September 23, 2003
Berkeley Lab Science Beat
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 Building Better Bones

The next generation of artificial hips and shoulders will incorporate the latest in nanotechnology with implants that repair themselves, adapt to changing conditions, and mesh with surrounding tissue -- in other words, behave like real bones -- unlike today's metal implants, which trigger immune reactions and need frequent replacement.

A Ribosomal Defense Mechanism

In some strains of common E. coli bacteria the ribosomes that crank out proteins can't be disabled by antibiotics. Now scientists have compared the differences between ribosome structures in ordinary E. coli germs with those resistant to streptomycin, shedding light on the mechanisms of protein synthesis.

Tracking the Wild Quasiparticle

Experimenters have added a clever twist to a familiar laser-optics technique to follow the motions and lifetimes of the strange entities called antinodal quasiparticles in two high-temperature superconductors. These hard-to-measure phenomena turn out to be remarkably long-lived.
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Discovery of a link between a tumor-suppressing protein and the structures that regulate cell mortality suggests a possible new way to treat breast cancer.

By learning the structure of a protein that prevents neurons from repairing themselves, researchers are inching closer to a cure for spinal cord injuries.

Recipe for neutrino mixing: add a pinch of salt.

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