Berkeley Lab and the Oakland Unified School District have received a $125,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to help launch a computer-based national science education initiative sponsored by the DOE and the National Science Foundation.
Secretary of Energy Federico Peña visited Oakland on Dec. 4 to announce the three-part National Science Education Strategy, which is designed to create effective Internet learning tools, provide on-line national scientific experts as teaching mentors, and provide teacher access to the latest innovations in science and technology.
Later in the day, he made his first appearance at Berkeley Lab and helped dedicate the new Genome Sciences Laboratory.
"It is our obligation as parents, teachers and elected officials to give our children the tools they will need to take us into the 21st Century," Peña said at a special program in the Oakland School District auditorium. "This means we must maintain the standard of excellence that has made our nation a world leader in science and technology. We need to get our children excited and motivated about science and math so they can compete in a world where technology is at the forefront of the global marketplace."
During the ceremony, Peña presented an oversized check for the instructional technology project to Berkeley Lab Director Charles Shank and Oakland's Associate Superintendent of Schools, Terry Mazany. He said the joint effort will pioneer similar teacher-laboratory partnerships throughout the country in developing new teaching tools and school access to the science resources of DOE laboratories.
The tutorials will be tied to high performance computing capabilities at Berkeley Lab and will build upon the success of already established models, such as "Microworlds" and the "virtual frog"--web-based discovery tools developed at Berkeley. A core group of Oakland teachers will work with Laboratory scientists under the direction of Rollie Otto of the Center for Science and Engineering Education (CSEE) and Stu Loken, director of the Information and Computing Sciences Division, to create materials targeted to grades 5 through 12.
These tools will then be linked to the DOE's science education web site, another of Peña's new initiatives. Called ESTEEM (Education in Science, Technology, Energy, Engineering and Math), the site will connect to classrooms and offer virtual experiments, science games and teacher support information.
"The Energy Department's national laboratories remain an untapped resource for providing students with access to the best science and technology in the world," said CSEE's Rollie Otto. "What is new today, that did not exist ten years ago, is the potential to tap the Labs' resources through the Internet. Berkeley Lab has been given a lead opportunity to demonstrate Internet mediated science teaching and learning in support of the higher graduation standards for science education adopted by the Oakland Unified School District."
The Secretary cited Oakland's eight-year track record of working with Berkeley Lab and other regional science facilities as part of BASTEC (Bay Area Science, Technology and Engineering Consortium) as a positive foundation upon which the new instructional technology program will grow.
The DOE will also partner with the National Science Teachers Association to recruit 1,000 mentors from a pool of scientists, engineers and technicians by the year 2000. These mentors will be available on-line to teachers across the country. The DOE will also work with the National Science Foundation to support especially needy schools through teacher training.
"To quote James Smithson [founder of the Smithsonian], `science is the basis of our civilization,'" Peña told his Oakland audience of administrators, students and members of the press. "As we prepare to enter a new millennium, it is our national obligation to give our students the tools in science and technology that they will need to advance that civilization."
Among those on hand for the announcement were Berkeley Lab Associate Director-at-Large Glenn Seaborg, former Laboratory Director Andrew Sessler, and Information and Computing Sciences Division Director Stu Loken.
Two Berkeley Lab employees were honored by the Secretary at the Oakland ceremony. Eileen Engel, BASTEC coordinator and now director of the Partnership for Environmental Technology Education, and Karin Levy, who coordinated various BASTEC activities through CSEE, were among the educators cited for their special efforts in the field.
Genome Sciences Laboratory dedicated
Later in the day, Peña gave the keynote address at the dedication of the new Genome Sciences Laboratory (Bldg. 84). The facility will be equipped and operational in early 1998.
"Here at this magnificent new building," he said to a crowd of more than 300, "science is creating the miracles that will become part of our everyday life. These marvels of modern science are made possible by the unique talents and capabilities found at the Department of Energy and its national laboratories.
"Everyone here should take great pride in the miracles that you are creating on a daily basis-- miracles that will cure diseases, make children healthier, and build a brighter future for everyone."
Citing examples like the recent Berkeley Lab development of a transgenic mouse to study sickle cell anemia, Peña said DOE laboratories are the ideal places at which to conduct genomic studies.
"We can bring together researchers who normally wouldn't work together--physicists and biologists--and create the environment that brings out their genius for innovation," he said. "And we offer unique scientific facilities that attract the finest scientific talent this nation has to offer. DOE's ability to combine teamwork and our unique facilities positions us for human genome work. And we really are on the edge of something new and exciting."
Mina Bissell, division director for Life Sciences, referred to the overcast, chilly conditions as "a magnificently sunny day for me, for the Laboratory, and for the Department of Energy."
Referring to Berkeley Lab's historical role in this country's biological sciences, Bissell said the building will be a research centerpiece in the Laboratory's contributions toward the international effort to determine how DNA works and defines who we are.
Martha Krebs, DOE's director of Energy Research, said the new building will position the Laboratory to play a prominent role in the "century of biology." A former assistant laboratory director here, Krebs played a major role in early planning efforts that moved the genome facility toward reality. She reminded everyone that the nation's genome program was actually created by the DOE nearly a dozen years ago.
"With its history and collaboration with the UC Berkeley campus, the Laboratory now has a special opportunity to bring its assets to bear in the genome effort as one of the jewels in the crown of the DOE."
The three-story, 44,000-square-foot Genome Sciences Laboratory took two years to construct. Space inside is being prepared for mapping and sequencing, biochemistry studies, data processing, cell and tissue culture preparation, plus equipment and instrumentation. It contains 37 offices, five biology labs and seven robotics labs. At full capacity, the building will house about 130 researchers.
After the end of the program, Peña toured the Advanced Light Source, the energy efficiency programs in lighting and windows, and the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center.
Photo: Helping dedicate the new Genome Sciences Laboratory are, left to right, Martha Krebs, DOE's director of Energy Research, Lab Director Charles Shank, Energy Secretary Federico Peña, and Mina Bissell, director of the Life Sciences Division. Secretary Peña toured Berkeley Lab during his Dec. 4 visit to Oakland and Berkeley. (XBD9712-04968) Photo by Roy Kaltschmidt
Photo: Energy Secretary Federico Peña meets Oakland school children during his Oakland visit, in which he announced a major science education initiative. (XBD9712-04966) Photo by Roy Kaltschmidt
Scientists with the Materials Sciences Division have confirmed the existence of atom-sized electronic devices on nanotubes--hollow cylinders of pure carbon about 50,000 times narrower in diameter than a human hair. Nanotube devices have been predicted by theorists but this is the first demonstration that such devices actually exist.
Alex Zettl, an MSD physicist and professor of physics at UC Berkeley, led a study in which carbon nanotubes were shown to function as a two-terminal electronic device known as a diode.
"What we are seeing is the world's smallest room temperature rectifier, one that is only a handful of atoms in size," says Zettl. "When we grow nanotubes, electronic devices naturally form on them."
Past attempts to identify nanotube devices employed submicron-sized electrode contact pads that could only measure small isolated sections of the tube. Evidently, the experimenters were measuring the wrong sections. Zettl succeeded by measuring nanotubes along their entire length. He accomplished this through the use of the ultrafine tip of a scanning tunneling microscope.
The research was reported in a recent issue of the magazine Science. Co-authoring the paper with Zettl were Phil Collins of Zettl's research group, Hiroshi Bando from the Electrotechnical Laboratory in Japan, and Andreas Thess and Richard Smalley of Rice University.
Nanotubes are only a few nanometers (billionths of a meter) in diameter. When made exclusively from carbon molecules, they are chemically inert, about 100 times stronger than steel, and offer a full range of electrical and thermal conductivity possibilities.
Discovered by the Japanese electron microscopist Sumio Iijima, carbon nanotubes are created by heating ordinary carbon until it vaporizes, then allowing it to condense in a vacuum or an inert gas. The carbon condenses in a series of hexagons, like sheets of graphite, that curl and connect into hollow tubes.
Depending upon its diameter, a pure carbon nanotube can conduct an electrical current as if it were a metal, or it can act as a semiconductor, meaning it will only conduct a current beyond a critical voltage. According to a theory proposed by MSD physicists Marvin Cohen and Steven Louie, both also with UC Berkeley, an electronic device could be created at the interface between two dissimilar nanotubes, one that acts as a metal and one that acts as a semiconductor.
Under the scheme envisioned by Cohen and Louie, the two dissimilar tubes would be connected by the introduction of pentagon-heptagon pair defects (rings of five and seven carbon atoms) into the interface region. These defects would give rise to a "Schottky barrier," which means the current will only flow in one direction--from the semiconductor to the metal.
Zettl and Collins have been able to confirm that Schottky barriers do exist along carbon nanotubes. The key to their success was the scanning tunneling microscope, or STM. An STM features a metallic tip that is the world's smallest pyramid: a few layers of atoms descending in number down to a single atom at the point. The Berkeley researchers would bring the tip of an STM into contact with a tangle of nanotubes on a substrate and then slowly withdraw it. Van der Waals forces would induce a single nanotube to stick to the tip of the STM, and the researchers would carefully stretch it out from the other nanotubes on the substrate, much like unravelling a single fiber from a nest of thread. Once a single nanotube was extracted, the researchers would then slide the STM tip across its entire surface to measure variations in an electrical current passing through.
"We measured distinct changes in the conductivity as the active length of the nanotube was increased, suggesting that different segments of the nanotube exhibit different electronic properties," says Zettl. "The changes occurred over very short lengths and were suggestive of on-tube nanodevices."
Zettl does not expect nanotubes to replace silicon overnight in the electronics industry, but can see this as a possibility down the road. Silicon must be doped with other atoms to make an electronic device. As the size of a device shrinks, the dopant atoms eventually begin to move about, degrading the device's performance. Heat also becomes a problem despite silicon's good thermal conductivity. The use of diamond film, with its exceptionally high thermal conductivity, has been proposed to protect silicon-based devices, but this adds further complications to the manufacturing process. Size and heat are no issue for nanotubes because they are covalently bonded (which means their atoms are locked firmly into place) and are predicted to be even better thermal conductors than either silicon or diamond at room temperature.
"Silicon is eventually going to hit a brick wall where devices can't be made any smaller," Zettl says. "Nanotubes are already smaller and don't have a problem with heat. You could not ask for anything better in a material."
Rather than wiring individual devices in nanotubes for specific purposes, as is done with silicon chips, Zettl suggests a better approach might be to make a "tube cube," a block of nanotubes that would be densely packed with billions upon billions of devices. The tube could then be wired to form a random network of "nanocomputers." This random network would be able to train itself to perform tasks, reconfiguring its input/output architecture to improve its performance as it learns and develops. In other words, this random computer would not just get older, it would get better.
"The idea is not as far off as you might think," says Zettl, whose group has already constructed and wired up a tube cube of sorts. The cube cannot yet perform any useful function, but Zettl says it does yield some "interesting" responses to input signals.
"Nanotube technology might be exploited in a conventional manner, or we might have to go off in a completely different direction," says Zettl. "The technology simply has too much potential to not figure out how to use it."
Photo: Physicist Alex Zettl holds a model of a carbon nanotube created from the joining of two tubes of dissimilar diameter. Electronic devices form along the interface between the smaller and larger sections. (XBD9712-04962) Photo by Roy Kaltschmidt
On Monday, Dec. 8, U.S. Secretary of Energy Federico Peña, National Science Foundation Director Neal F. Lane, and CERN Council President Luciano Maiani signed a precedent-setting agreement between the United States government and CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics.
Over the next eight years the Department of Energy will invest $450 million and the National Science Foundation $81 million in constructing the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and two of its giant particle detectors near Geneva, Switzerland--the first time the US will contribute significantly to the construction of an accelerator outside this country. Japan, Canada, and Russia are among several other contributors who are not member nations of CERN.
When it begins operating in 2005, the LHC will be the world's most powerful proton-proton collider, achieving energies of 14 TeV (trillion electron volts) at the point where the two counter-rotating beams of protons meet head on.
"As Congress required, US involvement is concentrated in the interaction regions," says William Barletta, director of Berkeley Lab's Accelerator and Fusion Research Division (AFRD). "Brookhaven is building the dipole magnets, and along with Fermilab, AFRD is designing the quadrupole focusing magnets for one of the experiments."
AFRD will also provide the cryogenics for magnets built by Berkeley Lab and others.(Super-conducting magnets must be cooled to the temperature of liquid helium.) William Turner is the Lab's LHC project leader.
The polyamide-insulated, copper-jacketed, niobium-titanium superconducting cable to be used by all the magnets in the LHC ring was designed by AFRD and will be tested at Brookhaven. US and European firms will manufacture the final product.
"We're also building beam collimators and neutral dumps to keep particle debris from ruining the magnets," says Barletta. "Once the collimators are installed they can be used as a first-order monitor of beam luminosity, before the detectors are finished."
The principal quarry of all this energy and luminosity is the Higgs boson (or family of bosons), the carrier of the Higgs field, which is thought to impart mass to all particles with mass, including the predicted massive "sparticles" of supersymmetry theory. The Higgs boson is weakly interacting, and will be seen only rarely in the debris of millions of proton collisions.
The five-story high, 7,000 ton ATLAS experiment is designed primarily to find the Higgs. "We're working on the pixel detectors and the silicon strips," explains Physics Division director James Siegrist referring to the experiment's innermost components. "Murdock Gilchriese is the ATLAS group head for silicon systems," he says; "With collaborators from Japan and UC Santa Cruz, we led the development of this kind of detector for the Superconducting Super Collider. We're carrying over a lot of design ideas from the SSC and building on what we learned."
The silicon strips will be similar to those built for the CDF experiment at Fermilab, which was instrumental in snaring the top quark. "In ATLAS they'll get hit at a much higher rate, once every 25 nanoseconds," says Siegrist, "and there are more of them, adding up to some 60 square meters of silicon."
"Radiation will be an order of magnitude higher than it would have been even in the SSC," says Siegrist, "so we also have to make the detectors rad hard."
Close to the beam line, overlapping layers of tiny pixel elements will be used to reduce the area of individual units subject to radiation hits. The electronics will be "bump-bonded" with silicon to form chips incorporating 15,000 transistors each--about 900,000 transistors in all, feeding 250 million channels of data. "We have to get data out of each pixel. We have to get heat out. We have to get power in," says Siegrist. "A simple idea--but in practice, anything but simple."
About a fifth of the scientists working to build the experiments will be from the US, most of them from Fermilab, Brookhaven, and Berkeley Lab, as well as three other DOE laboratories and 60 universities. When the LHC achieves first light in 2005, the US will have supplied about 10 percent of the total cost of the accelerator and experiments--85% of this sum coming from the Department of Energy--although US researchers will make up 20 percent of those using the detectors. A quarter of the high-energy physics experimenters in the US plan to work at CERN.
Upon signing the precedent-setting CERN-USA pact, Energy Secretary Peña said, "I have no doubt that when the history of the next 50 years is written, the Large Hadron Collider and all of the science, new ideas, and technologies it spawns will be a major chapter."
Photo: The Lab's Physics Division is working on the pixel detector system, the innermost detector in the ATLAS experiment to be built for the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
Kyoto Conference Could Boost DOE Budget In the wake of last week's international agreement at Kyoto to curb greenhouse gas emissions believed to be causing the Earth's temperature to rise, the Office of Management and Budget will likely boost by a significant margin the $85 million it provided DOE for FY99 efficiency and renewable research. This increase would be part of a five-year, $5 billion package of tax incentives and R&D money the Clinton administration is proposing to help cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. The money would be in addition to the roughly $900 million DOE baseline budget OMB approved for efficiency and renewable programs next year in the so-called "passback" given to the department in late November. Details of the tax and R&D initiative are being worked out by an interagency review team and are expected to be unveiled at President Clinton's State of the Union speech next month or when the administration releases its FY99 budget request.
Technology roadmaps are not an attempt by DOE to institute a uniform strategy for the labs, Moniz says, but will be used to help the department better understand laboratory needs. The roadmaps would also help the labs to work more closely with the private sector. Echoing the conclusions of the Galvin report, Moniz says DOE and the labs need to take a "corporate approach" to research, which he defines as close cooperation on similar projects and the filing of a single combined report rather than separate reports from each participating lab. This approach, he maintains, will eventually lead to "flatter," more efficient laboratory management.
-- Lynn Yarris
Wiggins had worked at Berkeley Lab for more than 20 years, starting out as a rigger, and eventually moving on to become lead rigger and supervisor. He could be seen all over the Hill, moving everything from furniture and trailers to concrete blocks at the Bevatron, always with a smile.
Along with that cheerful disposition, it was Wiggins' generous spirit that his many friends and coworkers remembered most vividly. "Everyone knew Oliver was always there to help," said Richard Doty, a lab carpenter and a friend of Wiggins for more than 20 years. "He helped me a lot."
Wiggins generosity extended beyond his immediate family and friends, to those less fortunate. Through the years he reached out to many children in need, some in homeless shelters, and on the street, and helped them to find a better life. At his service on December 16 he was remembered as a mentor and an inspiration by the many young people he had aided.
"If there was a way that he could help anyone, he would," said coworker Rita McLean of Engineering. McLean also recalled Wiggins as a devoted family man, who still managed to visit his mother regularly each morning before work to share breakfast with her.
Friends also recalled his lifelong affection for New Orleans, where he had grown up and often returned to visit, his loyalty to the San Francisco 49s, and his love of roses, which he cultivated in his garden at home.
Wiggins is survived by his wife, Ruby, his mother, Rita Wiggins, three sisters, one brother, and numerous godchildren, nieces, nephews and friends. Services were held at the Acts Full Gospel Church of God in Christ, Oakland.
Photo: Oliver Wiggins
Hoffman, 70, is with the Nuclear Science Division and also a UCB professor. Her medal is for her contributions to actinide chemistry and the understanding of radioactive decay in heavy nuclei. Among her many accomplishments, Hoffman played a key role in confirming the existence of seaborgium, element 106, named for Hoffman's long-time collaborator Glenn Seaborg.
Said the President, "By giving these awards we honor the American passion for discovery that has driven our nation forward from field to factory, to the far reaches of cyberspace." The naming of Johnston and Hoffman to receive the National Medal of Science was first reported on the front page of the May 2, 1997 issue of Currents.
"Combining the two programs is intended to encourage members to work with each other more closely," says Levine.
Nancy Brown, currently head of the Environmental Research Program, will have matrix management authority over all of the EET Division's work on atmospheric processes and research involving supercomputers. She will be the head of an as-yet unnamed program encompassing these areas.
The second phase of the reorganization in early 1998 will address the Division's three energy efficiency and buildings-related programs: Building Technologies, Energy Analysis and Indoor Environment.
When you're trying to achieve good image resolution at one angstrom--which is roughly the distance between atoms--getting rid of jiggles becomes a major undertaking.
John Turner of the National Center for Electron Microscopy describes the environment of the new One Ångstrom Microscope (OÅM) and its neighbors as "the most extensively designed anywhere." The OÅM, based on a CM300 Field-Effect-Gun microscope built by Philips Electronic Instruments, is closeted inside an isolated environment planned from the ground up.
Before construction could begin, Turner needed to find out what vibrations the OÅM would undergo when no machinery was running, no trucks were driving by, and no people were walking the halls. "There are built-in mechanisms to damp high-frequency vibration," he explains, "but they don't help at very low frequencies that resonate with the two-meter length of the microscope itself"--vibrations, that is, which can cause the microscope column to resonate as an inaudibly low-pitched organ pipe might do.
Turner visited the site on Christmas Day, 1995, and what he saw astonished him. By his standards, the vibration was extreme, especially in the crucial wavelengths of one to five hertz. The readout of a seismic station a quarter of a mile away confirmed his observations; he called the UC Berkeley Seismological Laboratory and found that he was observing evidence of a storm track--the crashing of breakers against Pacific beaches dozens of miles away.
In order to damp the "micro-seisms" caused by storm winds and distant surf, and building-borne vibrations too, the OÅM and its neighbors--a CM200 also built by Philips, and the custom-built Spin-Polarized Low Energy Electron Microscope--rest on massive reinforced concrete slabs which in turn rest on undisturbed earth. The slabs are a meter thick and more than three by four meters wide; each weighs 34 tons. To prevent any contact of the slabs with the surrounding foundation and to aid in damping vibration, the spaces between them are filled with neoprene, the same material used in wet suits.
On these solid foundations are built rooms that minimize not only mechanical vibration but acoustic noise--the walls are sound-proofed, and pumps and other machinery are in a separate sound-proofed room. Stray electromagnetic fields are minimized, too--the main transformer is 20 meters away, outside the building, and the wiring runs through the second floor ceiling and down to the microscope equipment rooms. As to variations in temperature, "The temperature in here changes at most 0.15deg. C," says Turner. "We're aiming to get that down to 0.1deg.C."
For the success of the isolated-environment project, Turner credits Charles Allen of the Lab's Facilities Department and Project Manager Greg Raymond, who sadly died of an unexpected illness during construction.
Not long after the OÅM was installed, researchers confirmed the hoped-for one-angstrom information limit with a test specimen of microscopic particles of gold on a thin layer of amorphous tungsten. That goal could not have been achieved without an almost ideally vibration-free, noise-free environment.
Photo: Concrete vibration mounts for electron microscopes.
Terry Powell, the Lab's new community relations coordinator, was hardly even settled into her new office when she had to tackle issues such as the DARHT project, the proposed NRC pilot program, and the tritium controversy. Nothing like starting your job with a big bang.
"My greatest challenge is to figure out the acronyms," laughed Powell, and admitted, "It was pretty overwhelming."
Maybe so, but you would never have guessed by watching her mingle with Lab staff and community representatives as if she had worked here her entire life. In fact, less than three weeks into her job Powell is already fluent in terms such as "Dual Axis Radiographic Hydrodynamic Test facility," and can confidently go out in the community and discuss the project's implications.
The fine art of communication, which lies at the heart of her position, is Powell's forte--something she has fine-tuned over her long career in the fields of marketing communication, public relations and community affairs. From her early beginnings as a copy editor to developing marketing strategies for large corporations, Powell has learned how to effectively balance the needs of various institutions with those of the communities in which they operate--all this while adapting to changing technologies.
"We have an information overload right now," Powell said. "We have different techniques to communicate--television, the web, a good book, a good visual display. We compete for people's attention. And I really believe we are moving more toward visual imagery than we are toward the written word."
Powell's main task will be to develop a roadmap for the way in which the Lab interacts with the world beyond its gates. Although new to the job, Powell feels her work is in many ways similar to the one she performed in her previous positions for organizations such as the San Francisco International Airport, East Bay MUD, Kaiser Engineers, or her own marketing consulting firm.
"The common thread," she said, "has to do with establishing a dialogue with stakeholders on issues of regional concern. What is different here is that the Lab faces more complex issues, such as outside regulators and a heightened level of community activism."
The key ingredient to successfully managing community relations, Powell says, is a strong personal belief in the value of the work conducted by the organization she represents--whether that has to do with improving public transit, developing fuel efficient technologies, or the advancement of science. "In every field I've ever worked in, the most interesting thing to me has been watching fine minds at work," she said.
Powell realizes that conveying that passion for science to the outside community will not always be easy. But by developing realistic goals, she says, the Lab has a great opportunity to expand its outreach capabilities. And as a native of Berkeley, Powell feels she has a good understanding of the surrounding community.
"Berkeley is a very receptive place," she said. "For all its quirkiness, Berkeley has a very high quotient of receptivity towards new discoveries, toward trying something that's different. Our scientists are performing valuable fundamental research of national significance. I think we have an obligation to encourage the community to know as much as possible about it.
"I don't want to suggest that locally active citizens are going to change their views overnight and become ardent supporters of the Lab," Powell added. "Maybe the best we can get to is respectful disagreement, appreciation for different perspectives, and a willingness to continue working on issues together."
Powell may have a lot on her plate, but that's exactly how she likes it. And she still finds plenty of spare time for her many personal interests, such as playing the piano, swimming, and going to the opera and the symphony. But bringing people together is something that comes natural to her. Besides, Powell says, every person at the Lab plays a small role in making her job a little easier.
"If I can contribute to making the Lab more recognized in the community, I'll be thrilled," she said. "But it's the Lab itself that's doing it, and the momentum is generated by its leadership and by the people who work here: the people at Currents, people speaking at meetings, Helen who runs the store at the cafeteria, the computer help desk people. It's all of us."
Photo: Terry Powell (XBD9712-04963-01.tif)
While many people are scrambling these days to capture the spirit of the season, three Computing Sciences employees got a head start last month by volunteering their time to truly make a difference.
Julie Rodriguez Jones, Jane Toby and Mikeala Star traveled to Mexico over a weekend in early November to help build a complete house in one day through a non-profit organization called "Corazon." Starting at 4 a.m., they followed well-tested plans to build a 12x20 square foot house made mostly of cardboard and tin for a young family in a Tijuana neighborhood. The design makes maximum use of the small space by including a loft for sleeping.
"We effectively trebled the living space from their 10-by-10 shack," Jones said. "While the house is simple, with no electricity, it does provide a solid, safe and dry living space with a roof, linoleum floor, tiled kitchen counter, stove, vent, storage shelf, windows with glass, and a door that locks."
Although the house would not pass U.S. building codes, in the poor neighborhoods of Tijuana it is a tremendous improvement. Jones said the 60-member team arrived at the site by starting out in a poor area. "First the paved road stopped, then the homes deteriorated and then even the land became barren," Jones said. "Our neighborhood lacked sanitation, and only some of the homes had electricity. Many of the roads had deep ruts."
To get the job done, the building crew brought their own building materials, tools and skills. The entire neighborhood shared the group's enthusiasm.
"The father of the family moving into the house worked with us all day long--and he never stopped smiling," Toby said. "I loved the community spirit. There were kids and dogs running around and everybody helped."
By adhering strictly to a set design, the group was able to build a foundation, assemble and raise walls, raise a roof, build the interior and paint the interior structure by nightfall. They also had time to build an outhouse.
Star said she began the day by digging holes for the foundation. As the day progressed, she realized that the entire project was really about building a foundation for a stronger community and international cooperation. "I really felt that hearts and hands were coming together that day," she said. She was really touched by a boy who lent a hand.
"A little boy about seven years old asked me in Spanish if he could help me paint a piece of plywood that would become a wall. When I didn't understand, he picked up a paint brush," Star recalled. "I dipped the brush in the paint, gave it to him and stepped back and watched as he very happily painted up and down, across and sideways, and when his brush had no more paint, his big beautiful brown eyes found mine and asked silently for more paint."
The soil, though soft for digging, made for rough going as the 25-person teams carried sections of the house up the steep slopes. Working on the project reminded Toby of her childhood, when her father built the house she grew up in.
"I spent a lot of time hammering the roof together," she said. "When it went into place, it was a great feeling."
Jones, who speaks Spanish, acted as the group's liaison with the family. The father, Samuel, and his wife of four years, Precila, have two children-- Samuelito, 2, and Ana Beatrice, 11 months. Samuel walks to his job six days a week in a taco stand, earning about $63 a week. The family's need, as well as Samuel's participation in other neighborhood improvement efforts, led to their being chosen to receive a new home.
As the house was being built, many of the neighbors were helping another Corazon group raise four buildings at their local schools. For Jones, the entire experience was summed up as she spoke with a woman at the school. The woman asked who the volunteers were and where they were from. Jones started to answer by saying, "Pero todos somos" and the woman finished it with "hermanos." (But we are all brothers and sisters.)
Jones said she joined the program at her church, the First Congregational Church of Berkeley. When she put out the word to her staff on the Computing Sciences Acquisition Team, Star and Toby also signed up. Star said her religious convictions and a personal promise to give something back to the community motivated her to go. Toby, who used to live in San Diego and often saw the poverty of Tijuana first hand, said she thought it would be both fun and rewarding.
"This was different than giving to other charities," Toby said. "With this, you feel like you really contributed something. You could see what you've done and the people who directly benefited."
For more information, visit the Corazon website (
Photo: Twenty-five people are raising the roof to complete a new house built in one day in a poor neighborhood of Tijuana (above). Three Lab employees--Mikeala Star, Jane Toby and Julie Rodriguez Jones (right)--traveled to Mexico over a weekend to help with the project.
The event will be held in 120 Latimer Hall on the UC Berkeley campus. For more information, contact Vittal Yachandra or Roehl Cinco at X4330 or by e-mail (vkyachandra@lbl. gov or rmcinco@
The mission of the program is to convert the work of former Soviet scientists and engineers from weapons research (nuclear, biological, and chemical) to commercial projects. At least 50 percent of DOE funding is directed to NIS institutes via subcontracts. Projects are required to be of commercial value to US industry. A letter of interest from a US company is needed for Thrust I project proposals, while a CRADA agreement will be negotiated for a Thrust II project. For more information and instruction for submitting proposals, contact Andre Anders, LBNL ILAB representative, at X6745,
Lab employees who work during the holidays are encouraged to help save energy during this period by:
Headlines is intended to be a brief, easy to read electronic bulletin that is news oriented and covers items that are not publicized through other means, such as Currents. Some of the criteria we use to determine the suitability of an item for Headlines include:
The Berkeley Lab Calendar is published biweekly here on the World Wide Web and in Currents by the Public Information Department. Employees can list a meeting, class, or event in the Calendar by using this submission form. The deadline for submissions is 5 p.m. on Monday in the week that Currents is published.In addition to the events listed below, Berkeley Lab's Washington, D.C. Projects office is hosting a Science and Technology Seminars series.
Scientific Conferences
African American Employees Association
General meeting, noon, Bldg.
Noon to 1 p.m., Bldg. 90-4133
Berkeley TRIP commute store, noon to 12:45 p.m., cafeteria
parking lot. Employees may purchase AC Transit, BART, and other commute
Environmental Energy Technologies Division
"Excerpts from the
President's Conference on Global Climate Change," Part Two, will be presented
in video format at noon in Bldg. 90-3148.
Arun K. Aggarwal, Engineering
Lisa Alvarez-Cohen, EET
Vincent E. Beckner, NERSC
Thomas R. Bennett, Facilities
John K. Bielicki, Life Sciences
Eric Beuville, Engineering
Linda L. Brown, Administration
Shelley A. Caras, Facilities
Derek D. Clark, Computing
Karen Connolly, Life Sciences
Jeffrey L. Creech, Earth Sciences
James D. Comins, Engineering,
Akhil Dattagupta, Earth Sciences
Cheryl A. Davis, Life Sciences
Carl D. Eben, Computing Sciences
Ewa A. Elkins, Administration
Michelle M. Flynn, EH&S
Geronimo F. Fontanilla, Facilities
William R. Frazer, Physics
David E. Gilbert, Life Sciences
Joe W. Gray, Life Sciences
Howard L. Hansen, EH&S
Teresa Lyn Head-Gordon, Life Sciences
Ho S. Cho, Structural Biology
Susan R. Jahansooz, EH&S
Corina S. Jump, EET
Rena Kaminsky, Earth Sciences
Seung-Hyuk Kang, Materials Sciences
Gizella M. Kapus, Administration
Christopher Krenn, Materials Sciences
Anne B. Kumaranayagam, EH&S
Michael A. Jaklevic, Life Sciences
Judith Jennings, EET
I-Yang Lee, Nuclear Science
Chaoyang Li, AFRD
Nathan C. Martin , EET
James D. Miller, Computing Sciences
Paul A. Milligan, Earth Sciences
Justin L. Mortara, Nuclear Science
Susan J. Muller, Materials Sciences
Christopher Olsen, Engineering
Kenneth Osborne, Engineering
Maria G. Pallavicini, Life Sciences
Bavanethan Pillay, EET
Daniel Pinkel, Life Sciences
Phillip N. Price, EET
John O. Rasmussen, Nuclear Science
Charles A. Rendleman, Jr., NERSC
Elpidio M Reyes, Operations
Chadwick D. Sofield, Chemical Sciences
Stephen C. Su, Chemical Sciences
Andrea B. Thompson, Administration
Henry F. Vanbrocklin, Life Sciences
John K. Washbourne, Earth Sciences
Paul K. Wright, Computing Sciences
Lawrence Wolfsen, Facilities
Linda D. Wuy, Administration
Fu Quiang Yang, EET
10 Years
Dayna L. Barrett, Administration
Edward A. Berry, Structural Biology
Frederic Y. Bois, EET
Michael A. Casillas, Facilities
John R. Christman, Computing Sciences
Thomas M. Daley, Earth Sciences
Donald J. DePaolo, Earth Sciences
Fiona M. Doyle, Earth Sciences
Patrick Dupont, Facilities
Rosalyn M. Farmer, Administration
Heinz L. Fraenkel-Conrat, Life Sciences
Sueann L. Gang, CFO
Jonathan R. Gibson, Facilities
Heinz Heinemann, Materials Sciences
Jesse Hill, Facilities
Wesley H. Hunt, Human Resources
Gilbert Ibarra, Facilities
William J. Jagust, Life Sciences
Eleuterio Jimenez, Facilities
Judith Kody, EH&S
Earle K. Moeller, Facilities
Robert S. Mueller, Engineering
Rebecca L. Nitzan, Computing Sciences
Jacqueline Noble, Administration
Richard B. Norgaard, EET
Arthur L. Robinson, AFRD
Patricia L. Ross, Administration
Jonathan L. Slack, EET
Ross D. Schlueter, Engineering
Robert Smits, Physics
Jonathan D. Spear, EET
Dun Rose Sun, Engineering
Norma L. Sykes, Facilities
Nancy J. Tallarico, Computing Sciences
Leroy Thomas, Facilities
Ellen K. Wei, Computing Sciences
Alex K. Zettl, Materials Sciences
15 Years
Mary M. Padilla, Administration
Frederick Burkard, Life Sciences
Michael J. Chin, Engineering
Mark W. Coleman, Engineering
Priscilla Cooper, Life Sciences
Michael R. Dickinson, Engineering
Steven L. Ferreira, Engineering
Phyllis M. Gale, Administration
Adrian Gronsky, Materials Sciences
Charles R. Hannaford, Engineering
Tommie Hill, Facilities
John E. Hutchings, Facilities
Douglas S. Garfield, Engineering
Gary M. Jung, Computing Sciences
Steven G. Louie, Materials Sciences
Mario M. Moronne, Life Sciences
Huntly F. Morrison, Earth Sciences
Grazyna Odyniec, Nuclear Science
Harry Reed, Directorate
Richard E. Russo, EET
David Schild, Life Sciences
Gail E. Schiller Brager, EET,
Ian G. Shepherd, EET
Sylvia J. Spengler, Life Sciences
Nicholas F. Thomsic, Facilities
William S. Tiffany, Engineering
Anthony I. Warwick, AFRD
Howard H. Wieman, Nuclear Science
John D. Wolf, Nuclear Science
Kin M. Yu , Materials Sciences
20 Years
Steven R. Abbott, Engineering
Anthony E. Atases, Engineering
William H. Benner, Engineering
Sally M. Benson, Directorate
James J. Bettencourt, CFO
Paul A. Bish, Engineering
Milton J. Bricker, Jr., Facilities
Shlomo Caspi, Engineering
Richard L. Doty, Facilities
Kenneth H. Downing, Life Sciences
Carol L. Eaton, Administration
James W. Evans, EET
Marguerite Fernandes, CFO
Kenneth Frankel, Engineering
Jesse Fuller, Facilities
Ralph Greif, EET
Keith J. Groves, Computing Sciences
William R. Hubert, Computing Sciences
Bing K. Jap, Life Sciences
Jimmie K. Johnson, Engineering
Allan M. Konrad, Computing Sciences
Matthias J. Kotowski, EH&S
Henrietta Lee, EH&S
Mark D. Levine, Directorate
Yea S. Liu, EH&S
Frederick Mecum, Facilities
Alan K. Meier, EET
Robert A. Miller, Computing Sciences
Robert H. Minor, Engineering
Douglas J. Morton, Engineering
Maureen A. Noon, EH&S
Douglas L. Olson, Nuclear Science
Samuel Pitluck, Engineering
Karsten Pruess, Earth Sciences
Antonia Reaves, Facilities
James G. Rice, Jr.,, Engineering
Arthur L. Ritchie, Engineering
Gavin M. Robillard, CFO
David G. Ruiz, Engineering
Eloy Salinas, Jr., Engineering
Richard D. Scudero, Facilities
Steve Selvin, Computing Sciences
Linda E. Sindelar, Engineering
Brian V. Smith, EET
Timothy J. Symons, Nuclear Science
Michael C. Vella, AFRD
Chinh Q. Vu, Engineering
Jerry L. Young, Facilities
Joseph C Walling, Facilities
Yu-Keun Wong, Engineering
25 Years
Adele C. Ahanotu, Human Resources
Charles R. Brimmer, Engineering
Richard H. Fish, EET
James E. Galvin, Engineering
John A. Jacobsen, Materials Sciences
William E. Johnston, Computing Sciences
Mack S. Morgan, Facilities
Martha M. Morimoto, Computing Sciences
Alexander Pines, Materials Sciences
Jos Polman, Computing Sciences
Leon J. Schipper, EET
30 Years
Alexis T. Bell, Materials Sciences
Gloria Dalton, Human Resources
William G. Donald, Jr., EH&S
Forrest S. Goss, Engineering
James A. Haleth, Computing Sciences
Marcelo J. Lippmann, Earth Sciences
35 Years
Robert J. Benjegerdes, Engineering
Klaus H. Berkner, Directorate
Roger Kloepping, EH&S
William F. Kolbe, Engineering
Frederick MacDonell, Engineering
Morris Pripstein, Physics
40 Years
Joseph E. Katz, Materials Sciences
Carl Quong, Computing Sciences
'75 DATSUN 280Z 2+2, gold, 4-spd, a/c, rear shade, Blaupunkt AM/FM cass., gd cond., 125K mi., $1500/b.o. John, X7935, 825-9592
'80 CHEVROLET Chevette, 3-dr hatchbk, 100K mi., reliable, gd tires, as is, $750/b.o. Rose, X7991, 236-6815 (eve.)
'84 FORD Bronco, 4x4, 302ci (under warranty), clean, exc cond., recent tires, brakes, flowmasters, precision tune, $5500/b.o., Wayne, X7685 or 837-2409
'84 TOYOTA Tercel, sta. wgn, 4X4, 2 new tires, a/t, AM/FM cass., high mi., needs some work, has run great for last 2 yr., $400/b.o. Feng, X6629, 558-1868
'85 FORD truck, extended cab, 8 ft. bed, tool box, tlr. hitch, $4200/b.o. 735-0898 (after 6 p.m.)
'85 GMC Suburban, 3/4-ton, low mi., 454ci engine, towing pkg, dual air, great cond., best offer. 376-2211
'85 LINCOLN town car, 95K, 5.0 liter (302) V-8 engine, stereo cassette sound system, heavy duty trailer towing pkg, leather upholstery, brakes, rear suspension, frt suspension & steering overhauled at 85K mi., $3495/b.o. Warren Chup, x4742, 652-4190
'86 MAZDA RX-7 GL, 5-spd, a/c, AM/FM cass., leather, sunroof, 110K mi., $4K/offer. X6669
'87 NISSAN Sentra XE, a/t, a/c, new tires, newly replaced CV joint boots, just changed engine & transmission oil, tuned up, 85K mi., exc. cond., $2900. 845-5154
'87 OLDS 98 Regency Brougham, 3.8L V6, 118K mi., a/t, a/c, p/s, all elec., leather seats, very gd cond., $4300/b.o. Andreas, X6991, 644-3213
'87 OLDS 98 Regency Brougham, 118K mi., a/t, a/c, p/s, all elec., leather, exc. cond., tires&brakes recent, $3000, b.o., Joachim, X5083, 883-9521
'89 CHEVY Cavalier, 4-dr, a/t, p/s, p/b, 2.0L, 101K mi., gd cond., $2200/b.o. Mahesh, X5220, 793-8672
'89 FORD Escort wgn, 5-spd, 95K mi., exc. cond., very reliable, new tires & brakes, $2950/b.o. Vladimir, X4633, 524-3143
'89 HONDA Civic LX, 4-dr, manual trans., 93K mi., runs great, $3500. Morten, 642-6371
'89 FORD Escort wagon, 5-spd, 95K mi., exc. cond., very reliable, new tires, brakes, $2900/b.o. Vladimir, X4633, 524-3143
'90 TOYOTA Corolla DX sedan, red, 94K mi., new timing belt, exc. cond., very clean, gd tires, must sell, $4900, b.o. Phil, X7538
'92 HONDA Accord DX, 4-dr, a/c, a/t, AM/FM cass., 63K mi., gd cond., $8850. X4061, 528-7747
'93 TOYOTA DLX X-Cab truck, 4x4, 38K mi., a/c, exc. cond., new Michelin M/S tires, all records, $15K. 233-3862
'94 FORD Escort wgn LX, 25K mi., exc. cond., $8K/b.o. X5039, X7929, 526-7844
'94 TOYOTA Tercel, 56K mi., $4800. Aline, X7140, 843-6128
MOTORCYCLE, '82 HONDA CB450T Hawk, 16K mi., gd cond., not used for 1 yr., $600. Richard, 642-2148, Arti 547-1564
MOTORCYCLE, `86 Kawasaki KX80, ported, new fenders, well maintained, low hrs., w/leather riding pants, pads & helmet, $650/b.o., Wayne, X7685 or 837-2409
MOTORHOME,'95 Minnie Winnie Winnebago, 21 ft., 11K mi., 3 yr. extended warranty, loaded, exc. cond., $37K/b.o. X5918, 783-1943
SHOP MANUAL, '85 Toyota Camry, best offer; wheel, 185/70R13 w/Michelin MXL tire & never-used easy install chains, best offer. Mark, X6581
TENT TRAILER, '82, propane stove, ice box, sink, water tank, slps 6, $500. 735-0898 (after 6 p.m.)
NECKTIES, donated for school project, the uglier the better. Mail to Vickie Saling MS 88-163, X7826
TUTOR, French, needed for 10 yr old girl or French family with children interested in organizing common activities. No. Berkeley/El Cerrito area. Rosalia 237-4013.
BED FRAME, queen sz., heavy brass, modern style & heavy brass coffee table, oblong shape, 4' long, 3' wide, 1' high, modern style, photos avail., willing to meet halfway, possibly deliver, $300/b.o. Margo, X6280, (415) 871-4450
BICYCLE, Raleigh, 23 in. frame, runs, $40 b.o. + 20 in. tire girls bike, Bob, X4094, 843-1868 aft. Dec.
BOAT, '82 Searay cruiser, 22.5 ft., SRV225, 260 Merc outdrive, slps 4, head, galley, lots of teak, 310 hr., delta canvas, very gd cond., incl. Trailrite tandem axle trailer, best offer. 376-2211
CAMERA, Minolta Maxuum 3000i w/Minolta AF 70-210mm zoom lens, $200. Harvard, X5742, 526-5347
CHEST OF DRAWERS w/lg. side compartment, solid wood, $300; Princess House collection, many glass styles & serving pieces, 50% off retail; fish tank & stand, 55 gal., fresh or saltwater complete set up, $50; elec. drafting table w/Vemco V-Track, $40. Jason, X5873
COFFEE TABLE, 68x21, matching end table w/storage, 27x27, light inlaid wood, $150 for pair
COLOR TV, Zenith, 25", $80, Stan, 758-8017
COLOR TV, Emerson, 25", like new $120; queen sz. box spring, like new, $40; baby bouncer, $15. Anushka, 486-8153 (h)
COLOR TV, Magnavox, 20", '94, incl. TV table, $185. 938-7584
COMPUTER PARTS, Pentium-66 PCI MB w/CPU, Orchid Kelvin 64 PCI video card, 500 MB Conner HD, ProAudio Spectrum 16 sound card, sold sep. or pkg deal. 845-9154
DRUM SET, Fibes, 4 pc., maple, new cond., 20" kick, w/13"&15" toms+hdware & snare, $1400/b.o, + cymbals, Zildgen & Sabien, Don, X7972
EXERCISE MACHINE, Cardiofit, hardly used, $100 or trade. 313-9037
FLUTES (2), Waldorf, pentatonic, exc. cond., $30 ea. or both for $50. Carol, X6866
FURNITURE, single adj. bed, elec. control, w/linen, $300/b.o.; 2 recliners, $100 ea./b.o.; bookcases, various tables, dressers & lamps. Julie, X4583, 232-6919
FUTONS, (2), full size, wooden frame, $60 ea., 2 metal frame futon/sofa, $100 ea., misc. incl. comforters & beddings, all less than 2 mo. old. Shui Bin, X6849, Jiang, X4516
GUITARS, for sale or trade. David, X7326
GUITAR, bass & amp, Gibson Epiphone precision, white lacquer, like new, w/Gallien krueger 200 MB bass amp., 100 watt, exc. cond., w/cords, covers, gig bag, $625/b.o., Wayne, X7685, 837-2409
GUITAR, elec., 3/4 sz., solid-body, 2 yr. old, used for 6 mo., perfect for beginner age 9-14, incl. sm. practice amp (Crate) in exc. cond. & soft guitar case, $150/b.o. Peter, X4157, 525-3290
HOLIDAY CHEESECAKES, 4 types (plain, fruit swirl, chocolate chip, mint chocolate), sm. (2.75" round, $1.75, 4 for $7), med. (5.75" round, $6) & lg. (9" round, $12), adv. order. Nance, 524-1259
HOLIDAY WREATHS, Noble fir, benefits Boy Scouts, $18 ea. Dennis, X7853, 526-7388
JOGGING STROLLER, single, $40; trampoline for ages 1-4 yr., $30; car seat, $25; 2 tricycles, $7 ea. Carolyn, X7827
KID'S SKIS, w/bindings, 120c, $15, 150c, $45, w/o bindings, 140c, $15; boots, sizes 3-1/2, 4 & 5, $5 & $10; boy's bike, 24", $25. Ivana, 524-8308
LASER PRINTER, HP Laserjet IIP, w/new scanner motor, 4 megs of memory, & PacificPage postscript interface module for use with Macs, if desired, $175 +14.4 external zoom modem, w/documentation, $20, 848-1353.
MATTRESS, queen size "Beautyrest", very firm, exc. cond. $120/b.o. Bill X7493, 558-8617
MODULAR HOUSE, wood, currently in storage, 3-bdrm, 900 sq. ft., Douglas fir, easy to assemble, meets Cal. codes, flooring, wiring & plumbing not incl., $10K/b.o. Stan, 758-8017
MOUNTAIN BIKE, 820 Treck 21", exc. cond., still under guarantee, paid $300, will sell for $200; full bed, w/mattress, gd cond., $70. Sophie, 558-9174
OSCILLOSCOPE, Tektronix type 561, CRT, type 67 Time-Base, type 63 differential amp., best offer. X6581
PIANO, Upright, early `20s, exc cond., great sound $750; Guitar, acoustic, Goya, early `60s hard case, needs work, $150; Miracle Piano teaching system, IBM PC, MIDI Keyboard, cables, manual & disk, $100 or $800 for all, Nick Armstrong, 938-7969
PISCES massage table in exc. cond. Custom made for masseur/masseuse who is 5 ft. tall, table folds & is portable, wood w/vinyl covered padded top, does not have a headrest $150\b.o.,482-1563 eve. 786-8530 weekdays.
REVEREWARE, 9" (23 cm) open skillet, copper bottom, new, never used, $20. 843-2097
SPANISH SHAWLS, hand-made, silk embroidery, colorful. Elyse, 814-8681
SOFA BED, 7', $90
TABLE SAW, Sears, 10", flat table, modified arbor adjust, $150. John, X5523
TODDLER BED, Little Tikes cozy cottage bed, $75. Don, X4558
TOY, kids ride-on Kettler Kettcar, lg. sz., pedaled car w/switchable gear box & independent steering, $100; 2 - Slantfin radiant floor heaters, paid $85 will sell for $70 ea.; newer gas range (barely used), paid $500 will sell for $300. Sasha, X6560
TOY JEEP, Power Wheels, child's, elec. powered, for 1 or 2 passengers, gd cond., needs a replacement battery, cost $300 new, will sell for $100. Steve, X4304, 631-0719
ALBANY, partly furn. 2-bdrm, 2-bth condo, bayview, swimming pool, tennis, 24 hr. sec., garage parking, bus/BART to LBNL/UCB, nr shopping ctr, no pets, non-smoker, lease, avail. 1/1, $1100/mo.Rai, 524-7941 (eve.)
BERKELEY, short-term sublet avail., furn. studio apt., $680/mo. phone + util. incl. + refundable deposit. Top-floor of 1920s bldg. view, hardwood flrs, laun. fac., on street parking, linens, dishes etc. avail. 1/24 `till 3/23 negotiable, Sarah X7283,
BERKELEY, large furn. bdrm, w/private study & half bath, in elegant Elmwood11 rm, 2.5 bath house, w/three other nonsmoking professionals,10 min. walk to campus, avail. 1/6 for up to 7 months, $715/mo, plus deposits, shared expenses. Refs. required, Tony, 841-4480
BERKELEY, male non-smoker to share large 2-bdrm apt., 2 blks from LBNL, shuttle, close to BART, buses, shopping, coin laundry, quiet neighborhood, no pets, $530/mo. Christopher, X6629,
BERKELEY, hills, 5-minute drive to LBL, charming sm house suitable for 1 or 2 adults, no children, pets, or smokers, fully furnished avail. 3/1 to 3/31, $1350, 525-1652
BERKELEY HILLS home, furnished rm. w/view, 7 week sublet,1/9 to 2/28, $675, negotiable, w/frt & back garden, decks, bay views, nr Tilden & #8 bus line, washer/dryer, gas stove, & 2 female UC grads for company, rm has deck access, bay view, separate phone line, own bathroom, 848-1353
BERKELEY, Hillegass nr Parker, 2-bdrm apt, avail. Jan. or Feb., part. furn., pool, $1460/mo. 201-4786
BERKELEY, Elmwood, studio sublet 12/11 - 1/18, furn. w/kitchen & washer/dryer, $146/wk + elec. & phone, deposit. Steven, X6966, 204-9494
BERKELEY, Durant/Telegraph, 1 blk from UCB, furn. 1-bdrm apt, short term sublet, Dec. 17-end of Jan., $650/mo. incl. elec. & gas. Paolo, X4739
KENSINGTON, home to share, fireplace, appliances, laundry, comes w/res blk lab, safe area w/village & bus nrby, walking or biking, w/views of GG Bridge & Mt. Tam., `50s architecture, $500 + 1/3 utilities, water, gardening & trash fees, avail. mid-Jan., Young-in Chi 528-3575
NO. BERKELEY, rm. for rent in home, $400/mo., w/kitchen privileges, non-smoker, Jan 845-9055.
NO. BERKELEY, nr. Shattuck & Hearst, share furnished 2-bdrm apt, nr. LBNL shuttle, shopping & BART, avail. on monthly basis starting Jan., Ideal for visiting scientist/postdocs, no smoking, $500/mo. + util., Ron, X4932
NO. BERKELEY, rms avail. in 4-bdrm, 2-bth Craftsman house, hardwd flrs, w/d, yd, sun-porch, lots of living space, non-smoking, quiet, academic & professional, $450/mo. + util., last mo. + $200 dep. Laura or Dan, 848-0827 (eve.)
NO. BERKELEY, furn. garden cottage, pvt. entrance, TV & phone line, 1 person only, avail. for 2 wks to 2 mo. X2902
NO. BERKELEY, share furn. 2-bdrm apt, nr BART & shopping, share bath & kitchen, one person only, must enjoy music & fitness, avail. Jan., $600/mo., util. incl. Harold, 528-8135
NO. BERKELEY HILLS, avail. Jan. 15 to June 1, furn. room w/pvt. deck overlooking Wildcat Cyn., almost pvt bath, nr bus line, 1 person, nonsmoker, $500/mo. + util. Alexander, X5946, Karen, 235-9233
OAKLAND, Lake Merritt, lg. studio w/parking, $540/mo. + elec. & phone. Jin, X7531, 452-1264
OAKLAND, 2-bdrm, 1-bth home, new kitchen, bathroom, carpets & lino., formal dining rm, inside laundry, lg. yd, gardener included., non-smoking, no pets, $875/mo. Barbara, X7840, 939-7754 (after 5 p.m.)
ORINDA, rm in home, $750/mo., $300/wk, $50/night, utils. incl. Mrs. Johnston, 254-4763
PINOLE, nr I-80/San Pablo Dam Rd, 4-bdrm, 2-bth home, frpl, washer/dryer, refrig., lg. fenced backyd w/deck, nr shopping centers, $1200/mo. Stan, 758-8017
SAN LEANDRO, bay/city view, 2-bdrm house, frpl, 1-car garage, stove, refrig., washer & dryer, nr BART & I-580, 30 min. drive to LBNL, $950/mo., 1 yr. lease. 357-2778
EXCHANGE: visiting scientist & family from Paris hope to exchange housing w/LBNL family w/home in the Berkeley area who are wishing to stay in the Paris area for a 2 yr. period starting Aug. '98. Marcella, X6304
WANTED: visiting scientist seeks temporary housing for 1 person for 3-1/2 mo. beginning Jan. Jane, X6036,
WANTED: relocating scientist, 37, single male w/2 yr. old dog seeks 2-bdrm house w/fenced yd in Eastbay, Berkeley, Oakland, El Cerrito or Albany, move in by 2/1. Sreela, X4391
WANTED: rent or sublet 2-bdrm house/ apt, starting 1/1/98 - 3/31/98, for visiting scientist & spouse, w/in Albany/Berk/
El Cerrito/Emeryville/ Kensington/Oak area. FRISCH@fnald., Mark, X6305, Lina, 339-8113 (eve. only)
WANTED: 1 or 2-bdrm, nr Lab/UCB for visiting French researcher & wife, non-smoker, 12/97 to 12/99. Sylvan, X7030,
WANTED: furn. 3 or 4-bdrm house/apt for visiting researcher & family, Berkeley/Albany area, or a little farther away if no other choice, for 12 mo. from Jan. '98, rent up to $1500/mo. Peter R. Lyons, +61 (2) 6285 2713, +61 (2) 6285 3583 (fax),
WANTED: starting 1/1 for one year, visiting LBNL as a post-doc w/Kannan Krishnan (X4614), interested in 2-bdrm house/apt in No. Berkeley/Albany.
SONOMA COAST, 2.16 acres, Timbercove, Ft. Ross area, all utils. Nick, 527-1965
BERLIN, convenient location in safe multicultural neighborhood in central part of city (Kreuzberg), furn. 1-room apt, $100/wk. X4718
CAMBRIDGE, 2-bdrm apt sublet, nr Harvard & MIT, 3 min. walk to subway sta., parking & laundry fac. avail., 12/20 till 1/2, $250. 845-5154, (617) 497-9531
HAWAII, Kona (Big Island), depart 4/10, return 4/18, Hawaiian Airlines, $385 RT (airfare only). Rick, X7846
SO. LAKE TAHOE, Tahoe Keys, 3-bdrm, 2.5 bth house, on the water, fenced yd, quiet area, nr skiing & other attractions, water & mountain views, $125/night. 376-2211
Please note also:
Published once a month by the Communications Department for the employees and retirees of Berkeley Lab.
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