Quick Start Guide
Chapter 42: Drinking Water Safety

Program: Drinking Water Safety  
NEW 07/12
URL: http://www.lbl.gov/ehs/pub3000/CH42.html
Revision Record: http://www.lbl.gov/ehs/pub3000/Pub3000Changes.html

Who needs to know about these requirements?

The requirements of the Drinking Water Safety program apply to:

Whenever they:


If left unchecked, drinking-water systems can become contaminated beyond allowable levels. 
Contamination may:

What you need to do if you suspect drinking water contamination:

What you need to do if you are involved with a drinking-water system installation, modification, or repair:

Water systems must be isolated from the main water system and not put into service (excluding small jobs; see below) as potable water until the water is confirmed to be free of coliform bacteria. In all cases, the new water system must be thoroughly flushed (minimum of 10 minutes) before the system is released for service. See Work Process C, Disinfection of Water Systems, and Work Process D, Bacteria Testing.

Where to find out more:

Berkeley Lab ESH Manual, Drinking Water Safety

Whom to contact for help: