Quark Matter 2004 Teacher Workshop - There are a number of presentations at a high school level which show the field of high energy nuclear physics - the search for the Quark Gluon Plasma. Included are movies that show interacting nuclei. |
Presentation given to a January 2005 AAPT Workshop in Albuquerque. There is an html version and a QuickTime movie. The workshop was lead by Fred Begay of the Seaborg Hall of Science. This presentations describes the basic properties of radiation. |
Presentation give to the Spring meeting of the American Physical Society in 2005 by Howard Matis describing a course on radiation and homeland security given by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's Nuclear Science Division. |
A talk to the Vital Signs 2005 by Howard Matis entitled "The Nucleus, Radiation and the EHS professional". |
Professor Jamie Nagle of the University of Colorado presented "The Hottest Matter on Earth" at an Invited Talk at the APS/AAPT Meeting,
Washington DC, February 2010. We also have the PowerPoint file. |
Eric Norman, a professor at the UC Berkeley Nuclear Engineering, has created a short presentation on the basics of radioactivity. We have his PowerPoint talk and the corresponding slide show. |
We have two presentations to use for the Nuclear Science Merit Badge. One is a general description and the other describes some famous Nuclear Scientists. |