Isolation of T4 cells from xenograft tumors
- Put
mouse down
- Wash
skin by dipping mice into ETOH
- Remove
tumor and put into 5ml PBS containing Fungizone and Penstrep
- Swirl
around to rinse tumor and pour on to a sterile plate
- Remove
tumor from PBS place on sterile plate or lid
- Remove
any skin-rinse a second time if needed
- Chop
into fine pieces with scalpel blades
- Transfer
using blade into 2ml H14 media containing Fungizone and Penstrep
- Spin
down 800rpm
- Remove
media leaving ~300ul
- Add
2ml .25% trypsin and place on rocker for 5min
- Spin
800rpm for 5min
- Resuspend
in DMEM/F12 with10% FCS
- Spin
800rpm for 5min
- Resuspend
in H14 media containing Fungizone and Penstrep
- Plate
onto vitrogen coated flask of plate
(volume of media and size of flask depend on tumor size I used
a 25cm2 flask)
- change
media the next day and keep close eye out for contamination