November 16, 2001

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 small neutron generators

Neutrons can penetrate deeply to probe matter on the atomic scale. Berkeley Lab scientists have devised small but powerful neutron generators that can descend into a borehole, peer inside airport luggage, or perch on a laboratory bench — and they deliver as many useful neutrons as the largest sources now in use, at a fraction of the cost.

mighty molecular motors

Researchers in Berkeley Lab's Physical Biosciences Division have discovered the mechanism some viruses use to infect the cells of other organisms with their DNA. The mechanism involves one of the most powerful biomolecular motors ever observed: scaled up to human size, it would be powerful enough to lift six aircraft carriers.

a robot named RAGE

Despite its fearsome moniker, RAGE is a convivial sort of gadget, a remote-
controlled, rolling communications robot
built specifically to extend the reach of the group-
communication tool known as the Access Grid to people and events far from the Grid's fixed "nodes."

A new study finds that the potential impact of green power on fossil fuel consumption depends crucially on whether consumers have a choice in how their electricity is generated.

Old school ties helped DOE's Joint Genome Institute to a head start, sequencing the remarkable fugu fish's equally remarkable genome.

Advanced technology combined with solid construction already in place could yield a new source of synchrotron infrared radiation.

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