The U.S. State Department is once again sponsoring the Diversity Visa Lottery Program, which allows randomly picked winners to apply for a green card without going through the usual lengthy process. Entries must be received before noon on March 5, 1997.

To receive information on how to enter the lottery (and a list of eligible countries), contact Berkeley Lab's Foreign Visitor's office (X6515, X6514, X4008; fax 7563; or You may also call the State Department's Visa Lottery Information Center at 1-900-884-8840 and leave your name and address. You will be charged a flat rate of $5.10 on your telephone bill (callers must be age 18 or older); the information will be mailed to you within three business days.

Information about the program is also available on the Web at


Calendar of Events at Berkeley Lab


The Berkeley Lab Calendar is published biweekly here on the World Wide Web and in Currents by the Public Information Department. Employees can list a meeting, class, or event in the Calendar by using this submission form. The deadline for submissions is 5 p.m. on Monday in the week that Currents is published.

In addition to the events listed below, Berkeley Lab's Washington, D.C. Projects office is hosting a Science and Technology Seminars series. 

Scientific Conferences


February 11-21, 1997



African American art exhibit,

Cafeteria lobby, today through Feb 14.


Black History Month Event

The video "Eyes on the Prize" will be shown in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium at noon today and repeated on Feb. 13, 17, 18, 24 and 27.


General meeting at noon in the lower cafeteria.


General meeting at 12:10 p.m. in Bldg. 2-100.



General meeting at noon in Bldg.







7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Bldg. 54 parking lot.


Officer's meeting at 12:10 p.m. in

Bldg. 2-100.


Black History Month Event

Carolyn M. Getridge, superintendent of the Oakland Unified School District, will speak on issues surrounding the district's Ebonics plan at noon in the Bldg. 50 Auditorium.

Items for the calendars may be sent via e-mail to, faxed to X6641 or mailed to Bldg. 65B. The deadline for the Feb. 21 issue is 5 p.m. Friday 14.


Seminars & Lectures

FEBRUARY 11, Tuesday

Life Sciences Division Seminar

"Protein Turbines" will be presented by George Oster of UCB at 4 p.m. in Bldg. 66-316.

Physics Division Research Progress Meeting

"Two-Photon Interactions and Glueball Studies at CLEO" will be presented by Michael Sivertz of UCSD at 4 p.m. in Bldg. 50A-5132; refreshments, 3:40 p.m.

FEBRUARY 12, Wednesday

Surface Science and Catalysis Science Seminar

"The Surface Chemistry of Hydrocarbon Oxidation" will be presented by Cynthia Friend of Harvard University at 1:30 p.m. in the Bldg. 66 auditorium.

FEBRUARY 13, Thursday

Building Energy Seminar

"Energy Trainer for Energy Managers: A Demonstration of Multi-Media Software for Energy Efficiency Training" will be presented by Joe Derringer of the Derringer Group at noon in Bldg. 90-3148.

Center for Environmental Biotechnology Seminar

"The Bacterial recA Gene as a Probe for Phylogenetic Relationships of Deep-Subsurface Bacteria" will be presented by Robert Miller of Oklahoma State University at noon in Bldg. 50A-5132.

Physics Division Research Progress Meeting

"Duality 101" will be presented by Hiroshi Oguri of Physics Div./UCB at 4 p.m. in Bldg. 50A-5132; refreshments, 3:40 p.m.

FEBRUARY 18, Tuesday

Energy & Environment Division Seminar

"Estimating Concentration Peaks and Toxic Loads in Hazard Assessment" will be presented by David Wilson of the University of Alberta, Canada, at 3:45 p.m. in Bldg. 90-3148; refreshments, 3:30 p.m.

FEBRUARY 20, Thursday

Building Energy Seminar

"New Developments in WINDOW/THERM" will be presented by Elizabeth Finlayson of Windows and Daylighting at noon in Bldg. 90-3148.


C a f e t e r i a M e n u s

February 10-14
mondayEarly bird: 2 eggs, 2 bacon, toast & coffee
Soup: Green split pea & carrot
Bistro fare: Chicken breast saute w/corn salsa, black beans, carrots, spinach & rice**
Passports: South of the border
Sadie's grill: Italian sausage sub w/onions, peppers & fries
tuesdayEarly bird: Cinnamon raisin French toast, 2 bacon & coffee
Soup: Turkey rice**
Bistro fare: Oven-roasted tri tip au jus, whipped basil potatoes and broccoli
Passports: Mexican fiesta salad
Sadie's grill: Meatballs marinara sandwich & fries
Early bird: Huevos rancheros, toast & coffee
wednesdaySoup: Potato vegetable
Bistro fare: Shrimp salad w/thousand island dressing**
Passports: South of the border
Sadie's grill: Grilled chicken breast w/pesto, jack & fries
thursdayEarly bird: Blueberry pancakes & coffee
Soup: Creamy clam chowder
Bistro fare: Spaghetti bolognese w/zucchini, tomatoes, oregano & garlic bread
Passports: South of the border**
Sadie's grill: Ortega guacamole cheeseburger & fries
fridayEarly bird: Ham scramble & coffee
Soup: Mexican minestrone
Bistro fare: Pasta Piatti w/breakstick**
Passports: Pasta Piatti w/breakstick**
Sadie's grill: Fish burger w/sun-dried tomato aioli & fries
February 17-21
mondayPresident's Day Holiday
tuesdayEarly bird: Corned beef hash w/eggs & coffee
Soup: Chicken & chinese noodle
Bistro fare: Chicken quarter cacciatore, zucchini & oregano w/wild rice pilaf**
Passports: Mexican fiesta salad
Sadie's grill: Turkey jack melt on sourdough & fries
wednesdayEarly bird: Spanish omelet, toast & coffee
Soup: Red beans & rice Southern style**
Bistro fare: Beef curry & steamed rice w/Indian papad & chutney fruit garnish
Passports: South of the border
Sadie's grill: Grilled chicken breast w/pepper jack, mushrooms & fries
thursdayEarly bird: Blueberry pancakes & coffee
Soup: Creamy clam chowder
Bistro fare: Tuna salad w/red potatoes, olives, eggs, tomatoes & vinaigrette**
Passports: South of the border
Sadie's grill: BBQ pork ribs, potato salad & baked beans Southern style
fridayEarly bird: Ham scramble & coffee
Soup: Vegetable noodle
Bistro fare: Pasta piatti w/breadstick**
Passports: Pasta piatti w/breadstick**
Sadie's grill: Lemon salmon burger w/cucumber dill relish & fries
**Denotes recipe lower in fat, calories & cholesterol


Flea Market


'69 FORD Fairlane 500, 289 V-8,

4-dr sedan, $500/offer. X6223

'78 CADILLAC Seville, runs well, needs some work, body straight, new alternator & battery, blk w/blk leather int., p/w, p/l, dual pwr seat, cruise, gd tires & brakes, incl. repair manual, $700 as is. Cedric, X5016

'79 MONTE CARLO, white w/graphic design down the sides, classic spoke rims, front end needs part replaced which will be supplied w/vehicle, asking $1200/b.o. Roxanne, X6661, 231-0674 (after

6 p.m.)

'80 DATSUN 210 sta. wgn, 80K orig. mi., new paint & tires, tune-up, smogged, many new parts, runs & looks great, $1750/b.o. 210-1119

'80 TOYOTA, 5-spd truck w/camper shell, carpet bed, w/storage boxes, built-in & removable, reliable, $1800 as is. Joyce, X5016

'81 TOYOTA Celica, approx. 100K mi., 5-spd, runs well, $1200. X4703, 524-9116

'81 TOYOTA Celica GT, 2-dr, a/t, a/c, p/b, cruise control, overdrive, blue, gd cond., 22R engine, 126K mi., alarm, $850/b.o. Diane, X5732, (415) 697-4207 (eve.)

'82 OLDS Cutlass Supreme Brogham, blk int. & ext., 6-cyl., a/t, 305 cu. in. motor, $3500/b.o. Roxanne, X6661, 231-0674 (after

6 p.m.)

'84 TOYOTA Corolla Tercel, yellow & blk, beige int., a/t needs work, $1K/b.o. Roxanne, X6661, 231-0674 (after 6 p.m.)

'84 VW Rabbit, gray, a/t, 187K mi., needs minor engine work, reliable, $800/b.o. Javier, X7963, 549-3560

'87 ACURA Integra, white, 5-spd, 3-dr, LS edition, 150K hwy mi., recent clutch, engine/transmission, body in very gd cond., $3250. 235-3983, 237-9350

'88 MAZDA 929, all pwr, gd cond., 102K mi., sun-moonrf, alarm, new tires, brakes, starter, $7200. 933-1747 (eve.)

'93 AEROSTAR XL, all pwr, immac. cond., warranty, 45K, $11.5K. 522-6021

'94 FORD Taurus GL, burgundy red, a/t, a/c, AM/FM cass., 51K mi., new tires, exc. cond., $9700. Kurt, 577-7275

ENGINE, Ford 390, manual C6 transmission, Hollie carburetor, headers, many extras, very low mi. 906-9786

MOTORCYCLE, '82 Suzuki, GS1000SZ, the original drag bike, collector cond., $3500. Dave, X6285


VANPOOL, rider wanted, from Larkspur/Greenbrae (7:10 a.m.) to LBNL (4:55 p.m.)/UCB (5 p.m.). Nobu, X4585


YO-YO MA & Mark Morris Dance Group, 3/8, Zellerbach Hall, 2 orch., $68 ea. Linda, X4817, 236-6331


CHILD'S KITCHEN SET w/microwave; outdoor plastic play structure or playhouse. Peter, X7653, 530-3044

HOUSE-SITTING for academic couple from Toronto, while in Berkeley, in Feb. & March, exc. w/plants & animals, great local refs. Andrea, X4695

VOLUNTEER TUTORS, help campus employees strengthen theirwriting, speaking, reading & basic math skills, noon-time tutor training begins Wed., 2/26. Jane, 643-5280


AQUARIUM, 10-gal. w/walnut-stained pine stand, incl. undergravel filter, etc., $40. 524-9281

ARMOIRE, dk solid walnut, mirrored door on left, $500; 2 night stands, $100; occasional chair, like new, $150; Weber BBQ, 22-1/2", $30; 4 Cosco TV trays & stand, $30; king sz. featherbed, $25. 682-3660

BIKE, kid's, w/suspension fork (for 7-12 yr. old child), bought in June for $100+tax, sell for $70; Computer Chess Master 3000, $10. X6878, 528-3408

BIKE, men's 29", 10-spd, great shape, $80. Jim, X6919, 235-5389

CD-ROM, Table of Isotopes, $132/b.o. X5170

CRIBS (2), Simmons & Childcraft, $300; Graco Totyard, $40; Fisher Price highchair, $15; Excersaucer, $20; Aqua Babyboats (2), level 1, $5 ea., all items exc. cond. Peter, X7653, 530-3044

EXERCISER, Cardio-Glide, like new, digital readout, $100. Joan, X5860

FUTON, queen sz., pine frame, 6" mattress, w/cover, < 1 yr., $100. Javier, X7963, 549-3560

INFANT ITEMS, everything in very gd shape & clean, incl. Century 4-in-1 car seat, bounce, swing, bath tube, diaper pail, infant gym, elec. bottle sterilizer & more, best offer. Fang, X6525, 527-3670

MOUNTAIN BIKE, '92 REI Novara Arriba, great cond., seriously upgraded: Manitou 3 shock-fork, Ti race saddle, WTB & Piranha Pro tires, barends, etc. 18" steel frame, must sell, $500. Gabor, X6721, 524-4562 (eve.)

MOVING SALE, kitchen appliances, furniture, power tools & more. Melvin, X4316

OFFICE DESK, 36" X 72" w/secretarial unit (typewriter ext.), 4 drwrs & file drwr, gd cond., paid $750, want $500. Angus, X5970

REPTILE CAGE, very lg. 60"x36"x36", finished w/Plexiglas front, incl. stand, lights & heater, best offer. Craig, X7246

SKIS, K2 VO Slalom, 195cm, $100; Rossignol Quantum 828, 195cm, $125; Rossignol FP, 180cm, $100; ski boots, Tecnica's TNT AVS carbontech, men's 27.5 (9.5), $250; Raichle, men's sz. 9, $100; Nordica 955, men's sz. 9.5, $80. X6598, 689-7213

SKIS, Rossignol 190cm w/Tyrolia 290 bindings, Rossignol poles, 2 pr. Lange woman's boots, sz. 7-1/2 & 8-1/2, lightly used, all for $175 or avail. sep. Auben, X4796, 245-0343

SNOWBOARD, woman's, new, 48" Killer Loop. Carol, X4812

SPORT PEDALS & SHOES (sz. 42; US sz. men's 8.5), 1 set of TIME, less than 500 mi. on them, $150/b.o. X7074, 528-1935 (eve.)

SWIVEL ROCKER, upholstered brown velvet, gd cond., $55; ski boots, woman's sz. 8, Raichle, blk, worn twice, $75. Jane, X4832

TODDLER ITEMS, jogging stroller, $75; bike seat w/rack, $45; car seat, $35. Carolyn, X7827


ALBANY, furn. 1-bdrm apt, washer/dryer, nr UC Village & bus to LBNL/UCB, family dist., no more than 3 persons, prefer visiting professor w/spouse, nonsmokers, $700/mo. Donald, X6459

BERKELEY, nr Oxford/Cedar, furn. 2-bdrm, 2-bth apt., lease to June or Aug. 524-8122

BERKELEY, nr Prospect/Panoramic Way, unfurn. 1 rm w/bay view, in house w/garden shared w/3, non smoking, no pets, avail. 3/1, $440/mo. 649-8772 (msg.)

BERKELEY, Tunnel/Alvarado (nr Claremont Hotel), 1-bdrm apt in pvt. house, pvt. bth, kitchen & laundry fac., walking distance to LBNL Shuttle, $ 500/mo. Teresa, 238-6164, 548-2425 (eve.).

BERKELEY, recently renovated, unfurn. 5-rm garden cottage, nr Alta Bates Hosp., prefer professional or mature couple w/interests in home & garden, non-smokers, avail. 2/1, $850/mo. Lara, X7276, 254-8754

EL CERRITO, new/modern, lg. 3+bdrm, 2-bth house, dinning rm, lg. den, family rm, living rm, frpl, carpet, 2-car garage, yard, partial bay view, avail. 3/1, $1650/mo., 1st & last + sec. dep., incl. gardener. Hashem, X4287, 299-0560

EL CERRITO, 6523 Central Ave., 1 lg. bdrm, 1-bth unit, lg. living rm w/hardwd flr, kitchen w/dining area, stove & refrig., washer/dryer, enclosed garage, 1 blk from E.C. Plaza BART & shopping, part. furn. avail., $750/mo. Phyllis, 524-4849

KENSINGTON, lg., furn. 5-bdrm, 2-bth house, brown shingle, bay views, exc. public grade schools, avail. for 1 yr. beginning July, $2200/mo. 525-6421

KENSINGTON, 5-bdrm house to share w/1 person, private bth, view of bay & Golden Gate, garden w/trees, nr shopping/buses, $500/mo. + 1/3 utils. 524-7086

MORAGA, Ascot Dr., 3-bdrm,

2-bth condo, carport, pool, frpl, view, $950/mo. Bob, 376-2211

OAKLAND HILLS, recently built 3-bdrm, 2.5 bth house, bay views in master bdrm suite, lg. LR w/frpl, family rm & kitchen w/hardwd flrs, deck, laundry,

2-car garage, convenient loc., 15 min. drive from LBNL/UCB, avail. early March, $1695/mo. 490-3073

ORINDA-EL SOBRANTE, 2 rm suite w/frpl in new house, spacious, vaulted ceilings, creekside setting, wash/dry, pvt. bth, live w/4 others, non-smoker, $750/mo. 223-2597

WALNUT CREEK, lg. 1-bdrm,

1-bth apt, carport, pool, nr BART, avail. after 2/7, $625/mo. Bob, 376-2211

WANTED: 3-bdrm house for 3 people & a dog, No. Berkeley/No. Berkeley Hills, Kensington, Albany or El Cerrito area. Erika, X5399, 848-8173

WANTED: sm. house for couple (no children) working at LBNL, Kensington/Berkeley Hills/Claremont. Andrew, X2962,

WANTED: sublet/place to stay in March for professional jazz pianist, apt/home in Berkeley/No. Oakland where he can compose & practice, 3/1-4/1 (w/some flexibility), can pay fair amount. Christine, 528-9586 with any leads

WANTED: 2-3 bdrm house in No. Berkeley, to rent/house-sit, Lab family w/mature children, no pets. Carol, X4812

WANTED: rental house for married couple in Piedmont, Elmwood or Rockridge area, 3 or more bdrms,

1 or more bthrms, garage, garden, frpl, washer/dryer hook up, dishwasher, very gd refs., rent up to $1200/mo. Christa & Harrie, 845-4980, X7000 (fax),,

WANTED: 1-bdrm flat in/nr Berkeley for visiting Swiss scientist & spouse for 3-4 yr., starting 3/1. Mei, X6301

WANTED: unfurn. 2-bdrm house/apt in Berkeley/Albany/El Cerrito for postdoc, wife & kid by March. Luis, X4229, 845-2963 (eve.),

WANTED: unfurn. 2-bdrm, 2-bth (if possible) house/apt in No. Berkeley/El Cerrito for two postdocs, walking distance to BART/bus, <=$1200/mo., by March/April. Rolf, X7448,,

WANTED: furn. house/apt for

4 visiting Russian scientists, for

2 mo. approx. March & April, nr LBNL. Ian, X4174

Real Estate

CONCORD, Del Rio on the Park, on Mohr Lane, 2-bdrm, 1-bth condo, forced air heating, a/c, new kitchen counter, sink, stove, new bath tile, all new paint & carpet, ready to move in., assoc. pool, covered parking, 2 min. to I-680, asking $76K. X7859, 939-2006 (eve.)

SONOMA COAST, 2.16 acres, Timbercove, Ft. Ross area, all utils. Nick, 527-1965


GROVELAND, nr Yosemite, Pine Mt. Lake, 3-bdrm, 2-bth house, forest & mt. views, central heat & air, nearby pool, lake, airport, golf, $123K or possible share. Guy, X4703, Kathy, 482-1777

OREGON COAST, furn. 3-bdrm, 2-bths house, garage, deck, 3 blks from beach, on edge of sm. town, avail. Feb. thru mid-June, $650/mo. or $200/wk. Jan, 845-5563

SO. LAKE TAHOE, Tahoe Keys, 3-bdrm, 2.5 bth house, upstairs living, quiet area, nr skiing & other attractions, views of water & mountains. Bob, 376-2211

VACATION PACKAGE, for 2 + kids, 3 days, 2 nights at 5-1/2 star hotel in Las Vegas, Tahoe, Monterey, Anaheim, Cape Cod or Orlando, hotel only, won, can not use, expires 6/1, sell for reasonable price. Hillary, 653-6964

Lost & Found

LOST: long gray coat, missing around 1/9. H. Matis, X5031

Flea Market Deadline

Flea Market items may be sent via Quickmail, e-mailed to, faxed to X6641, or mailed to Bldg. 65B. The deadline for the Feb. 21 issue is 5 p.m. Friday, Feb 14.


Flea Market ad policy

Due to the large volume of ads received each week, ads are accepted only from LBNL employees, retirees, and on-site DOE personnel. No other ads will be accepted. We encourage past contributors to the Flea Market to use other local services, such as LBNL's online housing listing (call X6198 for information), and the UC Housing Office.

Please note also:


Currents/The View and the Communications Department Staff

Published once a month by the Communications Department for the employees and retirees of Berkeley Lab.

Reid Edwards, Public Affairs Department head
Ron Kolb, Communications Department head

Pamela Patterson, 486-4045,
Associate editor
Lyn Hunter, 486-4698,

Dan Krotz, 486-4019
Paul Preuss, 486-6249
Lynn Yarris, 486-5375

Ucilia Wang, 495-2402
Allan Chen, 486-4210
David Gilbert, (925) 296-5643

Caitlin Youngquist, 486-4020
Creative Services Office

Berkeley Lab
Communications Department
MS 65, One Cyclotron Road, Berkeley CA 94720
(510) 486-5771
Fax: (510) 486-6641

Berkeley Lab is managed by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy.

Flea Market is now online at


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