May 3, 1999

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Much of the mass of the Universe is missing, consisting of "dark matter" that science has not been able to detect.  An axion is a hypothetical elementary particle that may account for much of this dark matter.  Some 100 trillion are thought to be packed into every cubic centimeter of space in our galaxy. Scientists, however, have been unable to prove the axion exists. Now, a radio frequency amplifier based on a new type of Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) should make it possible to detect the elusive axion.

According to the California Air Resources Board, diesel exhaust accounts for approximately 24 percent of the particulate emissions from all fuel combustion sources statewide. There is an increasing concern about adverse public health impacts of diesel exhaust. Moreover, most of the diesel particulate emissions are very small in size and difficult to measure. Now, researcher Arlon Hunt has created an instrument up to the challenge of measuring and analyzing individual vehicle emissions as well as sampling air quality in the field.

Window and lighting systems in buildings are not operated as an integrated system. As a result, windows and skylights that bring natural light to the building’s interior rarely reduce a building’s energy use as much as they could. A six-year research effort here shows how natural lighting can reduce the total electricity and peak energy demand of commercial buildings occupied in the daytime by between 20 and 40 percent.


New NERSC supercomputer performs three trillion calculations per second

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Questions and answers about compact fluorescent lamps

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