Quick Start Guide
Chapter 25: Machine Safeguarding—Shop and Machine Safety

NEW 07/10
URL: http://www.lbl.gov/ehs/pub3000/CH25.html
Revision Record: http://www.lbl.gov/ehs/pub3000/Pub3000Changes.html

Who needs to know about these requirements?

The requirements of Machine Safeguarding apply to:

Whenever they are:


Unguarded machinery and/or lack of proper Personal Protective Equipment when working with, near or on machinery may lead to:

What you need to know before performing work:

  1. Define work/protocols.
  2. The Machine Safeguarding—Shop and Machine Safety Program applies to all LBNL employees, subcontractors, vendors, and guests who work with or perform maintenance on machine tools, machine equipment, or power tools. This includes building system machinery and machinery used in the course of research.  

  3. Analyze hazards. Perform risk assessment.

  4. Develop controls.
  5. Follow applicable work rules:

Where to find out more:

Whom to contact for help: