This appendix contains the performance measures which are the components of the performance based management system that the University and DOE will utilize for Laboratory oversight as described in Article VI, Clause 6, of Contract No. DE-AC03-76SF00098. The DOE and the University agree that the performance measures will be clear and reasonable objective standards against which the University's overall compliance with obligations under the prime contract will be assessed.
The University and the DOE agree that the performance measures will be subject to annual review and may be modified by the agreement of the parties in accordance with the procedure for contract modification set forth in Article XV, Clause 2, of the prime contract.
Part B of this appendix contains a description of the process to be used by the University and the DOE to evaluate the administrative, scientific, and technical work of the Laboratory.
The parties agree that there is a significant likelihood that Laboratory business systems may need to be modified to collect the information needed to determine the level of performance against the measures in Appendix F. Business systems may also require modification as measures are revised in accordance with Article XV, Clause 2, "Performance Measure Review," of this contract. Where systems are so modified in the course of a review period, DOE agrees to take such modification into account when determining the Executive salary increase authorization multiplier. It is understood that UC/Laboratory management may request changes in Appendix F performance measures based on cost/risk/benefit analysis of discretionary institutional funding or other reasons.