OBJECTIVE #1 -- Real Property Management
The Laboratory will effectively manage Real Property. (Weight = 15%)
| |||
| FIMS Accuracy Facility Information Management System (FIMS) contains validated, complete, and accurate information. (Weight = 5%)
| 1.1.a
| Inaccurate Data Elements Number of inaccurate data elements identified during real property inventories/total number of data elements inventoried. (Weight = 4% - LBNL/LLNL; Weight = 3% - LANL)
Assumptions: Missing data for sampled elements are considered inaccurate. Representative sampling will be used during real property inventories to achieve a general characterization rather than a focus on specific facility areas. A sampling plan will be made a matter of record in the first month of the fiscal year. The sampling plan will address the statistical sampling approach for data element accuracy. A joint DOE/Laboratory annual inventory is encouraged.
| |||
1.1.b | Completed Data Records Number of completed data elements/total number planned for completion. (Weight = 1% - LBNL/LLNL; Weight = 2% - LANL) | ||
Assumptions: A data record completion plan for mandatory and voluntary fields will be made a matter of record in the first quarter of the fiscal year. A counting scheme for data entries will be established in the plan. The plan will address data entry efforts for new FIMS data field requirements that were not in the Real Property Inventory System. Gradient:
| |||
| Office Space Utilization The Laboratory will optimize its total primary office space utilization (on-site and leased space). (Weight = 5%/4%) | 1.2.a
| GSA Standard Net square feet per person for permanent and leased office space. (Weight = 5% - LBNL/LLNL; Weight = 4% - LANL)
Assumptions: The intent is to efficiently utilize office space. GSA Standard is recognized as an average utilization of 135 square feet per person for primary office space, excluding supplemental space as defined by GSA. The office space inventory and space utilization determination shall be made a matter of record in the first month of the fiscal year. Gradient:
| |||
1.3 | Substandard Building Space The Laboratory will reduce its total substandard building space. (Weight = 5%/4%)
| 1.3.a
| Building Space Conversion Actual square feet of substandard building space converted or eliminated/ square feet of substandard building space planned for conversion or elimination. (Weight = 5% - LBNL/LLNL; Weight = 4% - LANL)
Assumptions: Substandard is overall facility assessment equivalent to CAS categories poor and fail. Converted or eliminated means upgraded, renovated, deactivated, demolished, excessed, etc. Substandard space and the conversion plan will be made a matter of record in the first month of the fiscal year.
| |||
| Substandard Building Space
The Laboratory will maintain an effective program for facility space leasing. (Weight = 2%)
| 1.4.a
| Off-Site Lease Actions Number of lease actions approved on first formal review/total number of lease actions initiated. (Weight = 2%)
Assumptions: Intent is to improve the quality of leases and encourage multi-source request packages. Preliminary, informal reviews are encouraged. Approval process will emphasize fair and reasonable pricing through effective competition. Measure not applicable to LBNL and LLNL.
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OBJECTIVE #2 -- Physical Assets Planning
The Comprehensive Integrated Planning Process should reflect current and future Laboratory needs. (Weight = 10%)
| |||
| Comprehensive Integrated Planning Process The Laboratory develops, documents, and maintains a comprehensive integrated planning process that is aligned with DOE mission needs. (Weight = 10%)
| 2.1.a
| Effectiveness of Planning Process The planning process is executed to achieve maximum effectiveness in anticipating and articulating DOE and Laboratory needs. (Weight = 10%)
Assumptions: The Laboratory will work with DOE counterparts in a cooperative effort to continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the planning process
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PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE #3 -- Project Management
The Laboratory will complete construction projects within approved budgets and schedules. (Weight = 33%)
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| General Plant and Non-Capital Projects General plant projects and non-capital projects (GPP/NCP) greater than $500K and less than $2000K meet baselines. (Weight = 5%) | 3.1.a
| GPP/NCP Project Schedule Number of projects completed/total number of projects scheduled for completion. (Weight = 5%)
Assumptions: The intent is for timely execution of general plant and non-capital projects. Schedules adjusted for uncontrolled forces such as weather, strikes, etc. Beneficial occupancy is considered completion. Projects scheduled for completion will be made a matter of record in the first month of the fiscal year.
| 3.2
| Line Item Projects Line-Item projects (including any project over $2000K regardless of type of funds) meet baselines. (Weight = 28%)
| 3.2.a
| Line Item Total Estimated Cost (TEC).
Estimated cost at completion for all active projects/current baseline TEC for all active projects. (Weight = 10%)
Assumptions: Intent is to measure Laboratory performance in executing projects within the approved TEC.
| |||
| 3.2.b
| Line Item Project Schedule
Estimated schedule at completion of all active projects/current baseline schedule of all active projects. (Weight = 6%)
Assumptions: Intent is to measure Laboratory performance in executing projects in accordance with the approved overall schedule. Schedule measured in months and cumulative for all Line Item projects. Completion is defined as construction completion or beneficial occupancy as mutually agreed to between DOE and the Laboratory.
| |||
| 3.2.c
| Line Item Work Performed Number of milestones completed on schedule/number of milestones planned for completion. (Weight = 8%)
Assumptions: The intent is to measure actual progress against that planned for the fiscal year and for the Laboratory to commit and cost funds in a timely manner. A milestone list for all active projects will be made a matter of record in the first month of the fiscal year. Only significant milestones will be listed, but each active project will have at least one milestone per year.
| |||
| 3.2.d
| Line Item Closeouts Sum of number of months after KD-4 for projects closed out/total projects closed out multiplied by six. (Weight = 4%)
Assumptions: The intent is to transfer projects from work in progress to completed capital assets and to remove completed projects from the financial reporting system in a timely manner. The time period will be measured from receipt of notification of KD-4 from the Operations Office. Fractions of months are acceptable. Excludes projects in claims. A list of projects scheduled for closure will be determined and made a matter of record within the first month of the fiscal year. If no close-outs, weight allocated equally to other Line Items measures. Closure is defined as submittal of the Final Cost Report by the Laboratory.
| |||
| Design Service Effectiveness Manage the cost of design services for construction projects. (Weight = 0%)
| 3.3.a
| Design Service Cost Total actual cost of design services/total construction cost. (Weight = 0%)
Assumptions: Design costs will include all Title I and Title II design and engineering services for projects over $500K. Construction cost is the estimate at the end of design (100% Title II) or the actual cost, if known at the time of the self-assessment.
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OBJECTIVE #4 -- Maintenance
The Laboratory will maintain capital assets to ensure reliable operations in a safe and cost-effective manner. (Weight = 25%)
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| Maintenance Management
Maximize the development of the maintenance management program as defined within Appendix E of the UC-DOE contract. (Weight = 7%)
| 4.1.a
| Appendix E Milestones
Number of current year's Appendix E milestones accomplished/total number of current year's Appendix E milestones scheduled. (Weight = 7%)
Assumptions: UC will certify completion of milestones.
| |||
| Maintenance Backlog Control
Manage maintenance backlog to control growth. (Weight = 1%)
| 4.2.a
| Maintenance Backlog Amounts
Maintenance backlog amount minus unfunded backlog reduction projects/baseline maintenance backlog. (Weight = 1%)
Assumptions: Maintenance Backlog is defined as the amount of all maintenance and repair work not accomplished. Backlog does not include alterations/modifications necessary to bring a facility up to current code. The Maintenance Backlog will be defined by inspection, including all identified deficiencies, and normalized for percent of the site inspected. LBNL and LLNL baselines are those used for the FY94 POCMs. The LANL baseline is that used for the FY95 POCMs. As more facilities are inspected, the baseline should be adjusted to reflect better accuracy. Maintenance Backlog growth is to be adjusted for inflation. If a reduction is taken as a result of capital funded projects, only the portion that reduces maintenance backlog should be taken for credit. Backlog can also be reduced by closing, deactivating, or demolishing an entire facility and reducing the backlog amount by the portion associated with that facility. A reduction in backlog resulting from verification by the facility manager or others, does not change the backlog for this measure, but does adjust the baseline downward. Unfunded backlog reduction projects must be recognized at the highest Laboratory planning council.
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| Preventive Maintenance
Planned preventive maintenance is performed as scheduled. (Weight = 6%)
| 4.3.a
| Scheduled Maintenance Activities
The number of planned preventive maintenance activities overdue by 3 months or more/the total number of planned preventive maintenance activities. (Weight = 6%)
Assumptions: The plan for preventive maintenance will be made a matter of record during the first month of the fiscal year. LANL will track and trend approximately 10 performance indicators for preventive maintenance and report results.
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| RPIE/PPPE ORs Minimize the number of Occurrence Reports (ORs) resulting from failures of Real Property Installed Equipment (RPIE) and Personal Property and Programmatic Equipment (PPPE). (Weight = 5%)
| 4.4.a
| RPIE/PPPE Failure The number of final Occurrence Reports that are the result of equipment failure attributed to maintenance program deficiencies or performance of maintenance work/the total number of occurrences. (Weight = 5%)
Assumptions: Non-performance of scheduled maintenance is considered a maintenance program deficiency.
Gradient (LBNL & LLNL):
Gradient (LANL):
| |||
| Condition Assessment Real property and installed equipment capital assets will be surveyed for condition. (Weight = 6%)
| 4.5.a
| Condition Surveys Number of completed condition surveys/number of condition surveys planned. (Weight = 6%)
Assumptions: The intent is to survey all facilities within a 5-year cycle. Source of condition surveys may be CAS program or similar effort. Survey Plan will be made a matter of record within the first quarter of the fiscal year.
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OBJECTIVE #5 -- Utilities/Energy Conservation
The Laboratory will maintain a reliable utility system and conserve energy. (Weight = 15%)
| |||
| Reliable Utility Service
Maintain a reliable electrical service. (Weight = 5%)
| 5.1.a
| Customer Hour Outages
Total number of customer hours of electrical service less the number of customer hours of unplanned outages/total customer hours. (Weight = 5%)
Unplanned outages that are caused by occurrences outside the boundary of the Laboratory's utility system may be excluded. Definition of "Customer Hours" = "X" KVA at "Y" Kv which each Laboratory defines for its electrical system. A 12-month running average will be reported.
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| Energy Consumption
Manage energy usage. (Weight = 5%)
| 5.2.a
| Building Energy
The reduction in energy usage from FY85 levels in BTUs per gross square feet of building expressed as a percent of FY85 energy usage. (Weight = 5%)
Assumptions: Reduction for FY96 interpolated from the DOE goal of a 20% reduction from FY85 levels by FY2000.
| |||
| IHEM Retrofits and Studies In-House Energy Management (IHEM) retrofit and study projects meet baseline schedules. (Weight = 3%)
| 5.3.a
| IHEM Retrofit Schedules Summation of the cost of each project times months to complete/summation of the cost of each project times months approved. (Weight = 2%)
Assumptions: Excludes Low-Cost Retrofits and Energy Savings Performance Contracts. Start date is receipt of funds and authorization to proceed. Completion is defined as beneficial occupancy in FY96. Projects are pre-approved by DOE for 24 months unless otherwise agreed.
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| 5.3.b | IHEM Study Schedules Summation of the cost of each study times months to complete/summation cost of each study times months approved. (Weight = 1%)
| |
Assumptions: Excludes Low-Cost Studies. Start date is receipt of funds and authorization to proceed. Completion is defined as submission of Study Report to DOE in FY96. Studies are pre-approved by DOE for 12 months unless otherwise agreed. Gradient
| |||
| Energy Management Energy initiatives are managed consistent with a comprehensive energy management plan. (Weight = 2%) | 5.4.a
| Energy Goals Energy goals accomplished/goals scheduled to be accomplished in accordance with the plan. (Weight = 2%)
Assumptions: The energy management plan will be made a matter of record in the first month of the fiscal year. Areas to be addressed in the plan are: (1) building operation & maintenance, (2) central plant operations & maintenance, (3) construction/modification, (4) identification of energy and water conservation opportunities, (5) acquisition of equipment/products/supplies, (6) employee awareness, (7) real property leases, and (8) alternative fuels.
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OBJECTIVE #6 -- Customer Focus
The Laboratory will effectively communicate with customers regarding support needs. (Weight = 2%)
| |||
| Customer Focus Customer feedback on support needs and level of satisfaction with performance is solicited in a systematic manner. (Weight = 2%)
| 6.1.a
| Customer Contact Customer contact goals accomplished/goals planned for accomplishment. (Weight = 2%)
Assumptions: The plan for customer contact and feedback will be made a matter of record in the first month of the fiscal year. The plan will note sampling schemes and other methods to minimize documentation efforts.
Appendix F Table of Contents