Workshop on Muon Colliders

A 2+2 TeV mu-mu Collider

Ring Schematic

May 17-20, 1997, Rosario Resort, Orcus Island, WA

Online 'Intent of Participation' form

Joy Kono,Workshop Administrator
E. O. Lawrence Berkeley National Labortory
1 Cyclotron Road, MS 71-259
Berkeley, CA 94720
Tele: (510) 486-6375
Fax: (510) 486-7981
Juan Gallardo (BNL)
Robert Noble (FNAL)
Robert Palmer (BNL)
Andrew Sessler (LBNL)
Alvin Tollestrup (FNAL)
Jonathan Wurtele (LBNL)

December 20, 1996

Dear Colleague,

May I draw your attention to a Workshop on Muon Colliders to be held immediately following the PAC Meeting, on Orcas Island, Washington, one of the San Juan Islands on Puget Sound (a pleasant drive and ferry ride from Vancouver). The workshop will run from Saturday-Tuesday morning, May 17-20, 1997.
The first day will be mostly plenary talks with the remaining two days breaking into working group sessions. The plenary talks will focus on a point design of a 2 TeV x 2 TeV muon collider complex and the critical issues on which such a design depends. This design is not optimized for performance, and certainly not for cost, but it does suffice, we believe, to show that a muon collider is worthy of serious examination as a possibility for particle physics. The complex consists of a number of components which first produce pions, and as a result muons, then capture muons, cool the muons, accelerate the muons and, finally, collide the muons. All three aspects ­ production, cooling and final collision (ring and detector) ­ have technical feasibility questions in a few key areas which will be discussed, along with the required R&D, in the working groups. Summary reports and discussion will be on Tuesday morning.

Accommodations on Orcas Island limit attendance. Please fill out the online 'Intent of Participation.' Participants will be notified of their acceptance by March 1, 1997. Information will be sent to those individuals chosen to participate. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Rosario Resort from Friday, May 16, to Tuesday, May 20, 1997.

Much information on the muon collider can be found on the World Wide Web at:


Jonathan Wurtele, Workshop Chair

Online 'Intent of Participation' form


Supported by the DoE