Date  July 5, 2001 Date
Berkeley Lab Science Beat
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Wrold Record Magnet

World Record Magnet With stronger dipole magnets, an accelerator can push particles to much higher energies around the same-sized circular beam path. Toward that end, scientists and engineers here have built a new magnet with a world record field-strength of 14.7 Tesla. The magnetic forces are enormous, about 3 million pounds, or more than the combined thrust of a dozen 747 planes. The magnet is 300,000 times as strong as the Earth's magnetic field.

Maganetoresistant Mystery

Colossal MagnetoresistanceModern computer read heads and storage devices have depended upon a phenomenon known as Giant Magnetoresistance since the late 1980s, but in 1993 an even more spectacular effect was discovered that can increase or decrease resistance to an electric current by several orders of magnitude. No one knows how or why it works, but scientists using the Advanced Light Source are beginning to close in on the secrets of "Colossal" Magnetoresistance.

Race for PEEM3 Microscope

Electron BendingWhen a beam of synchrotron x rays is focused on a sample, the material emits electrons. Photoemission electron microscopes (PEEMs) collect and focus these electrons, producing an image that not only gives a physical picture of the sample but can indicate what it's made of and how its atoms and molecules are organized. PEEM2 is a microscope able to resolve features separated by just billionths of a meter -- ten times better than the best optical microscopes. Because the structures of many complex materials are even smaller, two teams now are racing to build a third generation PEEM.


Nanowire Nanolaser

A laser too small to be seen even by an optical microscope has been created by researchers. Under an electron microscope, the arrays of "nanowire nanolasers" look like bristles of a brush, each bristle an individual laser about one thousandth the diameter of a human hair.

SNO: neutrinos have mass equal to all the visible stars in universe

NERSC has world's most powerful unclassified supercomputer

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