Homestake mine in Lead, SD


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Fall Workshop on DUSEL SCIENCE and Development of the MREFC

THE DEDC (DUSEL Experiment Development and Coordination) committee is organizing a fall workshop for DUSEL science. The need for the meeting is based on the imminent announcement of the S4 awards, the recent access to 4850L, and the need to coordinate the experimental program for the MREFC. The three and one half days meeting will span September 30 to October 3 2009 in Lead, SD. The meeting will be universally open to all those scientists who would be interested in proposing underground experiments. The purpose is to focus on the upcoming science program at DUSEL. In particular:

  1. Foster, develop and expand the proposed experimental programs at DUSEL.
  2. Hear status updates from the agencies, the facility, and from the large cavern activities.
  3. Understand the timeframe needed for deliverables for the MREFC and what those deliverables will be.
  4. Allow S4 awardees and other scientists who have not previously been involved with DUSEL, but who would like to propose experiments the opportunity meet.
  5. Search for commonalities that may influence the infrastructure design of DUSEL.
  6. Allow proponents of experiments the opportunity to meet the staff responsible for designing the facility in order to discuss the requirements for their experiment.
  7. Explore E&O interactions.
  8. Explore locations for specific experiments utilizing the Vulcan database and go underground to site these experiments and to inspect the facility.
  9. Interact with the facility to further the relationship between the facility design team and the experimental collaborations.

Please mark your calendar and also suggest topics for inclusion that would help in the successful development of the MREFC.

DEDC and the facility PIs