Appendix F

Section A -- Performance Objectives

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE #1 -- Information Management Program

The Laboratory manages information as a corporate resource to improve the quality of its products, to add value to scientific programs and customer services, and as a tool to improve its work processes. Information will be made available rapidly and cost effectively and will be widely shared with the public, industrial partners and stakeholders, as appropriate. For purposes of this Performance Objective, the Òinformation management program" elements include ADP Management and Acquisitions, Records Management, Scientific and Technical Information,* Software Management, Telecommunications (Voice, Data, Video, Networking, PDS, TEMPEST, COMSEC, Radio Frequency Management), Printing and Reproduction, and Unclassified Computer Security. (Weight = 100%)

* The Information Management focus will be on the dissemination of Scientific and Technical Information.

1.1 Strategic and Tactical Planning

Information Management practices will be guided by programmatically coordinated strategic and tactical planning. (Weight = 30%)

1.1.a Planning Process Implementation

Implement an ongoing process of planning that is consistent with the Laboratory's strategic plan. (Weight = 30%)


Measurement deliverable -- narrative description of the Laboratory's process/system(s) for implementing strategic and tactical plans in support of the mission objectives in the Laboratory's institutional and/or strategic plans. The narrative should address both programmatic and operational/administrative support. The narrative should include the Laboratory's approach to cost management and continuous quality improvement principles in relationship to information management. The narrative description may be accomplished through reference to accessible work products or other existing Laboratory documentation. The measurement and evaluation of this area for FY96 will be based on the determination that a systematic approach is in place and deployed.


Meets Expectations:

Demonstrated approach that includes improvement strategies with goals and milestones. All Information Management elements listed in the Performance Objective should be addressed.

Exceeds and Far Exceeds factors to be considered:

  • effectiveness of any cost saving/avoidance/efficiency strategies attempted

  • successful implementation of quality improvement initiatives

1.2 Self-Assessment Program

Implement an internal self assessment program to evaluate the effectiveness of management and operational practices. (Weight = 30%)

1.2.a Self-Assessment Program Development

Implement an Information Management (IM) Self Assessment Program in accordance with the schedule developed in FY95. (Weight = 30%)


Measurement deliverable -- narrative description of the Information Management self assessment program. The description will include the schedule of activities developed by the Laboratory, any corrective actions which resulted from self assessments, and tables showing milestones completed vs. planned. All Information Management elements listed in the Performance Objective should be addressed. The measurement and evaluation of this area for FY96 will be based on the determination that a systematic approach is in place and deployed. The Laboratory and its DOE Operations Office will agree to develop guidelines for self assessment criteria to be used.


Meets Expectations:

A demonstrated approach containing a schedule for self assessment activities and any subsequent corrective action plans. (Note: See UC Manual rating guidelines, for information about rating factors for corrective action plans.)

Exceeds and Far Exceeds factors to be considered:

  • System for rescheduling missed milestones established

  • System for timely communication of changes to appropriate management implemented

  • Cost effective and/or innovative approaches to achieving the objectives of the self assessment program

  • Aggressive corrective action approaches (where needed)

  • Self-assessment results demonstrate the Laboratory is aware of any major compliance issues and that they are being effectively addressed.

1.3 Information Management Program

The information management program provides cost-effective quality products and services that meet customer requirements. (Weight = 40%)

1.3.a Customer Satisfaction Baseline

Establish a baseline level for customer satisfaction. (Weight = 10%)


Measurement deliverable - narrative description describing the information management program's establishment of a baseline for customer satisfaction. The description will include a definition of the customer base and a description of the methodologies used to determine the levels of customer satisfaction. All Information Management elements found in the Performance Objective should be addressed.


Meets Expectations:

A demonstrated approach to measuring and reacting to customer satisfaction levels.

Exceeds and Far Exceeds Factors to be considered:

  • cost effective and/or innovative approaches to measuring customer satisfaction

  • aggressive responses to information derived in determining customer satisfaction levels
1.3.b Evidence of Measurable Improvements

Provide evidence of measurable improvements, such as reduced operating costs or addedinformation management capabilities. (Weight = 30%)


Measurement deliverable -- narrative description of the information management program's activities which have resulted in measurable improvements in the provision of cost-effective, quality products that have met customer requirements.


Meets Expectations:

Demonstrated cost-effective, quality information management services and products.

Exceeds and Far Exceeds factors to be considered:

  • cost effective and/or innovative approaches to improving information management

  • implementation of new technologies in support of programmatic requirements

Appendix F Table of Contents
Appendixes Table of Contents
Contract 98 Table of Contents