The University is committed to provide Small Business Concerns (SB) and Small Business Concerns Owned and Controlled By Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Individuals (SDB) the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in the performance of subcontracts or purchase orders let under its Government contracts. The University will use good faith efforts in carrying out this commitment.
B. -- Definition
Defintions contained in Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 19.001 shall be used to define Small Business Concerns and Small Disadvantaged Business Concerns.
2. -- locate SB and SDB sources and maintain qualified SB and SDB source lists for use by the Laboratory in proposed procurements;
3. -- review and evaluate SB and SDB subcontracting plans submitted to the University in connection with supply and/or service awards of $500,000 or greater (or $1,000,000 or greater for construction), and assure that such plans are similar to the subcontracting plan agreed to be the University under this contract; and
4. -- have the authority to screen proposed requisitions for subcontracting opportunities, and implement apopropriate procurement policy and procedures to improve/inmcrease the opportunities for SB and SDB concerns.
B. -- Assure that SB and SDB concerns will have an equitable opportunity to compete for subcontracts, particularly by arranging solicitations, time for the preparation of bids, quantities, specifications and delivery schedules so as to facilitate the participation of these business concerns. Where the Laboratory's lists of potential subcontractors are excessively long, reasonable efforts shall be made to give all such types of concerns an opportunity to compete over a period of time. The Laboratory Liaison shall maintain an active role in establishing contacts with minority and small busines trade associations, business development organizations, and shall attend SB/SDB procurement conferences and trade fairs.
C. -- Maintain records to support internal activities such as workshops, seminars, training programs, monitoring actvities to evluate compliance and to guide and encourage buyers. Additionally, records showing (i) whether each prospective subcontractor is a SB or SDB concern, (ii) procedures which have been adopted to comply with the requirements set forth in this Subcontracting Plan, and (iii) with respect to the letting of any subcontract or purchase order exceeding $100,000, information substantially as follows:
2. -- whether SB or SDB business concerns were solicited;
3. -- the reason for nonsolicitation of SB and SDB firms if such firms were not solicited; and
4. -- the reasons for award to firms other than SB or SDB if such firms were solicited.
D. -- Assure that SB and SDB clauses required under this contract are included in applicable subcontracts and purchase orders.
E. -- Cooperate with the Government in any requested studies and surveys of the University's or its Laboratory's subcontracting procedures and practices under this contract.
F. -- Submit award information with respect to subcontracting with SB and SDB's in the quarterly, semi-annual, annual or as required reporting formats specified by DOE.
G. -- Maintain and use source information on SB and SDB developed by Laboratory and from other DOE sources, which may include the Procurement Automated Source System (PASS), to locate SB and SDB suppliers.
H. -- Receive promptly and cordially all visiting SB's and SDB's who desire to explain their capabilities, products and services. Also explain the routine of doing business with the Laboratory.
I. -- The Laboratory shall determine categories of procurements for "set-asides" for SD/SDB participation, provided, that there are sufficient qualified firms to quote on the needed product or service and to assure reasonable prices, quality and acceptable delivery.
J. -- The University shall include the clause entitled "Utilization of Small Business Concerns and Small Disadvantaged Business Concerns" in all subcontracts that offer further subcontracting opportunities, and shall include the clause entitled "Small Business and Small Disadvantaged Business Subcontracting Plan" in all subcontracts in excess of $500,000 ($1,000,000 for construction).
B. -- The University shall, in accordance with Section VI of this Appendix D, establish realistic and attainable goals and measure progress toward reaching objectives. Goals shall be stated as a percentage and as an amount of total subcontracting dollar actually awarded, excluding items agreed to in Appendix F to the prime contract.
B. -- Reports on SB and SDB activities shall also be furnished to the appropriate Laboratory management staff.
B. -- The goal package submitted by the University shall identify the same goal categories reflected in Appednix F to the prime contract. Additionally, the package shall include:
2. -- A description of the method used to develop the subcontracting goals in (1) above.
3. -- A description of the method used to identify potential sources for solicitation purposes.
4. -- The name of the individual who will administer the Laboratory SB/SDB Program.
C. -- Goals will be negotiated and established once each fiscal year and will be set forth by letter as mutually agreed to by the University and the Contracting Officer. Such goals upon agreement will be deemed a part of Appendix D.
D. -- Goals may be changed within the first 6 months of the fiscal year by mutual agreement of the Contracting Officer and the University if there is a cancellation or an addition of programs or projects.
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