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August 27, 2004
Slipping the Knots in DNA Fiber

Condensins are proteins that help fold coils of DNA into chromosomes. By stretching a single molecule of condensed DNA until bonds among attached condensin molecules began snapping like slipknots pulled out of a rope, researchers learned how condensins do it and measured how strongly they are bound to DNA.
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ATLAS Outreach aims to explain this gigantic particle-physics experiment to "everyone from high-school students to government science ministers" with print materials, an interactive website, and a spectacular animated movie now in production.
DNA replicates at mind-boggling speed using a clamp and clamp loader, an extraordinary pair of proteins.
Online, up-to-the-minute information about electricity demand is now available in much of the country.
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How to Build a Biobot

Synthetic-biology researchers are creating a tool kit to build biobots, autonomous, special-purpose nanorobots the size of cells, with applications in medicine, national security, environmental protection, and many other fields. Too simple to replicate, biobots will be put together like Legos from a catalogue of biological and artificial parts.
Really Cool Colors on the Roof

Cool roofs keep buildings cooler and save energy and money by reflecting more of the sun's radiation. The coolest roofing is white, but homeowners like colors better, so researchers have come up with cool colors that reflect up to 40 percent more of the hottest light from the sun.