LBL Research Review August 1994

QUALITY EDUCATION FOR MINORITIES, an organization based in Washington, D.C., invited representatives of The Bay Area Science and Technology Education Collaboration, (BASTEC), to speak at a national conference focusing on math and science education for students of color. Characterized as an exemplary program, BASTEC is a collaboration of the Oakland Unified School District with educational and research institutions, community organizations, national laboratories and businesses.

LBL's Eileen Engel coordinates the program, and LBL serves as lead laboratory. BASTEC's mission is to enable teachers to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics, science and technology for all students, with special emphasis on underrepresented populations including females, people of color and the disabled.

On a recent visit to the Laboratory, Department of Energy Secretary Hazel O'Leary spent a day visiting students and teachers in the Oakland schools to learn more about BASTEC programs.

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