March 29, 2002

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  Where does the anthrax go?

Only 10,000 anthrax spores are needed to spur a lethal case, and a single gram contains 100 billion of them. One letter to Senator Tom Daschle meant three months of fumigations for the Senate Office Building. How did the spores spread to the far corners of the building? Berkeley Lab researchers have constructed a model that zeros in on the answer.

natural selection in DNA

How many molecular changes does it take to turn a chimpanzee into a human being? While the answer is still uncertain, it may not be long in coming. Contrary to popular theory, researchers have found that Charles Darwin's evolutionary engine, the process of natural selection, operates on the molecular level as well as on individuals.

climate change comes to California

Increasing greenhouse gases could bring a warmer, wetter climate or a cooler, drier one. Either way, California stands to get drenched in the winter and parched in the summer, according to a new study by the California Water Resources Research and Applications Center and the National Weather Service.

The anaphase-
promoting complex (APC) of proteins breaks apart connections between daughter cells during cell division. Recent discoveries show that APC plays an unsuspected role in cancer.

A laser ultrasonic sensor that tests paper quality at up to 65 miles per hour could save the industry millions of dollars a year in energy costs.

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